A woman reacting in shock to something on a phone | Source: Shutterstock
A woman reacting in shock to something on a phone | Source: Shutterstock

My Husband Was Mocking My Underwear in a Group Chat with His Friends – He Soon Regretted It

Junie Sihlangu
May 16, 2024
12:05 P.M.

I saw something I shouldn't have seen on my husband's phone that made me feel hurt and distant toward him. Luckily for us and our marriage, there was someone close to us who was able to mediate most cleverly. Now my husband sees his mistake and is atoning.

A shocked woman looking at something on a phone | Source: Pexels

A shocked woman looking at something on a phone | Source: Pexels

Tom and I, Anna, had been pinching pennies for months like crazy. This was all because my husband had his heart set on this sleek new sports car he'd been eyeing. Money was quite tight, so I had to put all my personal desires on the back burner.

That included holding back on refreshing my wardrobe. It meant I couldn't even update my makeup and underwear collection. We were in FULL savings mode, and even small splurges were out of the question.

Someone making calculations while trying to save money | Source: Pexels

Someone making calculations while trying to save money | Source: Pexels


One evening two days ago, I was busy tidying up the living room when I noticed Tom's phone needed charging. As I picked it up, right at that moment, it lit up with a notification. I usually respect his privacy, but the screen flashed a preview of a photo pop-up that caught my eye.

On closer inspection of the image, I realized it was my own underwear drawer! Overcome by curiosity, I unlocked his phone to take a peek. I found myself scrolling through a group chat filled with his closest friends.

An upset woman reacting badly to something on a phone | Source: Freepik

An upset woman reacting badly to something on a phone | Source: Freepik

There, alongside a photo of my plain, utilitarian underwear, was my husband's comment. I couldn't believe my eyes as I read him saying he "doesn’t remember marrying a granny." The caption for the post read, "Check out Anna’s granny panties!"


The post was followed by a flurry of laughing emojis and teasing comments from his friends. My heart just DROPPED! I was embarrassed, hurt, and felt utterly betrayed! I couldn't believe that my husband was mocking me among his friends!

An unhappy woman sitting down | Source: Pexels

An unhappy woman sitting down | Source: Pexels

They'd left comments like, "Does your mother know Anna's got her undies?" and "Well that underwear is surely a mood killer in the bedroom." I couldn't continue reading the comments as they became worse.

When he came home, I didn't say anything as I wasn't sure how to handle the matter without him feeling like I was snooping. I tried to act normal so he couldn't pick up my distress, but I couldn't get the whole thing out of my mind.

An unhappy woman looking at her man while he sleeps | Source: Pexels

An unhappy woman looking at her man while he sleeps | Source: Pexels


The next morning, I met up with Tom's mother, Joyce, for brunch. I tried to act normal around her too, but my mother-in-law (MIL), ever so perceptive, noticed something was off. I ended up spilling everything, from the group chat to how small and humiliated I felt.

Instead of the shock or disappointment I expected, a mischievous glint appeared in Joyce's eyes. Leaning forward, she whispered conspiratorially:

"Leave it to me, dear. I know exactly what to do."

An older woman comforting a younger one | Source: Freepik

An older woman comforting a younger one | Source: Freepik

You won’t believe what happened next! Imagine this: That evening, when Tom came home, he found me transformed! I was dressed in an elegant red dress, had my hair styled, and my makeup professionally done.


As he walked in his jaw just DROPPED as he saw me looking all kinds of hot!

"Wow, you look... amazing! Where did all this come from?" Tom asked. His voice was a mixture of surprise and confusion.

A shocked man | Source: Pexels

A shocked man | Source: Pexels

"Your car fund," I replied, my tone steady though I couldn’t bring myself to meet his eyes. "You did what? We were saving that—" Tom's confusion quickly turned to anger.

Before he could continue, Joyce walked in, her presence commanding calm. "I suggested she treat herself," my MIL interjected. "Seems to me you need a reminder of how to appreciate and respect your wife."

An elegantly dressed woman | Source: Pexels

An elegantly dressed woman | Source: Pexels


Joyce's tone softened but remained firm as she continued. "Also, we've established that I'm the only granny here. So we thought it’s fair that Anna gets some beautiful underwear that matches her stunning outfit."

She explained further, "We thought she deserved something elegant, not to be mocked or shared in any chat."

Tom, flustered and now clearly outnumbered, tried to argue. He looked guilty and remorseful, but his response was futile against his mother's resolute stance.

A man looking confused and defeated | Source: Pexels

A man looking confused and defeated | Source: Pexels

"You've learned a hard lesson today, son. Maybe next time, you'll think twice before making fun of someone who sacrifices so much for you."


As Joyce and I prepared to leave for dinner, I paused and picked up Tom’s phone. I snapped a glamorous selfie and sent it to his group chat with a message:

"Granny’s going out tonight, guys!"

A woman taking selfie | Source: Pexels

A woman taking selfie | Source: Pexels

Tom watched us leave, the silence of the house echoing the shock of his newfound realization. Leaving the house with my MIL, I felt a mix of vindication and deep appreciation for her support. I was so happy to have a loving and supportive MIL who made me feel special and seen.

I know there are a lot of stories about how mothers-in-law generally mistreat their daughters-in-law, but my case is different. During our outing, I told Joyce, "Thanks for all the support, Mom. I don't know what I would've done without your help and wisdom." She reached out her hands and held mine, stating:


"Tom might be my son, but you're my daughter and I will not stand by as long as I'm alive while he abuses you."

An older and younger woman embracing | Source: Freepik

An older and younger woman embracing | Source: Freepik

That evening wasn’t only about teaching my husband a lesson. It was a pivotal moment in reclaiming my self-worth and dignity. All with an unexpected ally by my side!

When I returned home I found Tom ready with flowers and a romantic set-up with chocolates and other desserts. "I'm so sorry for taking you for granted and not showing you the respect you deserve," he said sincerely.

A man giving a woman flowers after repenting | Source: Midjourney

A man giving a woman flowers after repenting | Source: Midjourney


Knowing he wasn't a bad guy I was willing to forgive him. "What you did was VERY hurtful Tom," I explained to him that it was something I wouldn't even wish upon my enemy. "I realize that now, love. I betrayed your trust and I am willing to do what it takes to build it back up."

I promised to give him a chance and expected to see immediate changes. He reacted by sending a text to his group chat noting how wrong it was for him to make fun of his wife. My husband also deleted all the posts about me. He even asked his friends to never allow him to do something like that again.

A man texting on his phone | Source: Pexels

A man texting on his phone | Source: Pexels

His friends showed remorse, and Tom and I agreed to get couples counseling. We realized something was off in our relationship if he could sideline me the way he had to have his needs met. I won't claim our relationship is perfect, but it sure is a work in progress.

A couple in couples counseling | Source: Pexels

A couple in couples counseling | Source: Pexels

While Anna's husband was willing to redeem himself, Megan, the woman in the following story, found out the hard way that her fiancé was a lost cause. However, when she found out the truth about him, she made him pay dearly!

I Made My Fiancé Regret Cheating on Me with My Best Friend – Was I Right to Embarrass Him at the Altar?

Hey, I'm Megan. Up until recently, I was all set to marry Brad and build our future together. But life threw a massive curveball my way. I was left heartbroken when I discovered he was cheating on me with my childhood best friend, Andrea!

An upset and distressed woman | Source: Pexels

An upset and distressed woman | Source: Pexels


The betrayal was painful enough, but little did I know that things were about to get worse. I then learned they were getting married and Andrea was pregnant! As I tried to heal, they bombarded me with messages, flipping between apologies and insults, blaming me for their families' refusal to attend their wedding.

They even dared to suggest I attend their wedding to show I had forgiven them, which felt like twisting the knife even deeper. In a moment of profound hurt and maybe a bit of spite, I decided to accept their invitation.

An unhappy bride and groom | Source: Freepik

An unhappy bride and groom | Source: Freepik

On their wedding day, set up like the dream day Brad and I had planned, I made a public objection! I revealed the pain their actions had caused, including the loss of my unborn daughter due to the stress of their affair.


Standing there, telling my story, was the hardest thing I've ever done! But it needed to be said, not just for me but as a stark reminder of the consequences of their actions. Now, I'm wondering, was my public objection too much, or was it a justified response to the betrayal and pain they caused me? What do you think?

A woman contemplating something | Source: Midjourney

A woman contemplating something | Source: Midjourney

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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