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Danyelle Noble | Source: instagram.com/_fashionablynoble_
Danyelle Noble | Source: instagram.com/_fashionablynoble_

33-Year-Old Virgin Shares 12 Rules Men Must Follow to Sleep with Her

Caitlin Farley
Jun 19, 2024
08:35 A.M.

A woman who is still a virgin at 33 has revealed her '10 commandments' for her perfect match. She's determined to stay single and celibate until she finds a suitor who suits her!


Danyelle Noble, a dancer from Jupiter, Florida, says she has always been happy on her own. Despite wanting a relationship, she's not ready to settle for just anyone.

She has spoken out about her love life and why she decided to maintain her virginity. Astonishingly, Danyelle leads a celibate lifestyle until she meets the right guy. She's also set high standards for any potential partner!

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle has always focused on her personal growth and happiness. Growing up, she never had an interest in dating and concentrated on her studies and dancing.

When she was younger, she was never asked out on dates by boys in her school, which perhaps contributed to her focus on other aspects of her life.


Danyelle said that although she created a 10-year plan in high school that included settling down and getting married, she later decided she didn't want to "settle just to settle."

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Although Danyelle says many of her friends use dating apps and go home with guys, that lifestyle doesn't suit her. She would rather stay single until she finds the right person.

"I'm not someone who goes on a date with someone and goes back to their house to sleep with. I'm at the age in my life where when I find the right person I know it'll be worth it," Danyelle says.

Danyelle has a list of requirements that her ideal man must meet before she considers taking things to a serious level. She refers to these as her '10 commandments':

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Family Oriented: He must value and prioritize family.

Genuine: Authenticity and honesty are crucial.

Kind-hearted: A compassionate and caring nature is essential.

Taller Than Her: She prefers a man who is physically taller.

Athletic Build: Physical fitness and health are important.

Loves to Travel: A shared passion for exploring new places.

Loves the Outdoors: Enjoying nature and outdoor activities.

Daring: Someone who is adventurous and willing to take risks.


Hasn't Been Married Before: She wants someone without previous marital ties.

Humor: A good sense of humor is vital for a happy relationship.

Stability: Financial and emotional stability are important.

Respects Me: Above all, respect for her and her choices.

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle's dating life has been a mix of challenges and learning experiences. As she got older, her focus shifted towards finding a meaningful relationship rather than engaging in casual dating.

This decision has led to some unique and sometimes difficult dating experiences, like when a date didn't return after excusing himself to use the restroom.


Danyelle has shared that the longest a date has ever progressed for her is up to the third date. She noted that she has been upfront about her virginity and her high standards, but many potential partners have not been willing to stick around.

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

"I straight up tell guys on the first date and if it bothers them then I leave," she says.

Danyelle wasn't always so open about her choices though. She admits she used to be embarrassed to tell others she was a virgin and had never had a boyfriend. However, she has since gained more confidence and says a lot of guys respect her choices.

This straightforward approach has weeded out those who do not align with her values early on, but it has also resulted in some disappointing experiences.

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

According to Danyelle, there are people who mock her for her lifestyle choices. In a TikTok video, she retorts by stating that at least she doesn't have to worry about her partner cheating on her and can do as she pleases in her spare time.

Danyelle is determined to stand by her convictions, however, and has said that she's comfortable being single. She has even said that going so long without a boyfriend has helped her get comfortable with, and learn about herself.

Danyelle Noble | Source: TikTok

Danyelle Noble | Source: TikTok


In another TikTok video, Danyelle shared the 5 reasons why her best friend thinks she's single. Here they are:

You don't go out or go anywhere!

You swipe left on every guy on the apps (Very picky).

You back out on dates, or don't follow through when they ask you to go out.

You don't want to leave Benny [a pet] home alone.

That very special guy that will match your energy hasn't crossed your path and he will be worth the wait when he does!!!

Danyelle Noble and her dog | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble and her dog | Source: Instagram

Danyelle's journey is one of self-discovery and unwavering commitment to her values. A lesson we can all learn from her lifestyle choice is the importance of self-respect and understanding what one truly wants in a relationship.

Her story, filled with both challenges and triumphs, shows that it is possible to find strength in one's convictions even when the world seems to be going in a different direction.


Her "10 commandments" for men are not just a list of requirements but a reflection of her deep understanding of what she wants from life and a partner.

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

As she continues to navigate her path, Danyelle remains hopeful and optimistic. She believes that the right person is out there and that when they find each other, it will be a relationship built on mutual respect and shared values.

Danyelle's story is an inspiring example to all of us to set our own standards and not settle for less than we deserve. Whether in relationships or other aspects of life, staying true to oneself is the key to finding genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram

Danyelle Noble | Source: Instagram


How have you stayed true to your values? What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Another thing Danyelle doesn't have to worry about yet is dealing with a difficult mother-in-law, unlike the woman in the story below.

My Evil MIL Moved in with Us and Made My Life Crazy - It Took Only One Call to Teach Her a Lesson

Daphne's life turns into a mess when her mother-in-law, Helen, moves in and begins taking over the house, criticizing every detail. Helen's constant meddling and harsh comments drive Daphne to her breaking point. Determined to teach the older woman a lesson, Daphne makes a surprising phone call that changes everything.

"Daphne, I can't believe you left the dishes in the sink again. Poor John has to live in this mess."

I looked up from my book, biting back a sigh.

A woman reading a book | Source: Pexels

A woman reading a book | Source: Pexels


Helen stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips, looking around the living room with obvious disapproval.

"I'm doing my best, Helen," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'll do the dishes in a while. I was really tired this morning."

Helen sighed dramatically. "We all have our struggles, but back in my day, we didn't let the house fall apart. We managed just fine, no matter what."

A mature woman | Source: Pexels

A mature woman | Source: Pexels

I clenched my teeth and forced a smile.

Helen had been living with us for two weeks due to renovations at her place. She acted like she owned the house, often rearranging the furniture and criticizing my housekeeping. It was driving me up the wall.


As Helen walked over to the window, she muttered about the smudges on the glass.

Mature woman standing near a window | Source: Freepik

Mature woman standing near a window | Source: Freepik

I watched her wipe an imaginary speck of dust from the windowsill.

She had a knack for finding flaws in everything I did.

It seemed like every time she entered a room, she found something to complain about.

Mature woman smiling | Source: Pexels

Mature woman smiling | Source: Pexels


John was at work, which meant I was left to deal with his mother alone.

I glanced at the clock, hoping it was close to lunchtime. Maybe then Helen would settle down for a bit. But no, it was still only mid-morning.

"Helen, would you like some tea?" I offered, hoping to distract her.

Tea and snacks | Source: Unsplash

Tea and snacks | Source: Unsplash

She shook her head, her eyes still scanning the room for imperfections. "No, thank you. But I do think these cushions could use a bit of straightening."

She walked over and began rearranging the cushions on the couch right next to me.

I gripped my book tighter, feeling my frustration build.


Helen moved to the mantel next, picking up a family photo and examining it closely.

"And this picture is slightly crooked," she added, adjusting it by a fraction of an inch.

A mature woman holding a photo | Source: MidJourney

A mature woman holding a photo | Source: MidJourney

I closed my book, knowing I wouldn't be able to concentrate with her hovering around.

"Helen, why don't you take a break? You've been on your feet all morning," I suggested, trying to sound kind.

She shook her head. "Oh, I'm fine, dear. Just trying to keep the house in order."

And she didn't stop there.

A stressed woman | Source: Unsplash

A stressed woman | Source: Unsplash


That afternoon, I was in the kitchen serving lunch to my children when she stormed in, waving Jack's math test.

"Look at this! Your son got a B on his math test. A B! How could you let this happen, Daphne? You're a terrible mother."

A sad boy | Source: Unsplash

A sad boy | Source: Unsplash

Jack, who was happily eating lunch, stopped.

My heart sank at the distress on my little boy's face.

"Helen, that's enough. Jack's here," I hissed. "Besides that, he is doing good in school, and a B is not the end of the world!"

Helen huffed, crossing her arms. "In my house, a B would be unacceptable. You're failing them, Daphne."

Well, it turned out that was the last straw for Daphne! Click here to read about how one phone call helped her teach her MIL an important lesson!

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