Elderly couple | Source: Amomama
Elderly couple | Source: Amomama

Am I Wrong for Teaching My Daughter-in-Law a Lesson after She Made My Wife Pay for a Cleaning Service?

May 22, 2024
09:40 A.M.

After my daughter-in-law humiliated my wife by making her pay for a cleaning service after a week of babysitting, I knew I had to teach her a lesson about gratitude. When the opportunity arose, I devised a plan to show her exactly what my wife had endured, turning the tables in an unforgettable way.


Hi, I'm Jacob, and I have a story to share about my daughter-in-law (DIL). My wife and I have always been close to our son and his family. We love spending time with our grandkids and often help out when needed.

Elderly couple and their grandkids | Source: Pexels

Elderly couple and their grandkids | Source: Pexels

Our relationship with our son and his family has always been strong. We see them often, share meals, and celebrate holidays together. We feel lucky to be involved in our grandkids' lives, watching them grow and supporting them whenever we can.

As grandparents, we take pride in being there for our family. Whether it's picking up the kids from school, babysitting on short notice, or just offering advice, we're always ready to help. We know how hard it can be to juggle work and family, so we do what we can to lighten the load.

Happy grandparents | Source: Pexels

Happy grandparents | Source: Pexels

A few weeks ago, our son and DIL had to go on a business trip. They asked my wife to babysit for a week. She loves spending time with the grandkids, so she agreed without hesitation. She packed her bags and moved into their house for the week.

While she was there, she took care of everything. She cooked meals, helped with homework, and made sure the house was tidy. The kids had a great time with their grandma, and she even did extra chores to help out. When she returned home, I was eager to hear all about their week together.

Sad elderly woman | Source: Pexels

Sad elderly woman | Source: Pexels


But something was clearly wrong. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked like she had been crying. I asked her what happened, but at first, she didn’t want to tell me.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked gently. She shook her head, avoiding my eyes.

"It's nothing," she said, her voice trembling.

I wasn't convinced. "Please, tell me. What happened?"

Concerned elderly man | Source: Pexels

Concerned elderly man | Source: Pexels

After some coaxing, she finally opened up. "Right before our son and DIL returned, she called me. She said I had to pay for a professional cleaning service."

I was stunned. "What? Why?"


"She claimed the house was a mess and it was unacceptable," she said, her voice breaking. "But I took care of the kids, cleaned up after them, and even did some extra chores."

"And that wasn't enough for her?" I asked, feeling my anger rising.

Upset woman | Source: Pexels

Upset woman | Source: Pexels

"She said it wasn't," my wife replied, tears streaming down her face. "I felt humiliated, Jacob. I didn't want to argue and risk damaging our relationship with them, so I paid the cleaning bill. I thought I was helping, but she made me feel like I failed."

Hearing this made me furious. "You did them a huge favor, and this is how they repay you?" I said, my voice shaking with anger. "This is unacceptable. You shouldn’t have had to go through that."

Elderly man in a sweater | Source: Pexels

Elderly man in a sweater | Source: Pexels

She nodded, looking defeated. "I just didn't want to cause any trouble."

"I understand," I said, trying to stay calm. "But this disrespect needs to be addressed. I need to teach our DIL a lesson about gratitude and respect."

And so, I started planning how to make sure this would never happen again.

Elderly man with a tablet | Source: Pexels

Elderly man with a tablet | Source: Pexels


I spent a few days thinking about it and came up with a plan. I decided to give my DIL a taste of her own medicine. I called my son and DIL and offered to babysit the kids for a weekend. They were thrilled and quickly accepted my offer. They needed the break and trusted me completely.

The plan was simple. I would document the state of the house when I arrived, take care of the kids for the weekend, clean the house thoroughly, and then present them with a bill for a professional cleaning service. This way, they would understand what my wife went through.

Messy bedroom | Source: Pexels

Messy bedroom | Source: Pexels

I arrived at my son and DIL's house on Friday evening. As soon as I walked in, I took pictures of every room, documenting the cleanliness and order. The house was already in good shape, but I wanted to make sure I had proof of how it looked when I arrived.


I spent the weekend with my grandkids, having a wonderful time. We played games, read stories, and enjoyed each other's company. I made sure to clean up after ourselves, keeping the house tidy throughout our time together.

Grandfather and his granddaughter | Source: Pexels

Grandfather and his granddaughter | Source: Pexels

Before my son and DIL returned on Sunday evening, I went into action. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, making it look spotless. I vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, and polished every surface. By the time I was done, the house was immaculate.

When my son and DIL walked in, they were pleased to see how clean and organized everything was. I took a deep breath and decided it was time.

Neat room | Source: Pexels

Neat room | Source: Pexels


"Hey, can we talk for a minute?" I asked. My son and DIL exchanged curious looks but nodded. I showed them the pictures I had taken when I arrived.

"This is how the house looked when I got here on Friday," I said, scrolling through the images on my phone. "And this is how it looks now."

They both looked puzzled.

"Dad, what's going on?" my son asked.

Couple arguing | Source: Pexels

Couple arguing | Source: Pexels

I took out the bill I had prepared. "I'm handing you a bill for a professional cleaning service," I said, handing it to my DIL. Her face turned red with confusion and anger.

"Why would we need to pay this?" she snapped.


I stayed calm. "This is what your mother had to go through after she babysat for you. She did you a favor, took care of your kids, and you humiliated her by making her pay for a cleaning service. I thought it was only fair that you experience the same thing."

Couple argues | Source: Pexels

Couple argues | Source: Pexels

My son's eyes widened, and he turned to his wife. "Is this true?" he asked her.

She stammered, "I... I thought the house wasn't clean enough. I didn’t mean to upset her."

My son sighed, clearly disappointed. "You should have appreciated what Mom did for us. She didn't deserve that."

Upset concerned old man | Source: Pexels

Upset concerned old man | Source: Pexels


Turning back to me, he said, "Dad, I'm so sorry. We'll reimburse Mom immediately. This will never happen again."

My DIL looked down, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't realize how much I hurt her."

I nodded, feeling some of the tension ease. "I hope this experience helps you understand the importance of gratitude and respect."

Happy elderly couple | Source: Pexels

Happy elderly couple | Source: Pexels

Since then, things have been a bit tense, but I think my DIL got the message. My wife and I continue to help out with the grandkids, but now there's a newfound respect for the efforts we put in.

My Husband Wanted Me to Clean His Friend’s House for Money, So I Made up a Perfect Plan to Teach Him a Lesson


Mia has been through a lot in her life — after her parents died when she was sixteen, she became the sole caregiver to her younger brother, Jared. But what about money? Mia had to become a cleaner between school to survive. Then, she met Martin. A man who was her Prince Charming — but is he embarrassed of her? Does he want to use her? Read on and find out.

When I think of my life, I like to think that I'm a success story in the best way possible. I'm the oldest sibling — an older sister to a younger brother. And when our parents passed away in an accident, I knew that I needed to step up.

A car accident | Source: Unsplash

A car accident | Source: Unsplash

"Mia, how are we going to survive?" Jared, my twelve-year-old brother asked tearfully.


"We'll make it work," I promised.

We had our parents' savings, and I sold everything we could part with. Our landlords — an old couple who had loved my mother as their own daughter, allowed us to live in their smallest apartment, free of charge.

A small apartment | Source: Unsplash

A small apartment | Source: Unsplash

"But I can't allow that, Vera," I told the old woman. "My father would hate it if we took advantage of you like that."

The old woman smiled and continued her knitting.

"Then you can clean for us in return," she said. "Twice a week, maybe?"

I nodded. I could do that. After school and homework, there were still enough hours in the day.

A person cleaning | Source: Unsplash

A person cleaning | Source: Unsplash

Eventually, being a cleaner became my part-time job — between the hours after school and the weekends, it was something that brought in money.

"But you're always tired," Jared told me one morning as he poured out bowls of cereal for us.

"I know," I agreed. "But this way, we have an income. So we don't have to stress too much."

"I'll help," he said. "I'll chip in wherever you need me. Just don't make me do any bathrooms."

A bowl of cereal and a mug of coffee | Source: Unsplash

A bowl of cereal and a mug of coffee | Source: Unsplash


Throughout the rest of my schooling life, I moonlighted as a cleaner, with Jared to help vacuum on the weekends. When I graduated from high school, I continued to clean. Now that I had more time and a respectable list of clients — it was easier to get into the wealthier areas, where I would charge double the amount.

Read the rest of this story here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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