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A man and woman lie in bed watching something on a laptop | Source: Freepik
A man and woman lie in bed watching something on a laptop | Source: Freepik

My Doctor Asked Me to Record My Sleeping — What I Saw My Husband Do at Night Shocked Me

Caitlin Farley
Jun 11, 2024
09:05 A.M.

Struggling with chronic fatigue, Sarah sets up a camera to record her sleep. She's shocked to see her husband, Jake, leaving the house in the dead of night. Suspicion and fear grip her as she investigates, leading to a tense confrontation.


Have you ever tried to solve one problem and ended up uncovering a disastrous new problem in the process? That's exactly what happened to me.

For the past year, I've been feeling like a zombie. No matter how much I slept, I woke up exhausted. It was like I never actually went to bed. After months of dragging myself through the day, I couldn't take it anymore!

A tired woman | Source: Pexels

A tired woman | Source: Pexels

I went to see Dr. Grant, a sleep specialist. She suggested I record my sleep to figure out what was going on. I didn't see how this would help, but I was desperate enough to try anything at that point.

At first, I used a voice recorder. I placed it on my nightstand, feeling a bit silly but desperate for answers. The next morning, I played back the recording and heard strange noises. Were those footsteps and doors opening and closing?


This was definitely odd. It made my skin crawl thinking someone might be lurking around our house at night.

A woman looking troubled | Source: MidJourney

A woman looking troubled | Source: MidJourney

My heart raced as I replayed the sounds, trying to make sense of them. Was it just my imagination? Could it be something sinister?

After a few nights of these weird sounds, the mystery deepened. Every night the noises persisted: soft thuds, the creak of the bedroom door, and faint whispers that sent shivers down my spine.

I decided to up my game and set up a hidden camera in the bedroom. I didn't mention it to my husband, Jake. He was out late with friends, as usual, and I was too tired to wait up for him.

Close up of a camera lens | Source: Pexels

Close up of a camera lens | Source: Pexels

As I set up the camera, my hands trembled with a mix of fear and anticipation. What would I find? I went to bed with a knot in my stomach, hoping the camera would capture something that made sense of the eerie disturbances.

The next morning, I woke up feeling like a truck had hit me; the exhaustion was that bad. Jake was already in the kitchen, making coffee, looking annoyingly well-rested.

I grabbed my laptop and the camera, eager yet terrified to see if it had captured anything unusual.

A woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels

A woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels


My heart pounded as I plugged in the camera and began watching the footage. What I saw left me speechless.

Jake, my husband, stood up in the middle of the night, looking completely out of it. He dressed in his underwear and sleeping robe then slipped out the bedroom door. I frowned and accessed the security camera in the hall.

The footage showed Jake slipping out the front door.

"Here you go, honey." Jake smiled as he placed a steaming mug of coffee on the table near me. "You look like you need this. Another rough night?"

Man pouring coffee | Source: Pexels

Man pouring coffee | Source: Pexels

I stared up at him, speechless. I'd just watched him leave in the middle of the night, wearing only his underwear and a gown, and he was acting like everything was normal?


A shiver ran down my spine. Of course, he was acting normal. I never told Jake about the camera, and he clearly didn't want me knowing about his late-night excursions. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks: my husband was hiding something from me.

"Honey?" Jake leaned in closer. "Is everything okay?"

A man's face in profile | Source: Pexels

A man's face in profile | Source: Pexels

I forced myself to smile and shut the laptop before he could see what I was looking at.

"Sure," I replied. "Just another rough night, like you said. Thanks for the coffee."

He grinned and left the room to get ready for work. I immediately returned to watching the footage.


Jake didn't come back last night for hours. When he did return, he paced around the room before collapsing back into bed. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. My hands shook as I replayed the footage, hoping I'd missed something that could explain his behavior.

This was more than just suspicious, it was downright disturbing!

Woman looking troubled | Source: Pexels

Woman looking troubled | Source: Pexels

My mind raced. Was Jake cheating on me? But then why would he leave dressed like that? My heart ached at the thought of betrayal, but the more I pondered it, the more I realized how illogical it seemed.

I needed to find out more. Over the next few days, I started snooping around. I checked his phone, but it was clean. I sniffed his clothes for any unusual scents, but they just smelled like his usual cologne.


My paranoia grew with each passing day.

A worried woman | Source: Pexels

A worried woman | Source: Pexels

I asked his friends, but they swore he was with them every night he went out. Nothing added up, and it was driving me insane.

The stress was eating me alive. I couldn't sleep, couldn't think about anything else. I knew I had to confront Jake about it.

That evening, I was sitting in the living room when he came home. My heart was pounding in my chest, a mixture of fear and determination.

"Hey, Jake. We need to talk," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

A woman sitting on a sofa | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting on a sofa | Source: Pexels


"Sure, what's up?" he replied, looking genuinely puzzled. His casual demeanor only fueled my frustration.

"I've been feeling exhausted, and Dr. Grant suggested I record my sleep. I set up a camera, and I saw you leaving the room late at night. Care to explain?"

Jake's face turned red. "What are you talking about? I didn't go anywhere. You're losing it, Sarah."

His defensive tone stung, and I felt a surge of anger.

"Am I?" I snapped, grabbing the laptop. "Let's watch it together."

A frustrated woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels

A frustrated woman using a laptop | Source: Pexels

My hands shook as I navigated to the video file, the tension between us palpable.


We sat on the couch as the video played. Jake's expression went from annoyed to shocked. He paled and turned to me, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"I swear, Sarah, I don't remember any of this." His voice was barely above a whisper, and for the first time, I saw genuine fear in his eyes.

We both sat there in stunned silence, the weight of the situation sinking in. The air felt thick with unspoken questions and growing dread.

A woman looking at a man with concern | Source: Pexels

A woman looking at a man with concern | Source: Pexels

"Maybe we should go back to Dr. Grant," I finally said, breaking the heavy silence.

Jake nodded, his face still pale. "Yeah, I think we should."


His voice was shaky, and I could see the turmoil in his eyes. As much as I wanted answers, I also feared what we might uncover. The unknown loomed over us, casting a shadow on our once-normal life.

The next morning, we both woke up with a sense of dread hanging over us. We had an appointment with Dr. Grant to discuss the bizarre events captured on video.

A couple having a tense conversation | Source: Pexels

A couple having a tense conversation | Source: Pexels

The drive there was filled with silence, both of us lost in our thoughts.

When we finally sat down in Dr. Grant's office, she greeted us with a warm smile. "Good to see you again, Sarah. What brings you and your husband in today?"

Jake and I exchanged a glance before I pulled out the laptop. "We recorded something strange," I said, my voice barely steady. "You need to see this."


Dr. Grant watched the video intently, her face serious. When it finished, she looked up at us, concern etched on her face.

A doctor using a laptop | Source: Pexels

A doctor using a laptop | Source: Pexels

"This is quite unusual. Jake, do you have any memory of these events?"

Jake shook his head, looking distressed. "None at all. It's like I'm completely unconscious during these episodes."

Dr. Grant nodded thoughtfully. "It appears you might be sleepwalking, Jake. This condition is rare but, in some cases, it can be potentially dangerous."

"Sleepwalking?" I repeated, feeling a mix of relief and fear. "So, he's not aware of what he's doing?"


"Exactly," Dr. Grant confirmed.

Close up of a doctor's hands | Source: Pexels

Close up of a doctor's hands | Source: Pexels

"Sleepwalking occurs during deep sleep," Dr. Grant continued, "and the person has no memory of the activities they perform. Stress and genetic factors can exacerbate it."

We spent the next hour discussing Jake's sleep habits and any potential triggers. Dr. Grant suggested we undergo further tests to get a clearer picture of what was happening.

A week later, Jake underwent a series of medical tests. The results were eye-opening. He had a severe sleep disorder, triggered by stress and possibly inherited from his father, who had similar issues in his youth.

A man undergoing medical tests | Source: Pexels

A man undergoing medical tests | Source: Pexels


Dr. Grant explained the situation to us in detail. "Jake, your sleep disorder is disrupting not just your rest but also Sarah's, which explains her chronic fatigue. We need to implement a treatment plan."

She prescribed medication to help manage his condition and recommended therapy to address the underlying stress. Additionally, she advised several lifestyle changes, like reducing alcohol intake and establishing a strict bedtime routine.

Over the next few weeks, we adjusted to our new normal. Jake started his medication and therapy sessions, and we worked on creating a safer sleep environment. We installed alarms on the doors and put child locks on the windows. It was a lot to take in, but we were determined to make it work.

A couple snuggling | Source: Pexels

A couple snuggling | Source: Pexels


Click here to read about a woman who kept seeing odd faces on her home camera footage. What she discovered is shocking!

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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