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A man carrying a kid in his arms | Source: Pexels

My Father Abandoned Me as a Child and I Took Revenge on Him – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Jun 18, 2024
03:17 P.M.

I was shocked when one day, I met my father again. All these years after he had abandoned Mom and me, I saw his face printed in the newspaper. I was not ready for this. Could I finally confront the man who shattered my life?


I was a waitress at a restaurant.

One morning, as I was setting up the tables, I saw my father's photo in the newspaper. He was getting married in our city, and the wedding was in two days. My heart pounded as I stared at the picture.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Stacey, are you okay?" asked Mrs. Johnson, the kind owner of the nearby store, who often stopped by for a chat.

I showed her the newspaper. "That's my father," I said, my voice shaking. "He's getting married."

Mrs. Johnson's eyes widened. "I thought he abandoned you and your mother."

"He did," I replied, anger and sadness mixing inside me. "He left us right after I was born. My mom never stopped loving him, even though he broke her heart."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I'm so sorry, dear. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "But I can't let him get away with it."

At 12 years old, I lost my mother. She was my rock, my everything. She always spoke lovingly about my father, even though he left us. I never understood why she loved him so much, but I saw the pain in her eyes every time she mentioned his name.

Now, at 18, I had the chance to confront him. I had to find out why he left us and make him pay for all the hurt he caused. This was my chance for revenge.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


I couldn't focus on work that day. My mind kept drifting back to the newspaper and my father's face. The whirlwind of emotions was overwhelming. Anger burned inside me, mixed with a deep sadness for all the years he missed.

By the end of my shift, I made up my mind. "Mrs. Johnson, I have to go," I said, handing over my apron.

"Go get your answers, Stacey," she said, giving me a reassuring hug.

I nodded, determination filling me. It was time to face my father and get the justice my mother and I deserved.

I went to the address from the newspaper, my heart racing as I knocked on the door.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


A woman, my father Peter's fiancée, Linda, answered. She looked at me curiously.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm looking for Peter," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"And what's your name?" she questioned, still blocking the door.

"Tell him it's Stacey," I replied. She gave me a skeptical look but called out to him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Peter appeared, looking older than I remembered from the photos. His eyes widened in recognition as he saw me holding up my mother's earring.

"Do you recognize this?" I demanded, my voice shaking with anger. "You left us. You abandoned my mother and me!"


Peter's face hardened. "This is not the time or place for this," he said coldly. He tried to shut the door, but I blocked it with my foot.

"Why did you leave us? Why did you ruin our lives?" I shouted, unable to hold back my emotions.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Linda stepped forward, pushing me back. "You need to leave," she said sternly. Peter helped her shove me out, and they slammed the door in my face.

I stood there, my heart pounding with frustration and anger. But I wouldn't give up. I waited. I waited for them to come out again so I could confront them. I wanted my answers. But I missed the chance.

They exited through the back door, quickly got into their car, and drove away. I sat on the front steps, my head in my hands. What am I going to do now? I wondered, depressed.


It was then I heard a faint voice coming from the house.

Curious, I followed the sound to the back and found an open window. Climbing inside, I cautiously made my way through the house, following the voice.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I reached the basement door and tried opening it, but it was locked. From inside, I heard a soft voice, now clear and loud. It was a young boy's voice.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my heart breaking for him.

"I'm very hungry. Please, can I have some food?" he pleaded, his voice trembling.

"I'm going to help you and get you out of there," I promised. "Why are you locked in there, and how long?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Three days… Dad keeps me here. All so that no one sees me on his wedding day. He doesn't love me," the boy, Mark, said. "I want to go to my mom. Can you find her? Her name is Amanda."

"Don't worry, Mark. I won't let him get away with this. We'll get you out of here, and I'll make sure everyone knows what he's done."

I couldn't believe what was happening. This was my brother, a sibling I never knew I had.

I needed proof to save Mark and reveal Peter's true nature. Near the basement door, I found a folder on a table. Inside, there was a will for Mark.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Freepik


While I didn't understand the legal stuff completely, I realized that Mark had inherited a million-dollar inheritance from a relative, and his parents were supposed to manage it until he turned 18. Very clearly, Peter was exploiting his power and using Mark's money. This was the evidence I needed.

Mark had also mentioned his mother was sent to a hospital by his father. I wished I had carried my phone so I could call the cops.

So as soon as I returned to the cafe, I called the cops. They searched Linda and Peter's house but found nothing. How stupid of me! I should've guessed they would move Mark somewhere. While I was let off with a warning from the cops, my determination didn't dwindle.

I called the local hospitals at first, but it was no use. Then, a weird idea hit me. I started dialing psychiatric hospitals one by one, suspecting Peter might have done something to her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Hello, I'm looking for Amanda G," I said as I dialed the second last hospital on my list. "I believe she's been admitted there?"

"Yes, she's a patient here," the receptionist confirmed.

A wave of relief washed over me. Finally! I found her!

At the hospital, I luckily noticed some interns. I joined their group and, disguised as one of them, I entered the hospital. I even managed to get a coat and mask so nobody would recognize me.

"Can I see Amanda G's file?" I then asked a nurse.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

She handed me the file without question. I found Amanda's room and knocked softly. When I entered, I saw a frail woman lying on the bed.


"Amanda?" I whispered. She looked up, her eyes filled with confusion.

"Who are you?" she asked weakly.

"I'm Stacey. I'm here to help. Mark told me about you," I explained.

Her eyes widened. "Mark? My son? How-how is he?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"He's safe. I'm getting him out of Peter's control," I said. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Amanda's eyes filled with tears. "Peter took Mark away and made me out to be crazy," she explained. "He wanted control over Mark's inheritance. He manipulated me, made me seem mentally ill. I was a fool to fall for him."


"Sounds like something he could've done. I believe you."

Amanda nodded in tears. "Thank you for believing me."

"I promise I'll get you both out of this," I said, squeezing her hand. "We'll make sure everyone knows the truth."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Leaving the hospital, I felt a new sense of determination. With the will and Amanda's testimony, I had the proof I needed. It was time to bring Peter down and free my family from his grip.

On the day of the wedding, I disguised myself as the wedding photographer. I wore a professional outfit and carried a camera bag. My heart pounded as I made my way to Peter's room.


"I need to set up a camera for the wedding film," I said to one of Peter's friends. Thankfully, Peter was not around.

"Sure, go ahead," he replied, not suspecting anything.

I positioned the camera to capture the entire room. It was connected to a live feed, ready to broadcast to the main hall. I left the room and headed to the main hall, where guests were beginning to gather.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

In the main hall, I connected the camera feed to the large screen. My hands trembled, but I focused on the task. I called Peter, pretending to be an attorney.

"Good afternoon, this is Mrs. Wilms, handling the divorce and inheritance case for Mr. Greenwood. There's been a development. The police have opened a criminal case for fraud and financial fraud against Mr. Greenwood. All his accounts, including the inheritance for Mr. Greenwood, are now frozen. I'm sorry, but it looks like there won't be any inheritance."


I could Peter was furious at the news. I quickly activated the live transmission of the camera to the main screen in the hall. The screen flickered to life, showing Peter and Linda in the room, their expressions turning from shock to panic.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Peter's voice filled the hall. "We need to keep Mark hidden until we can access his inheritance," he said.

Linda replied, "Once we have the money, we can do whatever we want."

The guests gasped, their eyes widening in shock as Peter and Linda exposed their sins.

Then, Peter's gaze fell on the camera. "What's going on?" Linda shrieked.


Before they could react further, the police, who had been prepared for this moment, entered the room. "You're under arrest," one officer said, handcuffing them.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The guests watched in stunned silence as Peter and Linda were led away.

As the police escorted them out, I stepped forward. "This is for my mother, Amanda, and Mark," I said firmly. "You can't hurt us anymore."

I knew we had won. Peter and Linda would face the consequences of their actions, and my family was finally free.

A few months later, Amanda was reinstated as Mark's guardian. The court recognized her as fit to take care of him, and Peter's influence over Mark was officially ended. Amanda and Mark invited me to live with them.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Stacey, we want you to stay with us," Mark said, his eyes bright with hope. "You're my sister and a part of our family."

I smiled, feeling the warmth spread through my heart. "I'd love to, Mark."

We moved in together, creating a new home filled with love and trust. Amanda, Mark, and I quickly fell into a routine. Our lives began to intertwine in the best ways. We cooked meals together, shared stories, and supported each other through the healing process.

One evening, as we were having dinner, Amanda looked at me with gratitude. "Stacey, you saved us. I can't thank you enough."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


I reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "We're a family now. We'll always take care of each other."

Mark nodded enthusiastically. "We're stronger together."

Meanwhile, Peter and Linda faced their prison sentences. They were held accountable for their actions. Knowing they could no longer harm us brought immense relief.

We found strength in each other, building a new life filled with love and support. Our past pain brought us together, and our future was bright. As a united family, we faced the world with hope and happiness.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.


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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.


AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.

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