Elderly lady with her laptop | Source: Shutterstock
Elderly lady with her laptop | Source: Shutterstock

MIL Listed My Lingerie on eBay While I Was in the Hospital — I Wanted to Burn Her Wardrobe, but Came up with a Better Plan Instead

May 22, 2024
07:09 P.M.

Mary couldn't contain her fury when she saw her favorite clothes listed on eBay by her mother-in-law. So, she came up with a witty way to teach her lesson.


Hi! Mary here. I had to stay at the hospital for a few weeks for some prolonged health check-ups. My doctors had been concerned about some symptoms I was experiencing, and they wanted to monitor me closely.

Woman in a hospital | Source: Pexels

Woman in a hospital | Source: Pexels

It wasn’t the first time I had to leave home for medical reasons, but this time it felt particularly difficult. Knowing I’d be away for an extended period, I asked my mother-in-law, Linda, to move in and help with the kids.

My husband, Mark, was working long hours and couldn’t manage everything on his own, so having Linda there seemed like the best solution. She had always been a bit overbearing, often pushing her opinions on us, but I never imagined she would cross the line in such an outrageous way.

Woman with her doctor | Source: Pexels

Woman with her doctor | Source: Pexels

I left home hoping everything would run smoothly in my absence, trusting that Linda would take good care of the kids. Little did I know my trust was about to be betrayed in the most shocking and hurtful way possible.

A few days into my hospital stay, I was lying in bed when my phone buzzed. It was a message from an old friend, Jenna. "Omg, are you selling all of your clothes?" she asked, attaching a link to an eBay listing.

Shocked woman with a phone | Source: Pexels

Shocked woman with a phone | Source: Pexels


Puzzled, I clicked on the link and felt my heart drop. There, on my screen, were pictures of my wardrobe – my favorite sleepwear, my beloved summer dresses – all listed for sale.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. How could this be happening? The photos were taken in my bedroom, and the seller’s username was unmistakably Linda's.

Anger and confusion swirled inside me. How could she do this? My clothes held sentimental value, and now they were being sold off like cheap trinkets.

Woman works on her phone and laptop | Source: Pexels

Woman works on her phone and laptop | Source: Pexels

Without thinking, I dialed Linda's number. My hands were shaking as I waited for her to pick up. When she did, I didn't waste any time. "Linda, why are my clothes on eBay?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.


She didn't even sound surprised. "Those are not worth keeping anyway. Besides, I do need to be paid for nannying somehow," she replied nonchalantly, as if she was discussing the weather.

Elderly woman looks at her phone | Source: Pexels

Elderly woman looks at her phone | Source: Pexels

I saw white. "Those are my personal belongings, Linda! You had no right!" I almost shouted, but then I remembered where I was and tried to calm myself down.

"Well, if you don't like it, maybe you should hire a proper nanny next time," she retorted before hanging up. I sat there, stunned, my phone still in my hand. This was beyond anything I had imagined, and I knew I had to do something about it.

Angry woman | Source: Pexels

Angry woman | Source: Pexels


After the call with Linda, I was fuming. The audacity! How could she dismiss my concerns so casually and justify her actions? I knew I couldn’t let this go. But instead of acting out of anger, I needed a plan – something that would show Linda she couldn’t walk all over me and get away with it.

I decided to confront her at a family gathering. With everyone present – my husband, father-in-law, and kids – Linda wouldn’t be able to twist the story or downplay her actions. It would be a chance to expose her behavior and ensure she faced the consequences.

Family gathering | Source: Pexels

Family gathering | Source: Pexels

First, I started gathering evidence. I printed out the eBay listings, making sure to highlight Linda’s seller information. Each printout was a stark reminder of her betrayal. I wanted to have undeniable proof to lay in front of everyone.


Next, I prepared for the gathering. I arranged a family dinner for the day after I got out of the hospital. I called Mark and explained that we needed to have everyone together to discuss something important. He sounded puzzled but agreed. Meanwhile, I kept my plan to myself, determined not to let Linda catch wind of what was coming.

Family get-together | Source: Pexels

Family get-together | Source: Pexels

As the day approached, I felt a mix of anticipation and nerves. I rehearsed what I would say, imagining the scene over and over in my mind. I instructed my kids to gather a few of their favorite clothes and toys and put them in a bag, ready for the big moment.

Finally, the day arrived. The family gathered in our living room, everyone chatting and enjoying the evening. My heart was pounding, but I knew I had to stay calm and collected. When everyone was seated, I took a deep breath and called Linda over.

Sad child | Source: Pexels

Sad child | Source: Pexels

"Linda, I need to talk to you about something important," I began, my voice steady but firm. Mark and his father looked up, sensing the seriousness in my tone. This was it – the moment I’d been preparing for. I was ready to confront her and set things right.

I took a deep breath and called the kids over. "Can you gather some of your favorite clothes and toys and put them in this bag?" I asked them gently. They looked a bit puzzled but did as I asked, filling the bag with their cherished items.

Struggling kid | Source: Pexels

Struggling kid | Source: Pexels


Once they were done, I turned to Linda. "Grandma," I began, trying to keep my voice steady, "I noticed you’ve been selling my clothes on eBay to pay yourself for taking care of the kids. If that’s how you feel, maybe you can sell their clothes too."

The room fell silent. Mark and my father-in-law stopped mid-conversation, their eyes widening in shock. The kids, holding the bag, looked at Linda with innocent curiosity. Linda’s face turned a deep shade of red, her usual composure shattered.

Angry elderly woman | Source: Pexels

Angry elderly woman | Source: Pexels

"What are you talking about?" she stammered, trying to regain her footing.

I held up the bag of my children’s clothes and toys. "If you feel entitled to sell my things to pay yourself, why not take these too?" I said, my voice gaining strength. I walked over to the coffee table and laid out the printed eBay listings. "Here’s the proof," I added, pointing to her seller information.


Mark looked at the listings, his face a mix of disbelief and anger. "Mom, is this true?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sad remorseful man | Source: Pexels

Sad remorseful man | Source: Pexels

Linda looked around the room, her eyes darting from face to face, but there was no escape. The evidence was clear, and she had nowhere to hide.

Mark’s voice hardened. "How could you, Mom? Those were her personal belongings. How could you sell them without asking?"

Linda sputtered, "I...I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. I was just trying to help..."

Thoughtful elderly lady | Source: Pexels

Thoughtful elderly lady | Source: Pexels


I cut her off, my voice steady. "Helping would have been taking care of the kids without expecting payment in such a disrespectful way. You crossed a line, Linda."

My father-in-law, usually quiet, spoke up, his voice stern. "Linda, you need to apologize. This is unacceptable behavior."

Linda’s face crumpled, and she mumbled, "I’m sorry. I didn’t think it through."

Woman against the window light | Source: Pexels

Woman against the window light | Source: Pexels

The room was heavy with silence. I looked at Mark, who nodded slightly, his eyes filled with apology and sadness. It wasn’t the perfect resolution, but it was a start. Linda needed to understand that trust and respect were crucial in our family, and this confrontation was a step towards rebuilding that.


My MIL Gifted Me a Scale for My Birthday - But My Husband Soon Gave Her a Taste of Her Own Medicine

When Nina's mother-in-law gifted her a bathroom scale for her birthday and whispered, "You'll need this if you don’t want my son to run away from you," her heart shattered. But her husband’s sweet revenge on Mother’s Day was a priceless lesson in handling toxic behavior with cleverness and grace.

Four months ago, I gave birth to our third child. It has been a wonderful but exhausting journey. Holding my baby for the first time filled me with indescribable joy. Every smile and coo makes my heart swell with love. I spend hours just watching the baby sleep, marveling at the tiny miracle we created.

Nina holds her baby | Source: Midjourney

Nina holds her baby | Source: Midjourney


Our days are a mix of diaper changes, feedings, and endless cuddles. I love taking the baby for walks in the stroller, soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. The baby’s laughter is infectious, and it brightens even my most challenging days.

Despite the love and support from my family, I find it challenging to accept these changes. I know it’s a process, but it’s tough not to feel like I’ve lost a part of myself.

I haven't managed to return to my pre-pregnancy weight, and it’s been tough on my self-esteem. Every day, I look in the mirror and see a body that feels unfamiliar. My clothes don't fit the same, and I struggle with feeling self-conscious.

Nancy looks at the dresses that don't fit | Source: Midjourney

Nancy looks at the dresses that don't fit | Source: Midjourney

I've tried to focus on the joy of our new baby, but it's hard. My confidence has taken a hit, and I can’t help but feel down sometimes.


Read the rest of this story here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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