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A female mechanic | Source: Shutterstock
A female mechanic | Source: Shutterstock

Rich Man Tries to Purchase Poor Mechanic's Daughter, but Pays Too High a Price for It – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Jun 17, 2024
04:17 A.M.

Leslie is her father's good luck charm, from helping him out with the family business to saving the day when he avoids his responsibilities. But what happens when he convinces a powerful client to take his daughter out in an attempt not to be sued?


Leslie waited while her father, Eugene, prepared to teach her how to change a car engine. He was a mechanic and had his own workshop, where she had spent most of her childhood.

"Alright, Les," Eugene began, "I'm going to show you the ropes."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Leslie always felt at home, surrounded by the scent of oil and metal. This was her legacy; she already knew a lot but listened intently to her father.

"Know your engine. This, right here, is the heart of the beast," her father continued, with Leslie nodding, absorbing every piece of knowledge.

This was a perfect and rare moment with him, especially because he had struggled with alcoholism for too long. But Leslie had always been a rock, even during his darkest days. Now, she was reaping the benefits as he had been sober for almost a year.


Eugene was different without alcohol, and Leslie was proud to work alongside him. His passion for mechanics shone through. He guided her with precision. "When it comes to pulling the engine, precision is key," he advised.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Leslie felt a sense of achievement and pride in her work; even her father had to acknowledge her progress, "You're catching on, Les. Soon enough, you'll teach someone else the ropes."

Emboldened by his praise, Leslie decided to talk to him about her future and education, a topic she had contemplated for a while. But she wanted to wait until they had rested a bit. After washing up, she went to their apartment above the workshop and started preparing their lunch.


Tuna melts were their favorite. Her father was still busy when she appeared with their food, but Leslie called him over to the table in the tiny employee kitchen.

After chewing silently, she finally found the courage to broach the subject. "Hey, Dad, I was thinking about taking some night courses at the community college or the school. It'll help me learn more, and maybe we can expand the business and all of that," she started, her eyes fixed on the last bits of her sandwich.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Eugene harrumphed with his mouth full. "Night courses? We've got plenty of work to do here during the day. People learn best by doing, not sitting in a classroom."

Leslie had expected this response. "I want to be the best mechanic I can be – and I think having a formal qualification will open up more opportunities for us. We can take on bigger projects to attract more customers," she said excitedly, her words coming out fast.


Her father shook his head, but his eyes were pensive. "Les, this business has been in the family for generations. I have taught you everything you know, and you're doing great. Why do you need a piece of paper to prove it?"

"It's not just about proving it, Dad," she insisted. "I just want to learn more, to understand the newer technologies, stay ahead of the game. It's not just for me – it's for us."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"You're my apprentice, my partner. We can figure things out together right here in our garage," Eugene said, swallowing the last of his lunch. "But, if this still means so much to you, we can discuss it again in the new year."

Leslie's face lit up like the 4th of July. "Thank you!"


"Finish up," he said, nodding at her plate. "We have work still."

Unfortunately, their peaceful and understanding exchange wouldn't last, as Eugene started drinking again. A few days after their conversation, Leslie discovered him drunk at the shop.

Frowning, she confronted him gently. "Dad, what's in there?" Her finger pointed toward a flask.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Eugene waved his hands dismissively. "Sorry, kid. It's just something to take the edge off. We all have our ways of coping, right?"

"Dad, drinking isn't coping. You're a recovering alcoholic," she said, crossing her arms.


"Relax, honey." He took another sip. "Running a business isn't easy. It is a lot of pressure. This is my way of dealing with things for the moment."

Leslie, sighing in exasperation, said, "Like you dealt with Mom's death?"

Her father flinched almost imperceptively, so she regretted her words immediately. She began to apologize, but Eugene got up and walked away.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

The weekend came, and their auto shop echoed with the sound of metal against metal, air going into tires, and male banter. But Leslie was checking some documents while still listening to her father and quickly realized they were behind schedule.

Only two of eight cars were ready, and the deadline loomed. Despite her worries, Eugene seemed unusually relaxed.


"First things first," Eugene said, pointing to the engine compartment of a battered pickup truck. "Know your engine. This is the heart of the beast. Get familiar with its components."

Leslie nodded, trying to focus. As they worked, she noticed the pungent smell of rum on Eugene's breath and sighed to herself.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Dad, we have eight cars due by the end of the week, and only two are ready. We're falling behind," Leslie said, sighing out loud.

Eugene shrugged, "We've been down to the wire before. We'll get it done, don't worry."

Leslie insisted, "But this is different. We promised these people their cars back, and we're not delivering. We need to step it up."


Her father shook his head, pursing his lips, "We've been through tough spots before. There's honestly no need to stress over this."

Leslie shut up, but the wrinkle in her forehead deepened. Things only worsened when Mr. Parker, a prominent lawyer and one of their high-profile clients, arrived sometime later. Her father had gone off somewhere, and she felt terrible telling him that his car wasn't ready.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

Mr. Parker shook his head as his face set tightly. "I'm going to have to sue you and your father for his incompetence," he threatened.

Leslie raised her hands. "Please, Mr. Parker! We're committed to resolving this issue. We value your business and are taking steps to ensure that your car is ready as soon as possible."


Mr. Parker insisted, "Sorry doesn't solve the problem or compensate for the time I have wasted. I'll see you in court."

Leslie promised to have his car fixed that night. But Mr. Parker wasn't satisfied. Her father appeared from wherever he had been, but she immediately wished he hadn't.

"That's my daughter. Leslie. You should take her out!" Eugene said, drunkenly slurring his words.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

"What?" the lawyer said, raising his eyebrows.

"Excuse us for a second," Leslie said, pulling Eugene aside. "Dad! What the hell?"

He shrugged and stumbled. "Les. The man likes you! He's been staring at you. He's a rich lawyer! You'll be set if you get married!" he said excitedly.


She tried to reason with her father, but Eugene was adamant. "He'll drop the lawsuit if you go out with him. I'm sure. Do it for us," he urged her through his drunken state. He was almost swaying on his feet, so Leslie put him in a chair and went to speak to the lawyer.

"Hmm, Mr. Parker. I apo –"

"A date doesn't sound like a bad idea," Mr. Parker interrupted her apologies.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

Leslie's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"I like your father's idea. Go out with me," Mr. Parker insisted, his face unreadable.

Finally, Leslie nodded, although she made her boundaries clear. It was a professional date, not romantic. The lawyer smiled, told her to meet him at a nearby restaurant, and left, reaching for his phone as he walked away.


She turned back and saw Eugene passed out on the chair, muttering unintelligibly. Feeling used and helpless, she contemplated leaving her father, his workshop, and the life she knew behind. But she shook her head and simply kept working.

At 8 p.m. that night, Leslie arrived at the restaurant but hadn't bothered to dress up. She was still in her coveralls, and her face must've been greasy. The host looked her up and down and said she must be in the wrong place.

Leslie was about to give him a piece of her mind when Mr. Parker appeared.

"She's with me. Is there a problem here?" he inquired, raising his eyebrows.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

The waiter apologized and showed them to their seats, telling them he would be back after they perused the menu.


"So, Leslie, what would you like to eat?" Mr. Parker asked.

"Well, sir –"

"Call me Jude," he insisted.

She smiled slightly and picked the first thing she recognized on the menu. Surprisingly, Jude chose the same. As the evening continued, Leslie found herself warming up to him. He was funny and didn't care that she ate like a pig and dressed like a man.

Back at home, Leslie felt a surprising sense of happiness, even though her father, Eugene, was drunkenly sprawled on their living room couch.

Then, Jude began to visit the garage more often, even when his car was finished.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER


He brought gifts that made her feel unique and seen. He even celebrated her birthday with balloons, and their growing bond seemed genuine. But one day, everything changed.

"I need your help once again, Les. You know… like how you helped me before with the lawyer?" her father slurred, his eyes unable to focus.

"What?" Leslie asked, her mouth dropping slightly.

"There's another client. He is very angry with me. He's threatening to shut us down because his car wasn't ready yesterday. It's fixed now, but he doesn't want to pay," Eugene continued.

"Dad, what the hell?" she exploded.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER


Eugene knelt before her. "You wouldn't leave me in trouble, would you?"

But Leslie refused, shaking her head. "No, I am not going anywhere with him. I have a boyfriend now."

Then a man stuck his head around the corner.

"So, old man," he sneered, a smirk appearing slowly as he took a look at Leslie. "Do we have a deal or what? Oh, she is beautiful. Come on, sweetie. Let's have some fun."

He approached and grabbed her arm.

Leslie, red-faced and outraged, yelled, "Let go of me!! Get in your car and leave right now! I'll call the police!!" But the client got rougher, pulling her toward his car.

While trying to free herself, Leslie suddenly felt a new presence. Jude had arrived and was staring daggers at the client. "Let go, or I'll ruin your life."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER


He grabbed the man's arm, twisting it away so Leslie could step back. She hid behind Jude. He finally let go of the client, and the man ran off, squirming like a coward.

"Are you okay?" Jude asked her, and she nodded but couldn't say anything; she just kept staring at the fire in his eyes. Finally, she took a deep breath and turned her head toward the shop.

"Dad, I quit. And I'm moving out," Leslie said, her voice soft and defeated.

Despite his drunkenness, Eugene realized how he had messed up, especially after watching his daughter packing a few minutes later. He felt even worse days later when he was sober and discovered that she found a job with his competitor. So, he checked himself into rehab.

Meanwhile, Leslie enrolled in night classes at the local college for business, encouraged by her boyfriend's support. She avoided her father until Jude convinced her to give him a chance.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/LOVEBUSTER


Eugene apologized, begging her to come back. "The shop will be yours one day," he said, "no matter what."

"I need to think about it," Leslie sighed. "I like where I am."

"What I did… will never happen again," Eugene promised and walked away, leaving her to consider the future.

Leslie only returned to her father's mechanic shop after getting her business degree and certifications that qualified her to work on several luxury brand cars. She made modifications and renovations to the garage, and Eugene realized it was time to let her handle everything.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Jude proposed the same day Leslie opened a newer, bigger garage deeper in the city, where all the high-rise office buildings were located. And with her new fiancé's help, she became the go-to mechanic of the most important people in their area.


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, here's another one. | When a father spoke to his daughter about her wedding, she asked him not to walk her down the aisle. Feeling hurt, the man decided not to pay for her wedding and took to social media to ask strangers if his decision was right. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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