Woman feeling sad | Source: Freepik
Woman feeling sad | Source: Freepik

My Boyfriend Made My Life a Living Hell after I Publicly Rejected His Marriage Proposal – Is My Revenge Justified?

Caitlin Farley
May 27, 2024
09:25 A.M.

When Mandy turns down her boyfriend's unexpected proposal, he spitefully sabotages her career, leaving her jobless and financially strained. But Mandy knows Jeff's darkest secrets, and with nothing left to lose, she sets out to get her revenge.


So, I'm a 26-year-old junior attorney, totally immersed in my career. My boyfriend, Jeff, is 29, ambitious, and determined. We've been together for a year and a half. Everything was going great until he proposed.

A man hides an engagement ring behind his back | Source: Pexels

A man hides an engagement ring behind his back | Source: Pexels

Last weekend, both our families decided to spend the day at Disneyland. It was supposed to be a fun family outing, enjoying the rides and all.

We were standing in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle as the sun began to set. Out of nowhere, Jeff got down on one knee. My heart skipped a beat. His brother handed him a bouquet of roses, and Jeff looked up at me with this hopeful smile.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

A man proposing to a woman | Source: Pexels

A man proposing to a woman | Source: Pexels

I was stunned. Like, deer-in-headlights stunned. My mind raced. We'd talked about the future, sure, but nothing about marriage. We were both so focused on our careers. How could he think this was the right time?

My heart pounded in my chest as I took in the excited looks on our families' faces. Both our Moms had their phones out, recording every minute, and Dad was watching me with such pride.

I hated to disappoint them all, but I had to answer Jeff honestly.

A woman clenching her jaw | Source: Pexels

A woman clenching her jaw | Source: Pexels


"I-I'm not ready," I stammered, feeling a wave of panic. "This is too soon."

The crowd around us started to murmur. I could hear gasps, and someone even whispered, "Did she just say no?"

Jeff's face fell. The hopeful smile vanished, replaced by a look of utter betrayal. "You will regret this," he said through gritted teeth, his voice low and menacing.

The atmosphere turned icy.

An angry man with partially shadowed face  | Source: Pexels

An angry man with partially shadowed face | Source: Pexels

Our families were in shock. My mom's mouth was hanging open, and Jeff's mom looked like she was about to cry. The magic of Disneyland was completely shattered.

We left shortly after, and the car ride home was filled with an unbearable silence. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just made a huge mistake, but deep down, I knew I wasn't ready for marriage. Not yet.


When we got home, Jeff wouldn't even look at me.

A man sits at a table with his head resting in one hand  | Source: Pexels

A man sits at a table with his head resting in one hand | Source: Pexels

I tried to explain how I felt, but he was having none of it.

"I thought we were on the same page," he snapped. "I thought you loved me."

"I do love you, Jeff," I said, my voice shaking. "But this isn't about love. It's about being ready for a lifelong commitment. I'm just not there yet."

He shook his head, looking more hurt than I'd ever seen him. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone. You'll pay for that."

A man glaring  | Source: Pexels

A man glaring | Source: Pexels


And that was just the beginning of the nightmare. I tried to give Jeff space, thinking things might calm down. Things were still tense between us, but he helped me fix some technical issues on my laptop and we even went out for dinner that weekend.

While I was daydreaming about our relationship getting back to normal, little did I know, Jeff had already put his revenge plan in motion. My life was about to be turned upside down.

That Monday, my boss called me into his office.

A businessman at his desk | Source: Pexels

A businessman at his desk | Source: Pexels

"What have you done?" Mr. Barnes snapped once I entered. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?"

"Find out about what, sir?" I asked, utterly bewildered by his questions.


"About this!" he replied, turning his laptop around so the screen faced me. I leaned in closer and my heart skipped a beat.

Confidential information for one of our top clients was going viral in an online forum. The documents being shared had our firm's letterhead, and all of them came from cases I was working on.

A shocked woman standing against a wall | Source: Pexels

A shocked woman standing against a wall | Source: Pexels

"I didn't do this, Mr. Barnes, I swear!" I said. "We must've been hacked, or—"

"These files were shared from your laptop!" Mr. Barnes thumped his hand against his desk. "The IT department has confirmed it.

That's when it hit me. Jeff had helped me fix my laptop when it was acting up the previous week. He must've shared the files to ruin my reputation. I started explaining the situation to Mr. Barnes, but he cut me off.

A furious man hits a desk | Source: Pexels

A furious man hits a desk | Source: Pexels

"It doesn't matter if your boyfriend shared the files," he said. "The fact is, it happened under your watch. We can't afford this kind of mistake, especially not now."

"I know, and I'm sorry, sir. I'll do everything in my power to fix this."

"There is no fixing this, Mandy!" He yelled. "You're fired."

I couldn't believe Jeff had done this to me. As I packed up my things, my colleagues avoided eye contact, whispers following me down the hallway.

A woman crying | Source: Pexels

A woman crying | Source: Pexels


It felt like a bad dream I couldn't wake up from.

When I got home, things took another turn for the worse. Jeff had moved out. He left me a note, if you could call it that, scribbled angrily on the back of an envelope: "You brought this on yourself."

Not only had he left, but he trashed the place on his way out. The coffee table was shattered, the dining chairs were broken, and even the TV stand was in pieces.

Damaged kitchen | Source: Pexels

Damaged kitchen | Source: Pexels

With the lease in my name, I was stuck covering the costs. Most of my savings were already tied up in student loans, and now I had to figure out how to pay for the damages.

I felt desperate, hurt, and utterly betrayed. How could someone I loved and trusted do this to me? Every day was a struggle, and I couldn't believe my life had turned into such a mess.


One night, I made a decision. I wasn't going to let Jeff get away with this.

A determined woman glares at the camera | Source: Pexels

A determined woman glares at the camera | Source: Pexels

Over the months we were together, he had boasted about his involvement in insider trading and shady financial dealings. He thought he was invincible, but I knew better.

I started gathering evidence, recalling every detail he had let slip. It was a painstaking process, but it gave me a sense of purpose. I compiled everything into a detailed dossier, leveraging my legal skills to make it airtight.

Finally, I anonymously sent the dossier to his company's HR department, the SEC, and several major clients.

A folder containing top secret information | Source: Pexels

A folder containing top secret information | Source: Pexels


It was a risky move, but I had nothing left to lose.

As I hit send, I felt a mix of fear and relief. Fear of what might happen next, but relief that I was finally taking control of my life. I knew the fallout would be massive, but after everything Jeff had done, it felt justified.

A few days later, I got a call from one of our mutual friends.

A woman using her smart phone | Source: Pexels

A woman using her smart phone | Source: Pexels

"Hey, have you heard about Jeff?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"No, what happened?" I tried to keep my voice steady, but my heart was pounding.

"Apparently, he got called into a meeting at work, and they fired him on the spot. There was some kind of investigation, and now he's in deep trouble."


I hung up, feeling a mix of vindication and relief. But there was also a pang of guilt. Had I gone too far?

A woman staring thoughtfully | Source: Pexels

A woman staring thoughtfully | Source: Pexels

Later that week, more news started to trickle in. Jeff's company had launched a full-blown internal investigation, and the SEC was hot on his trail. Turns out the evidence I provided was more than enough to open a serious case against him.

Insider trading and financial fraud are no joke, and Jeff was facing the full brunt of the law.

One evening, I got another call—this time, from an old colleague who knew both of us.

A woman speaking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A woman speaking on the phone | Source: Pexels


"You won't believe this," she said. "Jeff's been blacklisted in the industry. No one wants to touch him with a ten-foot pole. Even his friends are distancing themselves."

Hearing that, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Jeff had always been so smug, so sure that he could get away with anything. Now, he was paying the price for his arrogance.

I had lost my job, my savings were drained, and my trust in people was shattered. But seeing Jeff face the consequences of his actions gave me a sense of closure.

A smiling woman | Source: Pexels

A smiling woman | Source: Pexels

He had tried to break me, but in the end, it was his own downfall that was most spectacular.

Am I proud of what I did? Not entirely. Part of me wishes things could have ended differently. But another part of me knows that sometimes, justice has to be served, even if it means getting your hands a little dirty.


What do you think? Is my revenge justified or did I go too far?

Click here to read about a couple who gets revenge after the groom's brother proposed during their wedding.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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