Daily Joke: Man Moved to New Prison Cell Meets Old-Timer Who Tells Him about His Lavish Past
A man was sentenced to jail where he meets an older man who animatedly narrates the life he lived before he got locked up.
A young man is brought into Prison Cell 102, where he meets a long-time resident that looked like he had lived over a century.

A rear view of prison officer leading prisoner out of his cell. | Photo: Shutterstock
Puzzled, the new man stole peeks at the elder in amazement. The old-timer becomes aware and pipes up,
"Look at me. I'm old and worn out. You'd never believe that I used to live the life of Riley."
He continued,
"I wintered on the Riviera, had a boat, four fine cars, the most beautiful women, and I ate in all the best restaurants of France."
Surprised, the new man asked, "What happened?" The old man replied,
"Ah well, one day Riley reported his credit cards missing!"

A prisoner behind bars with hands cuffed | Photo: Getty Images
An outdoor party was at its liveliest when the host climbed a platform and called for attention as he made an announcement.
He then went on to introduce a game of swimming to the listening audience and shared that there was a small tweak to the game.
He said:
"To the first person who can swim from one end of my swimming pool to the other I will duly award them the sum of one million dollars, but there's a twist! As you can see, there's also three huge alligators and…"

A Crocodile in a swimming pool. | Photo: Shutterstock
Before the host could even finish his sentence, everyone hears a splash and horrified they all turn to look at the swimming pool, which was indeed filled with menacing alligators.
A man could be heard screaming and swimming frantically as he quickly raced to the other end of the pool in fear of the imminent danger.
When he makes it to the other end sage and in one piece, the crowd heaved a sigh of relief before they broke into a loud ovation for the man's bravery.

A photo of a man swimming with his face above water. | Photo: Shutterstock
Smiling, the host congratulates him and asks him what he will do with the money.
The guy replies:
"I don't care about the money. I just want the name of the *expletive* who pushed me in."

A millionaire holding bitcoin and dollar money. | Photo: Shutterstock
Read another funny joke here.
Source: Jokes of the Day, UpJoke.