A safe box | Source: Flickr
A safe box | Source: Flickr

My Fiancé Secretly Spent Our Entire Wedding Fund — I Fainted When I Found Out What He Did with the Money

Bettina Dizon
May 15, 2024
04:14 A.M.

Jack had always tried to be the best version of himself with me. When he asked me to marry him, he made me feel like I was the luckiest person in the world. Soon, our marriage became our main priority. But within a few months, he easily made me question spending a lifetime with him.

An angry bride | Source: Getty Images

An angry bride | Source: Getty Images

I’ve known my fiancé Jack for eight years now, and never did I think he would break my trust. However, he easily did so by using our savings without telling me. It was a discovery that shook me to my core.

Dollar bills wrapped in a red ribbon | Source: Getty Images

Dollar bills wrapped in a red ribbon | Source: Getty Images


I'm Francine, a 29-year-old self-proclaimed hopeless romantic. However, meeting my soulmate made me believe in romance and that it was meant for me.

A couple by the beach | Source: Pexels

A couple by the beach | Source: Pexels

My fiancé Jack proposed to me nine months ago. We've been together since university, so I was over the moon to be finally marrying him. Shortly after the proposal, we started this wedding fund, both of us tossing in $1,000 each month.

A couple newly engaged | Source: Getty Images

A couple newly engaged | Source: Getty Images


I was cutting back like crazy—no restaurants, no trips, barely any new clothes—just to save up for our big day. We both had the same wedding vision in mind and boy was it expensive. Jack knew I wanted my wedding to be like the movies, and as months passed, I knew it would materialize.

A woman dreaming of her wedding | Source: Pexels

A woman dreaming of her wedding | Source: Pexels

I was so happy that we saved up more than what we originally planned. Much thanks to the big bonus I recently received. So, a couple of days back, I decided to look at our safe. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing that made me want to check and be happy.

A safe with money | Source: Getty Images

A safe with money | Source: Getty Images


I thought I'd just peek at our stash to check how much we saved and feel giddy. But what I found just shattered me. I open it, and my heart just stops—nothing, the safe is totally empty!

An empty safe | Source: Getty Images

An empty safe | Source: Getty Images

When Jack got home from the store, I was right there waiting. I asked him about the money, and you won't believe what he said.

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images


He made my jaw drop as he arrogantly told me that he had used the entire wedding fund—not for an emergency, not for a family crisis, but to fund an extravagant bachelor party in Las Vegas. He told me with a sheepish look that what was meant to be a small getaway turned into a wild spree involving luxury suites, high-stakes gambling, and more.

A man gambling | Source: Pexels

A man gambling | Source: Pexels

"I'm so sorry Franny. I got carried away during the party and didn't realize I had spent everything before my eyes," he said. "I thought I could win the big prize and even give you a better wedding than we've dreamed When things didn't go as planned, I was devastated. I thought I could replace the money before you even noticed."

A devastated man | Source: Pexels

A devastated man | Source: Pexels


Then he said something that I could not bear. Because of the outrage that I was full of, I fainted when I found out what he did with what was left of the money. He said:

“I bought a comic book you dreamed of so that you don’t get upset. Hope it’ll work for you.”

A dizzy woman | Source: Getty Images

A dizzy woman | Source: Getty Images

I was beyond devastated. This betrayal wasn't just about the money; it was about trust, about prioritizing our life together. It was clear that Jack didn’t share those priorities.

A sad woman with her partner | Source: Shutterstock

A sad woman with her partner | Source: Shutterstock


My initial shock turned into rage, and then, a cold, calculating resolve. If Jack could play games with our future, then I could certainly teach him the stakes were higher than he imagined.

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images

Instead of exploding in anger, I quietly planned my next steps. First, I gathered evidence of his spending, obtaining receipts and statements from the credit card he'd used. Then, I contacted a lawyer to discuss my options, given that the funds were joint and meant for a specific purpose—our wedding.

A man begging his wife | Source: Getty Images

A man begging his wife | Source: Getty Images


With all my evidence lined up, I planned a small "reveal party" with our closest friends and family. It was under the guise of announcing a new wedding date.

Party setup | Source: Pexels

Party setup | Source: Pexels

Everyone gathered, excited and clueless about the real drama. As everyone sipped their champagne, I started a slideshow, supposedly of our wedding preparations. Slide by slide, the truth came out: images of receipts, the totals highlighted, each lavish expense detailed—all ending with a photo of Jack living it up in Vegas.

An outdoor house gathering | Source: Pexels

An outdoor house gathering | Source: Pexels


The room went silent. The look on Jack's face was one of utter shock—he had no idea I knew the full extent of his betrayal. I turned to him and calmly said:

"Jack, since you’ve already had your party on our dime, I think it’s only fair you handle the wedding expenses alone."

Turning to our guests, I added, "The wedding is off, but consider this my farewell party. Thank you all for coming."

Shocked man | Source: Getty Images

Shocked man | Source: Getty Images

But my revenge didn’t stop there. I had made sure to protect my finances. The money he had gambled away was paid back into a separate account I had opened in my name only, thanks to a prenuptial agreement he had signed, which included financial infidelity clauses. He was left to deal with the massive debts he incurred, while I walked away financially intact.

A happy woman | Source: Pexels

A happy woman | Source: Pexels

The story of how I turned a potential personal disaster into a masterclass in handling betrayal spread among our circles, turning into a legendary tale of empowerment and cunning. It wasn't just a breakup; it was a lesson that actions have consequences, and I made sure Jack learned his the hard way.

If you enjoyed this story about a woman being forced to get pregnant soon after marriage. Little did she know there was a reason behind her husband's force.

My Husband Insisted I Get Pregnant the Day after Our Wedding — My Heart Dropped When I Discovered His Real ReasonWhen I was a child, my grandmother always told me that life is full of surprises and that not every surprise is pleasant.


"Never forget the good days, and never let the bad days get you down, Liz," she used to say.

A little girl with her grandmother | Source: Pexels

A little girl with her grandmother | Source: Pexels

I guess she wanted to prepare her little Elizabeth for the bitter moments of life, but I'm sure she had no idea that the worst day of my life would change my reality forever.

I can never forget the moment I found out what my husband, Jake, was planning behind my back. I met him at my new workplace, and we instantly became good friends.

We had only been dating for six months when we decided to get married because our connection was intense—or so I thought.

A bride and groom sitting by a lake | Source: Unsplash

A bride and groom sitting by a lake | Source: Unsplash


A day after our beautiful wedding, Jake brought up the idea of starting a family immediately. "Liz, I think we should start trying for a baby right away," he said with a kind of urgency that surprised me.

I thought, "Okay, maybe he's just super excited about starting our new life together."

"Are you sure? We just got married," I responded, trying to gauge his thoughts.

A couple talking | Source: Pexels

A couple talking | Source: Pexels

"Yes, absolutely," he insisted. "There's no better time than now. It's the perfect way to begin our journey together."

His words were filled with enthusiasm. However, something in his tone made me feel uneasy.


Despite my mixed emotions—confused yet flattered by his eagerness—I smiled and nodded, unaware of the real reason why he was so eager.

Close-up of a smiling woman | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a smiling woman | Source: Pexels

One afternoon, I was clearing the living room when Jake's laptop chimed with a reminder. He was in the shower, so the persistent ping drew my attention.

I swear I wasn't snooping. I saw the screen light up with a message preview that read, "Is she pregnant yet?"

I was shocked. It was from his ex-girlfriend, Claire.

My stomach turned as a chilling conversation unfolded in the email thread.

"Remember our deal, Jake. You need to get her pregnant within a year. If you don't, you won't be able to secure your inheritance," Claire wrote in her email.


"Don’t worry, I'm on it. Everything is going according to plan," my husband replied.

A shocked woman staring at a laptop screen | Source: Pexels

A shocked woman staring at a laptop screen | Source: Pexels

My heart pounded as I read their conversation. They discussed a cold, calculated strategy where Jake would marry me and then ensure an heir to claim a substantial inheritance from a distant relative.

To secure the inheritance, Jake needed to have a child within a year after his wedding. Besides, he was using me because his ex-girlfriend was infertile.

After getting his share, Jake planned to divorce me and spend his life with Claire.

"How could you?" I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Close-up of a crying woman | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a crying woman | Source: Pexels

Shaken by the discovery, I knew I couldn't confront Jake without solid evidence. Over the next few days, I acted normal while secretly gathering all the proof I could.

Whenever Jake left his laptop unattended, I transferred copies of the emails to a USB drive. I also started recording his conversations on the phone with Claire.

I knew he talked to her whenever I went out.

A man talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A man talking on the phone | Source: Pexels


One evening, while pretending to leave the house, I hid in our garage and recorded him talking to Claire on the phone, confirming their scheme.

"I just need a bit more time, Claire. Trust me, everything's on track," I heard him say, his voice low and urgent.

With the evidence secured, I consulted a lawyer.

A lawyer | Source: Pexels

A lawyer | Source: Pexels

"This is a serious matter, Elizabeth. We'll need to handle this carefully to ensure you're protected legally and financially," he advised.

We strategized not only how to confront Jake but also how to expose his deceit in such a way that he couldn't manipulate the situation.


The lawyer assured me that the evidence was compelling, and legally, Jake would be at a disadvantage once everything came to light.

We planned every step meticulously, preparing for the eventual showdown.

A lawyer looking at his laptop screen | Source: Pexels

A lawyer looking at his laptop screen | Source: Pexels

Jake's family held a grand gathering every year, and it was a few weeks away. I planned to reveal his truth there.

It was the perfect opportunity because all his distant relatives, including the ones whose inheritance he was eyeing, would attend it.

In the following weeks, I pretended to be a loving wife who wanted to have a child with him. Meanwhile, I felt nervous as the day of the grand event approached.


On the event day, I stood up to make a toast after dinner.

People having dinner | Source: Unsplash

People having dinner | Source: Unsplash

"I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome into this wonderful family," I began, my voice steady. "And to my dear husband, who has taught me so much about trust and love, I have a special surprise!"

With all eyes on me, I turned on the projector. The emails between Jake and Claire appeared on the screen, each word damning.

I then played the recordings of Jake's phone conversations.

A person holding a phone | Source: Unsplash

A person holding a phone | Source: Unsplash


The room fell into stunned silence. Then, Jake's grandmother stood up, her face flushed with anger.

"You are a disgrace," she said firmly, her voice echoing in the room. "You will not receive a penny of anyone's wealth!"

Claire, who I had invited as a friend's plus one, stood up, her face pale. She slapped Jake across the face.

"I don't want to see your face again!" she yelled and left.

A woman yelling at a man | Source: Pexels

A woman yelling at a man | Source: Pexels

As whispers filled the room, I looked at Jake, his face drained of color.

"And one last thing," I added, my voice clear and strong. "I never intended to be pregnant so soon. I've been on birth control since discovering the truth."


That evening, Jake's plan was completely shattered, leaving him with nothing. His fraud had also invalidated our prenup.

Meanwhile, I walked out of the estate with my integrity intact and my future ahead of me.

Close-up of a woman's black heels | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a woman's black heels | Source: Pexels

What would you have done?

If you enjoyed reading this story, here's another one for you.

I Caught My Husband with His Mistress in a Hotel — This Is a Romantic Trip They Will Never Forget

When Eliza's 10th wedding anniversary comes around, she hopes that Tom will take her away for a romantic getaway. But when he forgets about their anniversary and needs to work, she turns it into a girls' weekend, only for her to see that Tom's business trip is a rendezvous with his mistress.


Ever since Tom first described the seaside charm of Bellport, I'd pictured us having a romantic week away there, walking hand in hand, retracing his cherished memories of the time he lived there.

A seaside town | Source: Pexels

A seaside town | Source: Pexels

Since we had gotten married, my husband had painted such vivid pictures of Bellport that it seemed woven into our marriage vows.

"It's the most beautiful place, Eliza," he would say, sipping his tea while paging through a newspaper.

Year after year, he promised that we would go, but life always seemed to get in the way—work obligations, family matters, and an endless parade of excuses.

A smiling bride and groom | Source: Pexels

A smiling bride and groom | Source: Pexels


"I'm sorry, Darling," he would say. "It's just that something came up at the office, and I have to attend to it."

But then, when Tom forgot our 10th wedding anniversary, something inside me snapped.

"I have to leave town for the week," he said while shaving. "It's for work. We're prospecting new clients."

A man shaving in a mirror | Source: Unsplash

A man shaving in a mirror | Source: Unsplash

I had hoped that Tom would have told me to pack my bags and get ready to celebrate our romantic milestone—yet, it slipped his mind entirely.

Enough was enough.

I wasn't about to be a footnote in my own love story.


So, I called my best friend, Jenny.

A woman on her phone | Source: Unsplash

A woman on her phone | Source: Unsplash

"We're going away for my wedding anniversary!" I said as she answered the call.

"What?" she asked, surprised by my words, I could hear her slurping on her usual smoothie.

"Tom would hate that!"

I explained to her that Tom had to be on a business trip and that I was tired of being alone.

A person holding a smoothie | Source: Unsplash

A person holding a smoothie | Source: Unsplash


"Pack your bags, Jen," I told her.

I went straight to my closet and began to pack my bags. I needed this. I needed a moment to myself. I got onto my laptop and booked a hotel. This weekend was going to be a weekend to heal, laugh, and forget the sting of neglect.

An open closet | Source: Unsplash

An open closet | Source: Unsplash

The hotel Tom had often raved about was our first stop.

As we stepped into the lobby—a place he described right down to the gilded frames on the walls—my heart raced with anticipation and a twinge of sadness.

I was happy to be here with my best friend, sure. But being with Tom would have made it so much better, with memories that would have lasted a lifetime.

A fancy hotel lobby | Source: Unsplash

A fancy hotel lobby | Source: Unsplash

"Let's check-in and leave our bags," Jenny said. "And then get some fish and chips from that place you've been talking about for the past hour."

And then I heard it.

Tom's laugh.

A smiling man | Source: Unsplash

A smiling man | Source: Unsplash


Want to know what happens next? Read the full story here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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