A shocked man and woman | Source: Amomama
A shocked man and woman | Source: Amomama

My Greedy Stepkids Lied to My Dying Husband That I Stole Their Jewelry & My Wise Husband Taught Them a Lesson

Junie Sihlangu
May 22, 2024
01:15 P.M.

Imagine having stepchildren who hate you just for being the woman their father chose. They went out of their way to try and get me out of their father's life until they took it too far. This time, my loving husband put them in their place in a way they couldn't deny.

An upset man and woman reacting to something | Source: Freepik

An upset man and woman reacting to something | Source: Freepik

I, Emily, owe God for spending 30 years living in love with my husband, William. But I would not say the same for the bad relationship that I had with my stepchildren, William's kids.

Not that I haven't tried with them, but ever since I met my stepkids, they've gone out of their way to disrespect me. To top that off, they've CONSTANTLY tried to set me up! I don't know what to tell you, dear reader, but I never did anything to deserve their wrath.

A woman and two man looking at a phone while plotting something | Source: Pexels

A woman and two man looking at a phone while plotting something | Source: Pexels


Recently, our little family was thrown a curveball when William was diagnosed with cancer. I've struggled with his diagnosis because being in love and together with a person for three decades isn't a joke.

Yet, if I had to be honest, it's been a tough time for ALL of us. Sadly, my husband's diagnosis, as difficult as it was, didn't deter his children from trying to make me seem like a bad person in his eyes during his last days.

A man comforting his wife | Source: Pexels

A man comforting his wife | Source: Pexels

After being with him so long, I would've thought they would've, at least, resigned themselves to my permanent presence in William's life. But that wasn't the case. Last Friday, we were having what I believed was a lovely family dinner together.


William's daughter, Anna, SUDDENLY grabbed my bag. She took out her allegedly "lost" jewelry, and yelled, "Look what I found, stepmommy, oops!" Without missing a beat and not stopping to allow me to respond, she added:

"So you turned out to be a THIEF in our family! Daddy, thieves don't deserve your money!"

Jewelry and a book spilled out from a bag | Source: Pexels

Jewelry and a book spilled out from a bag | Source: Pexels

Now, because these fake accusations have been ongoing for years, my husband was well aware of his children's intentions with me. "What's the meaning of... You know what, you're right, kiddo," he said seemingly resigned to the truth.

I was still surprised with my mouth hanging open when he shockingly looked at me intensely. Little did I know that the very next moment he would reveal something that would change things in our family FOREVER!

An expressive woman gesturing with her hand | Source: Pexels

An expressive woman gesturing with her hand | Source: Pexels

Before he could speak again, Anna continued, "Daddy, you can't let her get away with this. She doesn't deserve anything from you!" His face was filled with confusion and hurt before he responded to his adult daughter who was behaving like a spoiled child.

William took a deep breath and said, "Before I say anything, I want to tell you all something I overheard last night." He positioned himself comfortably before continuing, signaling how this was going to be an interesting tale!

An older man talking to a younger woman | Source: Pexels

An older man talking to a younger woman | Source: Pexels


"I heard you, Anna, and your brothers talking about how you planned to set up my wife to get rid of her," he revealed. I was shocked to hear how this whole thing was planned ahead of time. But part of me was so much more in love with my husband knowing he was STILL on my side.

He continued, "You said you wanted to make her look like a thief." Anna and her brothers went pale, stammering excuses. "Dad, it's not what it looks like. We...," Anna mumbled. William raised his hand to silence her, saying:

"Save it. I have made up my mind."

An emotional woman holding a phone while trying to explain herself | Source: Freepik

An emotional woman holding a phone while trying to explain herself | Source: Freepik

My dear husband was quite frail at this point but he was still determined to lead the household. What he did next left us all surprised. He pulled out his will from his jacket pocket and laid it on the table.


"I updated my will after overhearing your disgusting plan," he revealed without raising his voice an inch. "MY wife, your stepmother, has stood by me for 30 years, and I won't let your greed tarnish her name."

A woman reacting in shock | Source: Freepik

A woman reacting in shock | Source: Freepik

I ALMOST fell over when I heard what he said next!

"Everything will go to HER. As for you three, you'll receive nothing until you prove you can change and show respect!" Their collective faces turned from shock to anger as they realized the gravity of their actions.

"This isn't fair!" Anna shouted, tears of frustration welling up in her eyes.

"Fair?" William replied, his voice steady. "You tried to frame an innocent woman. This is more than fair."

A man reacting in disbelief to something | Source: Pexels

A man reacting in disbelief to something | Source: Pexels

I honestly felt bad for them, but also knew such strict measures from their father were long overdue! Seeing how their plan had backfired, my stepchildren stormed out, furious and humiliated. The next day, we received furious calls and messages from them, but William refused to budge.

In his final days, my ailing husband ensured his decision that night was ironclad. He even recorded a video message explaining his actions. In it, he declared the love and trust he had in me, making it impossible for my stepkids to contest his will.

A husband comforting his crying wife | Source: Pexels

A husband comforting his crying wife | Source: Pexels


In the video, he was of sound mind as he said:

"To my children, you brought this upon yourselves. Learn to respect others. Maybe, someday, you'll understand the consequences of your actions. To my beloved wife, you have my undying love and gratitude.

I trust and love you with my whole being and know you will do right by my children when the time comes, even though they don't deserve it. My last wish is that you four take care of each other in my absence. That would make me the happiest man."

A man recording himself while seated on the floor | Source: Pexels

A man recording himself while seated on the floor | Source: Pexels

After William passed, I upheld his wishes and ensured that his legacy was honored. My stepchildren were livid but powerless and knew I now had the upper hand. Frankly, I didn't care about my late husband's money or properties, all I wanted was for him to come back to me.


I was riddled with grief for a long time. But I luckily had his mother, my family, and friends to lean on. What I didn't expect to happen was that my stepkids would eventually come around. I won't lie to myself and say it was because they loved me, as I am certain their late father's riches were a very strong influencer.

Three women celebrating a birthday | Source: Pexels

Three women celebrating a birthday | Source: Pexels

Over time, they attempted to reconcile. But I made it clear that respect and integrity were non-negotiable. One day, Anna called me, her voice softer than I'd ever heard. "I'm sorry for what we did. We were wrong."

I sighed, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief. "It's not about the money, Anna. It's about the betrayal," I explained, still mourning. "Your father loved you, and he wanted you to learn from your mistakes."

A neutral-looking woman talking to someone on the phone | Source: Pexels

A neutral-looking woman talking to someone on the phone | Source: Pexels

Remembering my late husband's terms, I insisted, "Prove to me that you've changed, and we can talk." In the end, William's wisdom and foresight protected our love. It also taught his greedy children a lesson they would never forget.

His legacy lives on, not just in the assets he left behind, but in the lesson of integrity and respect he instilled in his children.

A woman smiling while holding a phone | Source: Pexels

A woman smiling while holding a phone | Source: Pexels


In Emily's story, she wasn't the evil stepmother but in the following one, Jane sure is! This woman tried to spoil her stepdaughter's special day only to have her husband, the stepdaughter's father, stick up for his child in a BIG way!

My Stepmother Cut My Prom Dress to Pieces, Luckily My Dad Had My Back & Taught Her a Lesson

A week before my final school dance, my prom, my stepmother Jane turned evil. My dad married Jane six years ago, bringing along her daughter, Amy. While my stepmother initially tried to include me in her and Amy's activities, they grew closer and shut me out.

A woman hanging out with two teenage girls | Source: Pexels

A woman hanging out with two teenage girls | Source: Pexels

In our final year, prom became a BIG deal! I was excited, especially since I was dating Mason. Determined to buy my dream dress myself, I took extra shifts at the diner and babysat. Finally, I saved enough and bought the dress, with my dad proudly supporting me.


Returning home after work, I was shocked when I found Jane and Amy using pieces of my dress to polish silver! My stepmother smugly claimed she thought it was a secondhand dress. When she revealed the truth and said I couldn't outshine Amy, I burst into tears.

A teenage girl sitting on the floor crying | Source: Pexels

A teenage girl sitting on the floor crying | Source: Pexels

My dad overheard and was furious. He ripped up a dress he made Jane think was her wedding dress and told her to fix the situation. The ordeal dampened my prom spirits. But on prom day, my dad surprised me with a new dress and got my hair done!

He also revealed he was divorcing Jane, having realized how poorly she treated me. My father reassured me that our future would be filled with new challenges, like college, but without Jane's negativity.

A happy father and daughter embracing | Source: Pexels

A happy father and daughter embracing | Source: Pexels

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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