An older woman looking over at a younger one | Source: Shutterstock
An older woman looking over at a younger one | Source: Shutterstock

I Knew My MIL Hated My Hair, but She Took It Further than I Could Ever Imagine

Claudine Varela
Apr 26, 2024
12:55 P.M.

Just when you think a simple family gathering couldn’t get any more interesting, this one takes a sharp turn. What happens when hair becomes more than just a topic of discussion? Let’s just say, things might get cut a little short. Here's a story about when “just another quiet family day” goes off-script in a big, memorable way.

Woman holding her hair as she looks surprised | Source: Midjourney

Woman holding her hair as she looks surprised | Source: Midjourney

You know how some people have that one thing that keeps them sane through the rollercoaster of life? For me, that’s always been my hair. Growing up, home life was like living in a reality TV show—never dull, often chaotic, and unpredictable as heck. My way of grabbing the reins? Going wild with my hair.

Woman with orange streaks on her hair | Source: Midjourney

Woman with orange streaks on her hair | Source: Midjourney


I treated it like my personal art project—dying it every color under the sun, chopping it off on a whim, and rocking styles that made my mom's eyes nearly pop out of her head. It was my form of silent rebellion, a way to shout, "Hey, I might not control much, but this hair? It’s all mine."

Like this one time in high school, I showed up with neon green streaks. My friends dubbed it the "alien invasion."

Young woman with neon green streaks on her hair | Source: Midjourney

Young woman with neon green streaks on her hair | Source: Midjourney

Then, during a particularly moody phase, I went full goth with jet-black hair and blunt bangs that covered half my face. And who could forget prom night? I rocked a bright red fauxhawk that definitely raised a few eyebrows.

Teen with a bright red fauxhawk hairstyle on prom night | Source: Midjourney

Teen with a bright red fauxhawk hairstyle on prom night | Source: Midjourney


But the pinnacle of my hair adventures was in 2011, after a really rough patch, I said, "Screw it," and went full-on with a crazy purple mohawk. It was out there, even for me, but man, did it feel liberating. It was like declaring to the world that I was still here, still fighting. That mohawk was my battle flag.

Woman fashioning a purple mohawk outdoors | Source: Midjourney

Woman fashioning a purple mohawk outdoors | Source: Midjourney

Since then, I’ve calmed down the hair experiments. Now, as a mom in my mid-thirties with three kids under five, I’ve let my hair grow out long—like, down-to-my-thighs long. It's no longer just about making a statement; it’s become a symbol of how far I’ve come.

From chaotic colors and cuts to one long, flowing mane, it tells the story of my journey from a girl who felt like she had no control, to a woman who’s learned to embrace the chaos of life, now with a bit more wisdom and a lot more patience.

Woman with very long hair walking outdoors | Source: Midjourney

Woman with very long hair walking outdoors | Source: Midjourney

But not everyone’s a fan of my epic mane. Exhibit A: my husband’s stepmother, Carol. Oh, Carol. Where do I even start? Every single time we visit, she's got something to say about my hair. And trust me, it’s never "Oh, how lovely!" More like, "What a waste," or "A mom shouldn't walk around with a rat's nest like that on her head." And let me tell you, the eye rolls are almost audible.

Last Thanksgiving? She asked if I was hiding spare utensils in there. At my youngest’s birthday party, she joked that my hair was the real piñata. And one Sunday dinner, she seriously suggested we could save on heating if we all just used a bit of my hair as insulation. Yep, she’s a real comedian.

A blonde older woman in a staring match with a dark-haired younger woman | Source: Midjourney

A blonde older woman in a staring match with a dark-haired younger woman | Source: Midjourney


It drives me absolutely nuts, but I’ve gotten pretty good at letting it roll off my back. Carol’s the type who thrives on drama, the kind of person who stirs the pot just to see what surfaces.

So, I bite my tongue, because why give her the satisfaction of riling me up? But believe me, every snide comment gets filed away in the 'reasons I opt for the wine over dessert' folder.

But then, last Sunday, everything changed.

Dark haired woman with a messy bun sitting on a couch | Source: Midjourney

Dark haired woman with a messy bun sitting on a couch | Source: Midjourney

We were over at my father-in-law’s place, just a regular family hangout. I was sitting on the couch, nursing the baby, while my husband, Dan, and his dad were watching a new TV show. It was chill, peaceful even—until it wasn’t.

Woman with her eyes closed holding a baby while seated on a couch with a man seated next to her dozing off | Source: Midjourney

Woman with her eyes closed holding a baby while seated on a couch with a man seated next to her dozing off | Source: Midjourney

Out of nowhere, I feel this sharp tug at my bun. Then that sound—snip. I spun around, and there’s Carol, scissors in hand, a big chunk of my hair with her, and my four-year-old laughing beside her, thinking it’s all some big game. Dan and his dad just stared at her, totally shocked.

Woman holds her hair, a shocked expression on her face | Source: Midjourney

Woman holds her hair, a shocked expression on her face | Source: Midjourney


I tried to keep it together, but man, it was hard. My daughter, seeing my face, started bawling, and then Carol, with tears in her eyes, blurts out, “It’s just a joke! It’ll grow back. I thought you’d laugh.” Seriously?

Dan lost it. He started yelling at her, asking if she was insane. The kids were crying, I was on the verge of tears, and Carol just kept repeating it was supposed to be funny.

We couldn’t stand it anymore. We just had to get out of there. As we were leaving, Dan threw out a comment about how his dad should probably divorce Carol since being married to an overgrown child must be illegal.

Woman holding a pair of scissors in the living room | Source: Midjourney

Woman holding a pair of scissors in the living room | Source: Midjourney

We drove around looking for any salon that was open. Luckily, my sister-in-law, Jess, got her stylist to come back to her salon just to help me out.


The stylist was a lifesaver. She managed to work with what was left of my hair and styled it into something presentable, but I went from hair down to my thighs to just skimming my shoulders. Seeing that much hair gone was just... it was a lot to take in.

When we got home, I had a few texts from Carol. Stuff like, “Sorry but don’t be a baby, hair grows back.” It just made things worse!

Woman getting a haircut in a salon | Source: Midjourney

Woman getting a haircut in a salon | Source: Midjourney

Dan was amazing, though. We talked a lot over the next few days. He was incredibly supportive, as was Jess. We decided to press charges against Carol.

It wasn’t about revenge; it was about standing up for myself. Jess started looking into hair extensions, trying to help me feel a bit more like myself again, though I wasn’t sure I was ready.


I spent a lot of time talking to my daughter too, explaining that even though Grandma might have thought it was a joke, what she did was not okay. It’s really important to respect other people’s bodies and belongings. She seemed to understand after a while and slowly started getting back to her cheerful self.

Woman having a serious talk with her young daughter | Source: Midjourney

Woman having a serious talk with her young daughter | Source: Midjourney

Things started to calm down at home, but it was still tense whenever Carol’s name came up. Every now and then, my father-in-law would call, trying to smooth things over. He kept saying maybe we all misunderstood, but some things you can’t just misunderstand. Trust, once it’s cut, isn’t something you can easily mend.

Older man on the phone | Source: Midjourney

Older man on the phone | Source: Midjourney


Adjusting to my new shorter hair, I found myself reflecting a lot on everything that happened. My hair had always been my shield, something that made me feel like me. Losing so much of it felt like losing a part of my identity.

But as I looked at myself in the mirror each morning, I started to see not just the loss but the strength that remained. I was more than my hair—I was a fighter, a survivor.

Woman staring at herself in the mirror | Source: Midjourney

Woman staring at herself in the mirror | Source: Midjourney

My friends and family really stepped up during this time. Through conversations with Jess, Dan, and some close friends who had heard about the incident, I realized I had a support network I hadn’t fully appreciated before.

They helped me understand that while my hair would eventually grow back, I had the opportunity to grow as a person right now.


Dan and I had a lot of tough talks, and with all the support from him and Jess, I decided to press charges against Carol. It wasn't about revenge; it was about respect and setting a precedent that you can't just violate someone's personal space and get away with it.

Woman with short hair in court | Source: Midjourney

Woman with short hair in court | Source: Midjourney

The day we went to court was really tough. Carol looked genuinely remorseful, maybe finally understanding the weight of her actions. The judge made it clear that what she did was assault, no matter her intentions. It felt like a small victory, not just for me, but for anyone who’s had their boundaries crossed like that.

After the court case, Jess's idea about getting hair extensions started to seem more and more appealing. It wasn't just about getting my long hair back—it was about reclaiming my identity on my own terms. Using some of the settlement money, I decided to go for it. It felt good to turn something so negative into a positive step forward.

Woman with long dark hair | Source: Midjourney

Woman with long dark hair | Source: Midjourney

Dan kept his distance from Carol after everything that had happened, and we both agreed that setting clear boundaries was crucial—not just for our own sake, but to show our kids the importance of respect and personal integrity.

Life’s slowly getting back to normal now. I’ve got my new extensions, and they really do make me feel more like myself. It’s been a journey, but here’s what I’ve learned: life throws curveballs, and how you handle them can teach you a lot about who you are.

Dan, the kids, and I, we’ve found new strength in each other. We laugh more, cherish the little moments, and understand now more than ever how important it is to respect each other and ourselves.

Woman smiling while a man and two young girls smile behind her | Source: Midjourney

Woman smiling while a man and two young girls smile behind her | Source: Midjourney

So yeah, it’s been quite the ride. But here’s the takeaway—if something breaks you, whether it’s as superficial as hair or as deep as trust, you’ve got the power to build yourself back up.

With the right people around you and a little bit of courage, you can turn even the worst situations into opportunities for growth. And trust me, with each day that passes, I’m not just growing my hair back—I’m growing stronger, too.

Did you enjoy this story? Here’s another tale about a mother-in-law from hell that will make you grateful yours isn’t.

My MIL Gave Me Homemade Potion for Skin & Hair on My Birthday - My Heart Dropped When I Found Out the Truth about It


Hey everyone, Anna here. Just wanted to share a bit about my latest birthday experience, which was... let's just say, memorable. I've been married to Mike for a good few years now, and while everything's pretty great between us, things with his mom, Linda, can get a bit tricky. She's the kind of person who likes to make her presence felt, if you know what I mean.

Happy couple | Source: Pexels

Happy couple | Source: Pexels

So, on my birthday, amidst the small garden party we threw, Linda handed me her gift—a set of homemade shampoo and shower gel. Wrapped in this quaint, rustic packaging, it was definitely her style.

I managed a smile and thanked her, though homemade beauty products really aren't my thing. There was this odd insistence from Mike afterward, asking repeatedly if I'd used them yet. I didn’t think much of it at first, but I guess that was just the beginning of a very strange turn of events. Little did I know what this gift would lead to...

Linda's gift | Source: Midjourney

Linda's gift | Source: Midjourney

For days, those bottles just sat on my bathroom shelf, pretty as they were with their rustic labels and all. I just couldn't bring myself to use them. Not my usual stuff, and honestly, there was something about them that didn’t sit right with me.

The eerie bottle | Source: Midjourney

The eerie bottle | Source: Midjourney


But Mike, bless him, he just wouldn’t let it go. Every other day, he'd ask, "Have you tried my mom’s shampoo yet? She made it just for you." I couldn't understand why he was so persistent about this. His nagging was unusual and it started to strain things between us. It felt like more than just a nudge to use a birthday gift; it felt like there was something he wasn’t telling me.

Man sits on a chair | Source: Pexels

Man sits on a chair | Source: Pexels

Then, two days ago, something happened that I still can't quite shake off. Mike had left his phone in the bathroom while he was showering. Normally, I respect privacy, but it started ringing off the hook, vibrating loudly on the countertop.

Concerned it might be something urgent, I glanced at the caller ID—Linda, calling multiple times. Then, a message popped up on the screen. It was from her, and though I know I shouldn’t have, I read it.

Discover what message Mike's mother sent and see just how twisted this story gets here.

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