A bride's portrait | Source: Pexels
A bride's portrait | Source: Pexels

My Narcissistic Mom Made My Wedding All about Her — When She Insisted on Displaying Her Portrait, I Snapped

Bettina Dizon
May 17, 2024
03:20 A.M.

I wanted to honor my late father on my wedding day, and when I did, my mom got jealous. She also wanted her portrait displayed at the wedding and gave me an ultimatum when I disagreed. So, I taught her a lesson.


I've never been the type to go against my parents' wishes. Growing up, I was always a good kid and did everything to make them happy. My mom especially loved being in control of everything – from my birthday parties to my graduation dinners. Sometimes, it felt like she was the one turning a year older or getting a diploma.

A woman carrying a birthday cake | Source: Pexels

A woman carrying a birthday cake | Source: Pexels

But my wedding day was different. This was one day I wanted to be completely mine, without my mom's interference. Of course, that didn’t last long. It started with her insisting I wear her veil – the same one she wore when she married my dad.

To be honest, I didn’t mind that. The veil was a family tradition, beautiful and intricately detailed, and it had been tailored and improved with each generation. I was happy to wear it on my special day.

A bride with her hands together | Source: Pexels

A bride with her hands together | Source: Pexels

As the wedding preparations went on, my mom tried to control every little decision. A few days before the wedding, I sent her a picture of a memorial table I had set up for my late cousin and dad.

My cousin was like the older brother I never had, and my dad treated him like a son. We were incredibly close, and losing them both was devastating. I loved the idea of having a table to honor them because it broke my heart that they couldn’t be there.

A woman crying in church | Source: Pexels

A woman crying in church | Source: Pexels


When my mom saw the picture, she freaked out. She was upset that she wasn’t included in that one thing. She insisted that I put a portrait of her on the table too.

"That's literally a table for the fallen. It's a military tradition," I tried to explain. "It’s to commemorate those who have passed away and can’t be at my wedding."

Screenshot of a conversation through text | Source: AmoMama

Screenshot of a conversation through text | Source: AmoMama

"You should be proud of me too!" she snapped back. "It’s disrespectful and selfish of you to exclude me. If you don’t put my portrait there, I won’t attend your wedding."

Her words stung. I couldn't believe she was making this all about her. That’s when I decided to show her what selfishness really looked like. After our heated back-and-forth, I decided to set up another memorial table just for her.

A woman thinking while on her phone | Source: Pexels

A woman thinking while on her phone | Source: Pexels

I printed out a framed photo of my mom, just as she demanded. Next to it, I added another picture – a screenshot of our text conversation where she insisted on having her portrait displayed and threatened not to come if I didn’t comply. Instead of the "I Wish You Were Here" sign that I had on the real memorial table, I wrote "You Wished to Be Here."

A table with a camera and cake | Source: Pexels

A table with a camera and cake | Source: Pexels


The day of the wedding came. My mom was all excited, knowing her portrait would be displayed. Little did she know what I had actually done. I had no intention of displaying that portrait and screenshot for all the guests to see. I knew my mom would come early to check everything out before the event started so she would see it before everyone else.

My other family members and relatives arrived before my mom and saw her special table set up. Immediately, they knew my mom must have done something to escalate the situation this way.

Wedding guests talking | Source: FreePik

Wedding guests talking | Source: FreePik

"What’s this all about?" my aunt asked, pointing at the table.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Mom insisted on being on the memorial table. So, I gave her what she wanted."


They exchanged looks, clearly understanding the drama that must have unfolded. When my mom finally arrived and saw the table, her face turned beet red.

An upset bride | Source: FreePik

An upset bride | Source: FreePik

"What is this?" she hissed, pulling me aside. "You wanted your portrait on a memorial table. Here it is," I replied calmly. "You can leave if you want since you were willing not to attend in the first place."

"You can’t leave this here! It’ll embarrass me in front of everyone!" she whispered angrily, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

A woman glancing around | Source: Pexels

A woman glancing around | Source: Pexels


"Then maybe you should think about how your demands make other people feel," I shot back. "This is my wedding day. It’s supposed to be about me and my fiancé, not you."

An upset woman | Source: Unsplash

An upset woman | Source: Unsplash

She glared at me, but I stood my ground. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Guests started arriving, and soon the place was buzzing with laughter and chatter.

My mom, seeing she had no other choice, eventually backed down and let the matter drop. Meanwhile, I secretly had the table removed.

Wedding table setup | Source: Pexels

Wedding table setup | Source: Pexels


Throughout the ceremony, I felt a sense of peace and satisfaction. For once, I had stood up to my mom and made my feelings known. During the reception, I kept glancing over at the memorial table for my dad and cousin, feeling their presence with me. It was bittersweet, but I knew they would be proud of me for standing my ground.

A newly wed couple | Source: Pexels

A newly wed couple | Source: Pexels

After the wedding, my mom and I had a long talk. She admitted she might have overstepped and apologized for making things difficult. It was a small step, but it meant a lot. We agreed to try and respect each other’s boundaries more in the future, especially as I am now a married woman who will likely have children.

In the end, my wedding day was exactly what I wanted it to be – a celebration of love, family, and standing up for what’s important. It wasn’t perfect, but it was mine. Unfortunately, another wedding did not come with a happy ending. In fact, it destroyed the very essence of the celebration.


We Received an Anonymous Gift Box with Balloons at Our Wedding – Our Marriage Was Destroyed before It Started

I stood at the edge of the lush, green garden, my white dress fluttering gently in the breeze. It was the perfect day I had always imagined. The garden burst with colors—pink roses, yellow sunflowers, and little white lights twinkling like stars. Everywhere I looked, I saw the smiling faces of friends and family who had come to celebrate.

Alyssa's wedding venue | Source: Midjourney

Alyssa's wedding venue | Source: Midjourney

Beside me, Mark looked dashing in his suit, his eyes shining with happiness. We had met during our first year of college and had been inseparable ever since. Today was not just about exchanging vows; it was a celebration of all the dreams we had woven together over the years.


My heart swelled with love and anticipation. I had always planned to work alongside my father at his law firm, but love had crafted a different path. Now, as I glanced at Mark, I felt ready to step into this new chapter, fully embracing my role as a partner in life, not just in business.

Alyssa | Source: Midjourney

Alyssa | Source: Midjourney

The garden buzzed with excitement. Laughter echoed around, mingling with the soft music playing in the background. I watched as our friends and family chatted happily, enjoying the sunny day. Everyone seemed so happy, their faces bright with joy. I felt a wave of gratitude. This was exactly how I had hoped my wedding day would be.

As I mingled, I thought about my own future. I had always seen myself working with my father, becoming a prominent lawyer. But love had a way of changing plans.

Mark | Source: Midjourney

Mark | Source: Midjourney

I looked at Mark, who was laughing with my cousins, and I knew I had made the right choice. Mark would join my father's law firm, taking the place I once wanted. I would focus on our home, our future together.

Suddenly, the crowd's attention shifted. A large, ornately wrapped gift box was being carried towards the center of the garden. It was unexpected, grand.

White gift box | Source: Midjourney

White gift box | Source: Midjourney


I felt a flutter of curiosity. "Who could have sent such a surprise?" I wondered aloud. Mark squeezed my hand, excitement in his eyes as we walked toward the box, ready to discover its secrets.

Mark reached for the big red ribbon and pulled it with a theatrical flourish. The lid of the box flew open, and suddenly, blue balloons soared into the sky.

Read more here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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