A man gifting a present to a woman | Source: Shutterstock
A man gifting a present to a woman | Source: Shutterstock

My Husband Gave Me a Gift I Specifically Said I Didn't Want – I Gave Him a Taste of His Own Medicine

Junie Sihlangu
May 06, 2024
12:15 P.M.

Even after years of marriage, my husband was still quite stubborn about gifting me the things I wanted compared to what HE thought was best. In my story, I reveal how I managed to cunningly get him to understand the difference. Today, we are finally on the same page.

An upset woman looking at something in a box | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman looking at something in a box | Source: Getty Images

It's been nearly three years since Mark and I tied the knot. We've got a good life, and I'm grateful for him. He's thoughtful, especially when it comes to gifts on special days. My husband always gets me something for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and birthdays.

Yet, there's a tiny hitch. Despite his best intentions, he often misses the mark with his presents. He often leaves me feeling terrible for not liking them. A few months back, we chatted about a smartphone I've been eyeing.

A couple talking with a woman showing a man something on her phone | Source: Shutterstock

A couple talking with a woman showing a man something on her phone | Source: Shutterstock


It was ahead of my birthday when I mentioned upgrading my iPhone. I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max and love it mainly for its size. I explained to him, "The bigger screen works best because I can watch all my TV shows and YouTube videos on it."

For me, I find it very handy as I'm always on the move at home, doing chores and such. So, I had my eyes set on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. But, my husband was still unsatisfied with my answer and would ask:

"Why the Pro Max? Isn’t the smaller iPhone 15 Pro good enough?"

An unboxed iPhone 15 Pro Max | Source: Pexels

An unboxed iPhone 15 Pro Max | Source: Pexels

"I prefer the larger screen," I explained, hoping he’d drop it and allow me to want what I wanted. "It's just more practical for how I use it." Fast forward to my birthday last weekend. We had a blast—a BBQ with family, laughs, and good food.


As we wound down, everyone started presenting me with various gifts. I got things like handbags to clothing items, while others opted for things for the house. Mark was the last person to present me with a gift which was nicely wrapped.

A happy woman receiving a gift from a man | Source: Getty Images

A happy woman receiving a gift from a man | Source: Getty Images

When I opened it and saw inside a brand-new iPhone 15 Pro—not the Max, I was thrilled. It was clear he tried to get me what I wanted despite missing the mark again. I hugged him, appreciative of his effort. "Thanks, babe, I appreciate it!"

But, later at home, his question caught me off guard. "Do you like your gift?"

"Of course," I replied, masking my slight disappointment.

An upset woman looking at something in a box | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman looking at something in a box | Source: Getty Images


He sighed. "I know you wanted the bigger one and were looking to buy it. But at the store, the smaller one seemed more practical," he confessed. "It felt better in MY hand when I held both models for comparison."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and he didn't seem to notice my displeasure because he continued. "The salesman also mentioned how wives who have the Pro Max are likelier to keep it rather than switch to something smaller as time goes by."

An upset woman contemplating something | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman contemplating something | Source: Getty Images

It was all I could do to keep my mouth from gaping open as I listened to his reasoning. "I still don't understand why you wanted the bigger version. That's why I bought the smaller one that made better sense to ME."

There was a moment of awkward silence. I forced a smile and excused myself, feeling a mix of irritation and disbelief. I needed some seclusion and time to mull over what I heard so I went to take a shower.

A woman washing her hair in the shower | Source: Pexels

A woman washing her hair in the shower | Source: Pexels

I couldn't believe that he'd chosen my gift based on what suited him, not me. This revelation soured the gift completely, and truth be told, I stuck with my old phone. My original phone still worked well and served all my needs well.

Mark sensed my dissatisfaction and decided to confront me. "You don't like the gift I got you, do you, Susan?" he asked one night. "Honestly, I didn't mind it and was happy with it until you explained that you got it because YOU thought it was best."

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images


We ended up getting into a fight with him calling me ungrateful, which only widened the gap between us. Things were a bit tense between us because I still refused to use the new phone. But we tried to keep things civil and decent between us.

When his birthday rolled around, he had been hinting about wanting a PlayStation 5 (PS5). Remembering my birthday, I decided it was time he experienced his own medicine. Instead of the PS5, I bought him a PS4.

A PlayStation 4 console | Source: Pexels

A PlayStation 4 console | Source: Pexels

When his special day came around and he opened his gift, he didn't look too pleased. Unlike him, I didn't wait until later to explain why I hadn't gotten him the present he actually wanted. I did it then and there, saying:

"I got the PS4 because I thought it matched our living room better since it was smaller and could easily fit under our TV."

An upset man standing against a wall | Source: Pexels

An upset man standing against a wall | Source: Pexels

At first, Mark was visibly disappointed. But he tried to mask it with a strained smile so our guests wouldn't pick up that something was wrong. Yet, as he set it up in the living room the following day, the irony of the situation wasn't lost on him.

"Seriously? A PS4? But it's not what I wanted…" Mark muttered, fiddling with the console.

"I thought it would FIT better, you know, physically and aesthetically. It's practical," I echoed his earlier words, watching him.

A woman making a point with her arms folded | Source: Freepik

A woman making a point with her arms folded | Source: Freepik


He paused, the realization dawning on him. "This is about my phone gift, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," I admitted. "How does it feel to receive something you didn't ask for?"

Mark looked at me, the frustration softening as understanding took its place. "I... I didn't think about it like that. I'm sorry."

A man apologizing to a woman | Source: Freepik

A man apologizing to a woman | Source: Freepik

Later that evening, we sat down and finally talked. "I didn't realize how it felt to receive something you didn't ask for until today," he admitted.

"I hope you know I wasn't trying to hurt you. I wanted you to understand how I felt," I said, hoping this would be a learning moment for both of us. "I get it now, babe, and I am sorry for always making your gifts about my wants and understanding," he apologized.

A happy couple embracing | Source: Getty Images

A happy couple embracing | Source: Getty Images

He even vowed to do much better in the future to make me happy and fulfill my wishes, and I promised the same. We decided to return both gifts the next day, opting instead to buy what we each wanted!

This hiccup in our gift-giving saga gave us a deeper appreciation for communicating and respecting each other's preferences. In the end, Mark got his PS5, and I received my iPhone 15 Pro Max. We learned that sometimes, the best gift we can give is LISTENING to what the other person genuinely wants.

A happy couple sitting with gift boxes | Source: Pexels

A happy couple sitting with gift boxes | Source: Pexels


While Susan and her husband's issue was handled by her showing him how it wasn't pleasant to receive something you didn't want, the story below is a bit different. In it, Tom's daughter disrespects her stepmother by gifting her an item that gets her punished severely!

I Was Furious at My Daughter's Birthday Gift to My Wife – Was My Punishment Justified?

Oh boy, where do I even start? I’m Tom, and let me tell you about a day that really tested my limits as a dad and a husband. My wife Mia, the sweetest soul you could meet, was celebrating her 42nd birthday. Everything seemed perfect, filled with laughs and good times, but little did I know, a storm was brewing with my teenage daughter, Harper.

A teenage girl with an attitude | Source: Getty Images

A teenage girl with an attitude | Source: Getty Images


Now, Harper has always been a bit of a challenge, taking after her mom's less-than-charming traits. On this particular day, she decided to join in on Mia's birthday celebration, and we thought, "Why not? Maybe it'll be good for them." Big mistake.

After a lovely dinner, I noticed Mia looked upset. When I finally got her to talk, she showed me Harper’s birthday gift to her—a bra. Now, here's why that hit hard: my wife battled breast cancer and lost both her breasts to the disease.

A woman wiping away tears | Source: Getty Images

A woman wiping away tears | Source: Getty Images

That "gift" wasn't just in poor taste; it was a cruel reminder of her painful past! Furious, I confronted Harper. Her response? "It's just a joke, Dad." That’s when I lost it! I told her she could forget about the car she was hoping to get for her 18th birthday unless she apologized to Mia!


Harper flipped out, screamed about favoritism, and stormed off to her mom's. The whole night was a disaster! Mia thought I was too harsh, and Harper’s mom chewed me out over the phone.

An upset woman shouting at someone through headphones | Source: Freepik

An upset woman shouting at someone through headphones | Source: Freepik

Now, I'm left wondering: Did I go too far? Or was I right to stand up for Mia? I mean, it’s not just about a gift, it’s about respect, right? What do you all think? Did I handle this the right way, or should I have cooled down before making any decisions?

A man contemplating something | Source: Getty Images

A man contemplating something | Source: Getty Images


This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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