Mature lady in a cafe | Source: Shutterstock
Mature lady in a cafe | Source: Shutterstock

Cheating Husband Comes to Blind Date and Sees His Mom-in-Law There – Story of the Day

Yaryna Kholodiuk
May 22, 2024
08:20 A.M.

Michael lives in an unhappy marriage. One day, he cheats on his wife with a stranger. Michael has no idea what trials this betrayal will lead to and what consequences he will face.


The morning air was tense in the small suburban home where Michael, a young man with a weary look in his eyes, was hastily getting ready for his business trip. His movements were quick, a mix of routine and an eagerness to escape the palpable discomfort in the house.

Once a sanctuary of love and warmth, the bedroom now felt like a battleground where silent wars were fought and lost.

His wife, Sarah, stood in the doorway, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. They had only been married for a few months, but the honeymoon phase quickly gave way to harsh reality. "You're leaving again," she said, her voice a mix of sadness and frustration.

Close up thoughtful upset woman | Source: Shutterstock

Close up thoughtful upset woman | Source: Shutterstock

Michael paused his hand on the suitcase. He turned to face her, his expression one of resignation. "Sarah, it's just for a week. You know how important this trip is for my career."


Sarah's eyes once filled with admiration, now bore a look of regret. "I know, Michael, but it feels like you're always leaving. I sometimes wonder if marrying you was a mistake."

Those words stung Michael more than he cared to admit. A mixture of hurt and anger bubbled up inside him, and without a word, he grabbed his suitcase and left the house, slamming the door behind him.

The sound echoed in his ears as he walked to his car, a stark reminder of the growing distance between him and Sarah.

Sitting in the taxi after his flight, Michael felt a deep sense of loneliness. He looked at the passing cityscape, each building and street light blurring into a canvas of his inner turmoil.

Man in rear of the car | Source: Shutterstock

Man in rear of the car | Source: Shutterstock


In a moment of weakness, he pulled out his phone and downloaded a dating app he had heard about – a place where anonymity was the norm and photos were replaced with words. It seemed like a harmless escape from his troubled thoughts.

As he scrolled through the app, a message popped up from a woman named Emma. She was charming and witty, her words weaving a tapestry of intrigue and understanding.

They exchanged messages, finding solace in their anonymous conversation. It wasn't long before they agreed to meet.

The café where they decided to meet was a quaint little place in the city's heart. Michael arrived early, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and guilt.

He ordered a coffee and sat at a table near the window, his eyes scanning every face that walked through the door.

Man drinking a cup of coffee in the cafe | Source: Shutterstock

Man drinking a cup of coffee in the cafe | Source: Shutterstock


Then she arrived. Emma was around 45, with a warm smile that lit up her face. She walked with a confidence that drew Michael's attention immediately. As she approached the table, Michael stood up, his mouth dry.

"Emma?" he asked tentatively.

"That's me," she replied, her voice as captivating in person as it was through text. "And you must be Michael."

They sat down, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. Emma was easy to talk to, and for a brief moment, Michael forgot about the troubles waiting for him back home.

They talked about everything from their favorite books to their dreams and aspirations.

Young serious man | Source: Shutterstock

Young serious man | Source: Shutterstock


"You're so interesting and nice. It's strange that you're alone," Emma said, her tone genuinely curious.

Michael paused for a moment, taken aback by the directness of the question. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Emma leaned forward slightly, her eyes searching his. "I mean, do you have a girlfriend or a wife? Someone special in your life?"

Michael felt a pang of guilt but pushed it aside. "No, there's no one. I'm a bachelor," he replied, trying to keep his voice casual.

Emma seemed surprised. "How did that happen? A man like you?"

Mature woman | Source: Shutterstock

Mature woman | Source: Shutterstock

Michael shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "It just happens. Couldn't find the right one," he said, thinking about how far from the truth that was.


Emma's smile grew wider. "Well, I must be very lucky then to have this chance to meet you."

Michael couldn't help but return the smile. For a moment, he allowed himself to forget his troubles. "I guess we both are," he said.

Emma nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Tell me more about yourself. What do you do for a living?"

Michael explained his job in simple terms, avoiding any complicated details. Emma listened attentively, nodding and asking questions at the right moments.

Romantic young couple | Source: Shutterstock

Romantic young couple | Source: Shutterstock

She talked about her own life, too, her hobbies, and her dreams. Michael found himself engrossed in the conversation, the outside world fading away.


As they talked, Michael realized how long it had been since he had a conversation like this that was easy and free of tension.

He noticed how Emma's eyes lit up when she talked about her passion for gardening and how her hands moved animatedly when she described her favorite books.

After several hours of conversation that seemed to flow effortlessly, Michael felt a connection with Emma that he hadn't felt in a long time.

The café was closing, and outside, the city was bathed in the soft glow of streetlights.

Empty street at night | Source: Shutterstock

Empty street at night | Source: Shutterstock

He hesitated for a moment, then, gathering his courage, he asked, "Would you like to continue this conversation somewhere more private? Maybe go to a hotel?"


Emma looked at him, a small smile playing on her lips. "I think I would like that," she replied.

They walked to a hotel, the night air crisp and refreshing. Michael couldn't remember the last time he had felt so alive. The hotel lobby was quiet and elegant, with soft music playing.

They checked in and made their way to the room, exchanging glances and small talk.

Inside the hotel room, the world outside seemed to fade away. They talked for hours, sharing stories and dreams. Eventually, the conversation gave way to a comfortable silence, and they spent the night together.

Romantic night date | Source: Shutterstock

Romantic night date | Source: Shutterstock

When Michael woke up the next morning, the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains. He turned to look at Emma, but she was gone. The other side of the bed was empty, the sheets cool to the touch.


He sat up, a sense of emptiness washing over him. He knew their time together was fleeting, but he hadn't expected her to leave without saying goodbye.

He got out of bed and walked to the window, looking at the city as it came to life. The streets were bustling with people starting their day, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

Michael reflected on the night before. It had been a brief escape from his reality, a moment of connection in a world where he often felt disconnected.

Depressed man | Source: Shutterstock

Depressed man | Source: Shutterstock

Before he left, he thought about Sarah, his wife, and their argument. Guilt gnawed at him. What had started as a search for understanding had led to a decision he couldn't take back.


He wondered what this meant for his marriage, for his life. Was this a turning point, or just another mistake in a series of wrong choices?

A week had passed since Michael's business trip and his unexpected encounter with Emma. The time away had given him much to think about, especially his strained relationship with his wife, Sarah.

As he drove home, the familiar streets seemed to hold a different, somber tone than he remembered.

When he finally arrived, the house was quiet, almost too quiet. He took a deep breath before opening the front door, unsure what to expect from Sarah.

Midsection of young man | Source: Shutterstock

Midsection of young man | Source: Shutterstock

Inside, he found her in the living room, surrounded by photo albums and old keepsakes. She looked up her expression a complex mix of surprise and relief.


"Michael, you're back," she said, her voice steady but distant.

He nodded, setting his suitcase down. "Yes, I just got in."

There was an awkward pause before Sarah spoke again. "My mother is visiting," she said, her eyes not quite meeting his. "She wants to meet you."

Michael felt a jolt of surprise. He had almost forgotten about Sarah's family in all the chaos of their recent arguments and his trip. "Of course," he replied, trying to sound enthusiastic. "I'd like to meet her too."

Couple having Conversation at Home | Source: Shutterstock

Couple having Conversation at Home | Source: Shutterstock

Sarah hesitated, then added, "Could we pretend everything is fine between us? Just for her visit?"


Michael's heart sank. Pretending their marriage was fine felt like a tall order, but he knew it was important to Sarah. "Okay, we can do that," he agreed, though the thought made him uncomfortable.

Sarah seemed relieved, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you, Michael. She'll be here tomorrow."

The day was unusually warm for the season, adding to Michael's growing sense of unease as he waited for the expected visit from his mother-in-law.

He was in the middle of these reflections when a sharp knock at the door jolted him back to reality. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Michael walked to the door and opened it.

Man hand open door knob | Source: Shutterstock

Man hand open door knob | Source: Shutterstock


His heart stopped for a second as he saw who was standing there. It was Emma, the woman he had spent the night with during his trip. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but words failed him.

"What are you doing here?" Michael managed to whisper, his voice barely audible.

Emma looked at him, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion. "You can't be here," Michael continued, panic rising in his voice. "My wife must not find out. It was a moment of weakness. Please leave."

Emma's face fell, and she replied, "You have a wife? You said you weren't married."

Michael's mind whirled with fear and guilt. "I was on a date," he said quickly. "Of course, I wouldn't say I'm married."

Man with wary expression | Source: Shutterstock

Man with wary expression | Source: Shutterstock


Their conversation was cut short by Sarah's voice calling from inside the house. "Honey, who's there?"

Michael felt trapped, his world collapsing around him. "Nobody, they're leaving," he called back, hoping to end the conversation before Sarah saw who was at the door.

But it was too late. Sarah approached the door, her eyes lighting up when she saw Emma. "Mom! I'm so glad to see you!" she exclaimed, moving forward to hug her.

Michael's mind reeled in shock. "Mom?" he echoed, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, dear, meet my mother," Sarah said cheerfully, turning to Michael. "Mom, this is my beloved husband."

Head shot portrait happy two generations | Source: Shutterstock

Head shot portrait happy two generations | Source: Shutterstock


Michael stood there, frozen, as the realization dawned on him. The woman he had spent the night with was his wife's mother.

He felt like the ground was slipping away beneath him. How could he have been so blind? How could this have happened?

Sarah and Emma were chatting now, oblivious to Michael's inner turmoil. He watched them, feeling like an outsider in his own home. The walls of the house seemed to close in on him, and he struggled to find his voice.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he managed to speak. "Mom?.." he repeated, his voice trailing off.

Sarah looked at him, puzzled by his reaction. "Is everything okay, Michael?"

Young man | Source: Shutterstock

Young man | Source: Shutterstock


He nodded, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions inside him. The secret he had been carrying felt heavier than ever, a burden he wasn't sure he could bear.

Sarah cheerfully invited her mother inside. Michael, still reeling from the shocking revelation that the woman he had spent the night with on his business trip was, in fact, his wife's mother, felt as if he were moving in a daze.

"Come in, Mom," Sarah said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "Let me take your coat."

Emma stepped into the house, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a smile. Michael watched this scene unfold, his mind racing with confusion and guilt.

He couldn't believe the magnitude of the mistake he had made. The woman he thought was a stranger, a temporary escape from his marital woes, was now standing in his living room, warmly welcomed by his wife.

Young miserable depressed man | Source: Shutterstock

Young miserable depressed man | Source: Shutterstock


"Michael, could you please help Mom with her bags?" Sarah asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Of course," Michael replied, forcing a smile. He followed Emma to the car to gather her luggage, each step feeling heavier than the last.

Michael's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he carried the bags to the guest room. He was torn between the guilt of his infidelity and the fear of losing everything he had with Sarah.

The weight of the bags in his hands was nothing compared to the importance of his conscience.

Once in the guest room, Michael set down the bags and stood momentarily, lost in thought. He knew he couldn't keep this secret.

Silhouette depressed man | Source: Shutterstock

Silhouette depressed man | Source: Shutterstock


The truth was bound to come out eventually, and he couldn't bear the thought of Sarah hearing it from someone else. He had to confess, tell her everything about that night, and face the consequences of his actions.

In the quiet room, with the light casting long shadows across the floor, Michael stood facing Emma, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. Emma's presence, once a source of fleeting comfort, now felt like a heavy burden.

"We need to tell everything to Sarah," Michael said, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't bear the weight of this secret any longer.

Emma looked at him, her expression serious. "Sit down, Michael," she said, gesturing to the edge of the bed.

Michael obeyed, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands clenched tightly in his lap. Emma took a deep breath before speaking.

Blonde young depressed man | Source: Shutterstock

Blonde young depressed man | Source: Shutterstock


"After our... meeting, I started feeling unwell," she began, her voice steady but filled with a hint of worry. "I was nauseous, didn't want to eat anything, and I was always sleepy."

Michael looked at her, his heart starting to race. "What are you saying?" he asked, although deep down, he feared he already knew the answer.

"I know these symptoms," Emma continued. "It happened when I was pregnant with Sarah."

Michael felt as if the room was spinning. "That's impossible," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "We were together only once."

Emma nodded, a look of resignation on her face. "I thought the same. So I took a test. It was positive. I'm pregnant, Michael. It was the only date I went on, so the child is definitely yours."

Woman holding pregnancy test | Source: Shutterstock

Woman holding pregnancy test | Source: Shutterstock


Michael's mind raced. This couldn't be happening. Not now, not like this. "What… what are we going to do?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

Emma's expression was firm. "I'm keeping the child. I've decided for sure."

Michael felt a sense of panic rising within him. "How will we tell Sarah about this?" he asked. The thought of telling his wife about his infidelity and its consequences felt overwhelming.

Emma shook her head. "We won't. We'll keep it a secret," she said firmly.

Michael looked at her, torn. Keeping such a secret from Sarah felt wrong, but the thought of revealing the truth and hurting her even more was unbearable. He nodded slowly, not fully convinced but unsure of any other option.

Male depression | Source: Shutterstock

Male depression | Source: Shutterstock


The evening had arrived for the family dinner at Michael and Sarah's home. The dining room was set with their best dishes, the aroma of a delicious meal filled the air, and soft music played in the background.

Michael, however, felt a storm brewing inside him, a stark contrast to the serene scene around him.

Emma was sitting at the table, chatting animatedly with Sarah. Michael observed them, a sense of dread growing within him. He remembered the conversation in the guest room, Emma's revelation, and their shared heavy secret.

As they began to eat, conversation flowed around the table. Michael tried to participate, but his responses were mechanical, his mind elsewhere. Sarah, ever observant, looked at him with concern but didn't press the issue.

Then, as they were finishing the main course, Emma cleared her throat. "I have something to tell you," she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "I'm pregnant."

Young overjoyed woman holding a pregnancy test | Source: Shutterstock

Young overjoyed woman holding a pregnancy test | Source: Shutterstock


Sarah's eyes widened in surprise. "Mom? That's wonderful!"

Emma nodded, a smile touching her lips. "Yes, it is. I had an affair, and the child is from that man."

Sarah reached across the table, taking her mother's hand. "I'm so happy for you, Mom."

Michael felt as if the walls were closing in on him. He tried to smile, to show some sign of happiness, but it felt like a mask that didn't fit. His heart was pounding, his mind racing with the implications of Emma's announcement.

Sarah turned to Michael, her brow furrowed in concern. "What's wrong, Michael? You don't seem happy."

Michael looked at his wife, then at Emma. The weight of his guilt was suffocating. "It's just... problems at work," he lied, avoiding Sarah's gaze.

Tired upset man | Source: Shutterstock

Tired upset man | Source: Shutterstock


Sarah nodded, though she still looked worried. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here," she said gently.

Michael forced a smile. "Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate it."

The rest of the dinner passed in a blur for Michael. He went through the motions, laughing at the right moments and making appropriate comments, but his mind was far away. He glanced at Emma, wondering if she regretted their decision to keep the secret.

After dinner, as Sarah and Emma cleared the table, Michael excused himself and went to the living room. He sat there in the dark, the only light coming from the streetlamps outside. He thought about the baby, Emma, and the lie they were living.

He wondered how long they could keep this secret. Would the truth eventually come out? And if it did, what would happen to his marriage, to his life with Sarah?

A young man sits in a dark room | Source: Shutterstock

A young man sits in a dark room | Source: Shutterstock


Michael felt trapped in a web of his own making. He knew he should have been honest with Sarah from the start, but now it seemed too late. The lie had grown too big, and the stakes were too high.

The days following the family dinner passed in a blur for Michael. He felt like he was living in a parallel reality, where every smile was forced, and every word he uttered was a part of a well-crafted façade.

He tried to act normal, to be the husband Sarah thought he was, but the weight of his secret was crushing.

One evening, while Sarah was in the kitchen, Michael checked his email. He was expecting a response from one of the job applications he had sent out during his recent business trip, a trip that now felt like a lifetime ago.

As he scrolled through his inbox, an unfamiliar email caught his eye. The subject line was ominously vague, but something about it made his heart race. With a sense of foreboding, he clicked it open.

Cropped image of a young man | Source: Shutterstock

Cropped image of a young man | Source: Shutterstock


The email contained several photos of him and Emma from their date night. His stomach churned as he looked at them. Each photo was a vivid reminder of his indiscretion, a moment of weakness that had spiraled out of control.

Accompanying the photos was a message that read, "If you don't want these photos to end up with your wife - pay for silence." The email also indicated where to leave the money.

Michael's hands trembled as he read the message over and over. Someone knew about his affair with Emma and was now blackmailing him. Panic set in as he realized the severity of the situation.

His secret, which he had been desperately trying to keep from Sarah, was now a weapon in someone else's hands.

Without thinking, he quickly deleted the email, his mind racing with fear that Sarah might see it. He felt trapped, with no way out. The blackmailer had him cornered, and he had no idea who it could be.

Business man cover head by hand | Source: Shutterstock

Business man cover head by hand | Source: Shutterstock


He checked his bank accounts, hoping to find enough money to pay off the blackmailer and make this nightmare disappear. But his heart sank as he looked at the figures on the screen.

There wasn't much there. His recent demotion at work had strained their finances, a fact he had kept from Sarah, not wanting to worry her.

Michael sat back in his chair, feeling helpless. He had gone on the business trip to find a new job, to start fresh and provide for his family, but now it seemed like everything was falling apart.

He thought about telling Sarah everything, but the fear of losing her stopped him. He couldn't bear the thought of her looking at him with disappointment and disgust.

The clock on the wall ticked loudly, marking the passage of time as Michael sat there, lost in thought.

Man stressed | Source: Shutterstock

Man stressed | Source: Shutterstock


He needed to devise a plan, but his mind was blank. The threat of the photos being exposed loomed large, casting a dark shadow over his life.

He thought about going to the police, but what would he tell them? That he was being blackmailed for having an affair with his wife's mother? The scandal would destroy his family, and he couldn't let that happen.

Michael knew he had to act fast. The blackmailer wouldn't wait forever, and every second that passed brought him closer to losing everything he held dear.

But as he sat there, struggling to find a solution, he realized that no matter what he did, the damage had already been done. His secret was out there, and it was only a matter of time before it came crashing down on him.

Michael sat at his kitchen table, the early morning light barely filtering through the curtains. The email from the blackmailer was etched in his mind, haunting every waking moment. He knew what he had to do, though the thought of it made his stomach churn.

Sad man | Source: Shutterstock

Sad man | Source: Shutterstock


He logged into his online banking and transferred all the money from his accounts into one. The numbers on the screen seemed surreal, a stark reminder of his desperate situation.

He then went to the bank and withdrew all the money, feeling every eye on him as he carried the heavy cash burden in a bag.

The next step was even harder. Michael looked at his car, a symbol of his hard work and dedication to his career.

But now, it was just a means to an end. He found a buyer, sold it for cash, and added the money to the bag. The bag's weight felt like the world's weight on his shoulders.

With the money secured, Michael drove a rental car to a storage locker, as instructed by the blackmailer.

White room lockers | Source: Shutterstock

White room lockers | Source: Shutterstock


The place was desolate, an eerie silence hanging in the air. He placed the bag inside the locker, his heart pounding in his chest. Then he stepped back, finding a hidden spot where he could watch.

Time seemed to stand still as Michael waited, every minute stretching into eternity. Then, a figure approached the locker.

The blackmailer was shrouded in anonymity, their face hidden from view. Michael's grip tightened on the rental car keys in his pocket as he watched the figure take the bag and walk away.

Fueled by a mix of fear and desperation, Michael followed. The blackmailer moved quickly, weaving through the bustling crowd of the city.

Michael struggled to keep up, his mind racing with questions. Who was this person? How did they know about his affair with Emma?

Blurred crowd | Source: Shutterstock

Blurred crowd | Source: Shutterstock


As he moved through the crowd, his phone rang. It was Sarah, her voice filled with worry. "Where are you, Michael? When are you coming home?"

Michael's heart ached at the sound of her voice. "I can't talk, Sarah," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"But where are you?" Sarah pressed, her voice rising with concern.

Michael glanced around, realizing he had lost sight of the blackmailer. Panic set in as he turned in circles, searching for any sign of the figure. "I'll call back later," he said hurriedly and hung up.

He stood alone in the crowd, feeling more lost than ever. The blackmailer was gone, along with all the money he had. He had nothing left, no money, no car, and possibly no family.

Crowd of anonymous people | Source: Shutterstock

Crowd of anonymous people | Source: Shutterstock


As he returned to the rental car, Michael's mind was a turmoil of emotions. He had tried to protect his family from the truth, but in doing so, he had only made things worse. He drove home, each mile taking him closer to a reality he wasn't ready to face.

Michael's return home was met with an eerie silence. The usual signs of life, the refrigerator's soft hum, and the television's distant sound were all absent. It felt like the house was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

"Sarah?" Michael called out, his voice echoing through the empty hallways. There was no response, only the sound of his footsteps as he moved from room to room, a growing sense of dread settling in his stomach.

He checked the living room, the kitchen, and their bedroom – all empty. Then he went to Sarah's closet. His heart sank as he saw the empty hangers and the bare shelves—her clothes, shoes, and little trinkets she loved – all gone.

Panic rising, Michael rushed to the bathroom. The countertop, usually cluttered with her cosmetics and skincare products, was now startlingly bare. Every trace of her presence seemed to have been meticulously erased.

Empty marble table top | Source: Shutterstock

Empty marble table top | Source: Shutterstock


His mind racing, Michael went to the guest room where Emma, Sarah's mother, had been staying. The room was just as devoid of life as the rest of the house. Emma's belongings, suitcase, clothes, and even the books she had been reading were gone.

Feeling a sense of unreality washing over him, Michael grabbed his phone and dialed Sarah's number. The line beeped once, twice, and then a robotic voice informed him that the number was no longer in service.

His heart pounding, he tried Emma's number next, only to be met with the same disheartening message.

As he stood there, the phone still in his hand, the truth began to dawn on him. They had planned this. The entire sequence of events – Emma's arrival, the pregnancy announcement, the blackmail – was all a scam, a well-orchestrated ruse to trick him out of everything he had.

Michael sank to the floor, his back against the wall. He felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under him.

Desperate man | Source: Shutterstock

Desperate man | Source: Shutterstock


The house, once a haven of love and security, now felt like a hollow shell, a cruel reminder of the life he thought he had. Every room held memories, now tainted with the bitter realization of betrayal.

He thought about the signs he had missed, the little inconsistencies in Sarah's and Emma's stories that he had brushed aside. He had been so caught up in his guilt and fear that he had failed to see the bigger picture.

The realization that his marriage had been a lie from the start was devastating. Sarah's affection, smiles, assurances of love – were they all just part of the act? And Emma, the woman he had unwittingly let into his life, had she been manipulating him from the beginning?

Michael's mind was a whirlwind of emotions – anger, betrayal, sadness. He had lost everything – his money, car, wife, and now, his sense of reality. He felt like a fool, a pawn in a game he didn't even know he was playing.

As the sun set outside, casting long shadows across the room, Michael knew he had to face the truth. He couldn't hide from it or pretend it wasn't real. He had been scammed, and the life he thought he knew was gone.

Despair, man holding his head | Source: Shutterstock

Despair, man holding his head | Source: Shutterstock


Michael eventually stood up, his body heavy with exhaustion. He walked through the house, each step a reminder of the life he had lost.

He would have to report the scam to try and find Sarah and Emma, but he knew the chances of getting his money back, of restoring his life to what it was, were slim.

As he locked the door behind him, stepping out into the fading light, Michael realized this was more than just a financial loss. It was a loss of trust, love, and belief in the goodness of people. And that was something no amount of money could ever bring back.

Michael's footsteps echoed on the polished floor of the police station as he approached the front desk.

The place was bustling with the sound of radios crackling and officers talking. He felt a lump in his throat, the weight of his situation pressing down on him.

"I need to report a... a scam," Michael said hesitantly to the officer at the desk.

The officer, a middle-aged man with a kind but tired face, looked up from his paperwork. "What kind of scam, sir?"

Police station entrance | Source: Shutterstock

Police station entrance | Source: Shutterstock


Michael took a deep breath and began to explain. He told the officer about Sarah and Emma, about how they had come into his life and turned it upside down. He spoke of the pregnancy announcement, the blackmail, and how he had lost all his money.

The officer listened intently, occasionally jotting down notes. After Michael had finished, the officer asked for Sarah's and Emma's full names and other identifying details.

"We'll run a check in our database," the officer said, motioning to a colleague.

As Michael waited, his mind raced with anxiety and fear. What if the police couldn't find them? What if they were gone forever, along with his life savings?

A few minutes later, an officer approached him. "We've found something," he said, leading Michael to a small office.

Tense situation at the inquiry room | Source: Shutterstock

Tense situation at the inquiry room | Source: Shutterstock


The officer pulled up some records on his computer. "It seems you're not the first victim," he said, turning the screen so Michael could see.

There were photos of Sarah and Emma but under different names. Alongside the photos were reports from other men who had been scammed similarly.

"They're con artists," the officer explained. "They pretend to be mother and daughter. They target men, usually those who aren't wealthy, to avoid suspicion and complications."

Michael felt a cold shiver run down his spine. The women he had known as Sarah and Emma were frauds, their entire relationship a lie.

The officer continued, "They've been doing this for a while. You're not their first victim; unfortunately, you might not be the last."

Close up of police officer | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of police officer | Source: Shutterstock


Michael listened, his heart sinking with every word. He had been deceived and manipulated into believing in a life that never existed.

"They're very good at what they do," the officer said. "They know how to play on emotions, to make their story believable."

Michael nodded, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. He had fallen for their act, hook, line, and sinker.

"What happens now?" Michael asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We'll open an investigation and try to track them down," the officer replied. "But I have to be honest with you, it's going to be difficult. They're professionals, and they cover their tracks well."

Man sleeping on the table | Source: Shutterstock

Man sleeping on the table | Source: Shutterstock


Michael felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him. The thought of Sarah and Emma out there, continuing their scam, made him feel sick.

"But they are, surprisingly, principled. These two women," the officer said, leaning back in his chair.

Michael, still reeling from the revelation, furrowed his brow in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

The officer folded his hands on the desk and looked Michael directly in the eyes. "They only rob those who are unfaithful. That's their principle," he explained. "We've tracked this pattern after they pulled off several scams."

Michael felt a chill run down his spine. The room seemed to grow colder, the air heavier. He was trying to process the words, but they seemed to echo in his mind, each repetition amplifying his shock and disbelief.

Detective interviewing suspect | Source: Shutterstock

Detective interviewing suspect | Source: Shutterstock


"How... how do you know this?" Michael stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

The officer sighed, a look of grim understanding on his face. "We've been investigating them for a while now. Every man they've scammed has had one thing in common – they were unfaithful to their partners. It's a bizarre sort of moral code, but it seems to be their modus operandi."

Michael leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. He thought about his actions, his unfaithfulness. A sense of shame washed over him, and he felt his cheeks grow warm.

"So, they see themselves as some sort of vigilantes?" Michael asked, trying to wrap his head around the concept.

"In a way, yes," the officer replied. "It seems they target men who they deem deserving of their scheme. It's twisted, but they're serving a form of justice in their minds."

Criminal case investigation | Source: Shutterstock

Criminal case investigation | Source: Shutterstock


Michael's hands clenched into fists. The idea that his indiscretion had led him into this trap was too much to bear. He felt a strange mix of anger and guilt, a cocktail of emotions that left him feeling nauseous.

"And there's no way to track them down?" Michael asked, a desperate edge to his voice.

"We're doing everything we can," the officer reassured him. "But they're careful, always one step ahead. They probably have multiple identities fake documents. It makes it difficult to catch them."

Michael nodded his thoughts a whirlwind of regret and frustration. He thought about Sarah and Emma, about the life he thought he had with them. It was all a lie, a carefully constructed illusion designed to deceive and betray.

The officer's phone rang, breaking the heavy silence. He answered it, speaking briefly before hanging up. He then looked back at Michael, his expression one of sympathy.

The investigator's desk | Source: Shutterstock

The investigator's desk | Source: Shutterstock


"I know this is hard, but you need to try and move on," the officer said gently. "Don't let their deceit define you. You're a victim in this, nothing more."

With its bland, beige walls and the constant buzz of the overhead lights, the room felt like a physical manifestation of the turmoil he was experiencing.

"The police have been searching for them for a long time," the officer said, shuffling through some papers on his desk. "But each time, they escape before we learn of the crime."

Michael listened, numb, as the officer continued. "They're experts at evading capture. They've already moved on to their next target when we piece together their scheme."

The revelation that Sarah, the woman he had believed to be his wife, had married him under false documents, rendering their marriage invalid, felt like a cruel joke. The life he thought he had built was based on lies, an illusion created by skilled con artists.

A man are sad | Source: Shutterstock

A man are sad | Source: Shutterstock


"Their marriage to you was just another part of their con," the officer said, his tone sympathetic yet matter-of-fact.

Michael felt a hollow pit in his stomach as he processed the words. The memories of his wedding day once filled with joy and love, now felt tainted, corrupted by the truth.

"Likely, they've already left the country," the officer added, looking at Michael grimly. "They don't stay in one place for too long. It's how they avoid getting caught."

The room seemed to close in on Michael as he contemplated the gravity of his situation. He was left with nothing - no wife, money, or even a semblance of the life he believed to be real.

A realization slowly dawned on him as he sat there, lost in his thoughts. If he had just confessed his infidelity to Sarah initially, none of this would have happened. The scam relied on his secrecy and fear of the truth coming out.

Sad man sitting in dark room | Source: Shutterstock

Sad man sitting in dark room | Source: Shutterstock


Michael's mind replayed the moments he could have come clean to Sarah and his opportunities, to be honest about his indiscretion. Each memory was a sharp sting, a reminder of what could have been if he had chosen a different path.

"I should have told her," Michael said quietly, more to himself than the officer. "If I had just been honest about what happened, they wouldn't have been able to use it against me."

The officer nodded his expression one of understanding. "Hindsight is always clearer, Mr. Anderson. But don't be too hard on yourself. Professionals manipulated you. They knew how to exploit your situation."

Michael appreciated the officer's attempt at consolation, but it did little to alleviate the weight of his guilt and regret. He thought about how his fear of losing Sarah had driven him to conceal the truth, ultimately leading to his downfall.

Michael's thoughts were only partially on the spoken words as the officer gave him some final advice and instructions. He was already lost in the maze of his reflections, the "what ifs" and "if onlys" that would likely haunt him for a long time.

Depression | Source: Shutterstock

Depression | Source: Shutterstock


Leaving the police station, Michael stepped out into the bright light of day, but the world seemed dimmer to him now. The bustling activity of the city around him felt distant, like a movie he was watching from afar.

As he walked, he thought about the future, about starting over with nothing. The task seemed daunting, impossible even. But deep down, he knew he had no other choice.

Michael knew the road ahead would be challenging. He would have to confront his mistakes, learn from them, and somehow find a way to move forward. But for the first time since this nightmare began, he felt a flicker of hope, a sense that, despite everything, he could overcome this.

The city around him gradually came back into focus, the sounds and sights becoming more accurate, more tangible. Michael took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future.

But he also felt a newfound strength, a determination to face whatever lay ahead. He had lost everything, but he was still standing. And as long as he was standing, there was a chance to start again, to build something new from the ashes of his shattered life.

Happy man | Source: Shutterstock

Happy man | Source: Shutterstock


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Laura wakes up after a business trip and notices that her daughter is missing. She starts searching for her daughter. Ten years later, the daughter appears on their doorstep and tells the whole truth. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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