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Three sisters | Source: AmoMama
Three sisters | Source: AmoMama

My Wife's Entitled Daughters Demanded That I Pay for Their Weddings — I Taught Them a Lesson in Respect

Rita Kumar
Jun 19, 2024
12:13 P.M.

Jack believed love meant more than money, but his daughters only cared about cash. When they demanded he pay for their weddings, he was heartbroken. Determined to teach them a lesson, Jack showed them the true meaning of family and respect.


Alright folks, Jack here, 55 and counting. Now, let's get real. What matters more: love or money? You'd say love, right? Well, that's what makes this story a real heartbreaker. My daughters, they chose MONEY...

A heartbroken Jack opens up about his story | Source: Midjourney

A heartbroken Jack opens up about his story | Source: Midjourney

Fifteen years back, my amazing wife Mary left her cheating ex. We've been married for ten happy years now, and she brought three fantastic teenage daughters into our lives. I was thrilled, opened my arms wide, and welcomed them like my own.

Lily, the eldest, took to me right away. We might not be peas in a pod, but she's always been kind and there for us, especially when someone's under the weather.

Jack's stepdaughters: Lily, Sandra, and Amelia | Source: Midjourney

Jack's stepdaughters: Lily, Sandra, and Amelia | Source: Midjourney


The other two, Sandra and Amelia? Not so much. Tried my best, folks, really did. But they always saw me through the lens of their dad—how much I make, what kind of car I drive, even the way I look.

They never warmed up to me, that much was clear. Still, I put them through college, got them whatever they needed, and did everything a father should. I figured that would be enough.

A sad mature man | Source: Pexels

A sad mature man | Source: Pexels

Usually, holidays were the only time we crossed paths. But yesterday, bam! Both of them called, practically in unison. Here's how it went down:

"Jack," they chirped, "we've decided to have a double wedding! And, well..."

I could practically hear the dollar signs clinking in their voices.


"And?" I asked, already feeling the knot tighten in my stomach.

A mature man holding a smartphone | Source: Pexels

A mature man holding a smartphone | Source: Pexels

"We want you to pay for them," they replied, like it's the most natural thing in the world.

My jaw locked so tight, I swear I could hear my molars grinding. Pay for their weddings? The nerve!

Now, don't misunderstand, the money wouldn't have been the issue. I always considered them my daughters, even if they didn't feel the same. But their entitled attitude? That stung.

Jack is extremely upset about his daughters' entitled attitude | Source: Midjourney

Jack is extremely upset about his daughters' entitled attitude | Source: Midjourney


"Why me?" I manage to get out, my voice tight.

"Well," Sandra chimed in, "you paid for Lily's, didn't you?"

Lily's wedding was a different story. She never expected anything, never came with her hand out. But when she needed help, I was there, all smiles and a helping hand.

A wedding | Source: Unsplash

A wedding | Source: Unsplash

These two, though? They constantly compared me to their biological dad and criticized me. It stung, sure, but their lack of affection never stopped me from loving them like my own. Still, I wasn't a walking ATM, right?

"What about your dad?" I asked, hoping for a shred of decency.


"He says it's too expensive for him," Amelia sighed, a hint of entitlement lacing her voice. "So, since your pockets are deeper, you're up, right?"

A young woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A young woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

I wanted to yell. To tell them exactly how disrespectful and entitled they were acting. But then, an idea sparked in my head. Maybe I could use this situation to teach them a lesson. A lesson about love, respect, and what family truly means.

"Alright," I said, trying to sound calm, "let's discuss this in person. Come over tomorrow evening, we can talk things through."

A man talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A man talking on the phone | Source: Pexels


They both agreed, practically bouncing with excitement. You see, they thought they had me wrapped around their little fingers. Little did they know, the tables were about to turn.

The next evening, the doorbell echoed through the house. I opened the door to find Sandra and Amelia standing there, arms full of shopping bags and takeout containers peeking out from the top.

"Hey, Jack!" chirped Sandra, a forced smile plastered on her face. "We brought dinner. Thai, your favorite."

Amelia and Sandra arrive home to meet their stepdad Jack | Source: Midjourney

Amelia and Sandra arrive home to meet their stepdad Jack | Source: Midjourney

Amelia nudged her sister. "Actually, it's Pad Thai, not just Thai. Get it right."

I held the door open, a neutral expression on my face. "Come in, come in. But before we dig into dinner, let's talk about this wedding business."


We all settled around the living room table, the takeout forgotten for the moment. I took a deep breath and laid it all out.

A mature man looking outside | Source: Pexels

A mature man looking outside | Source: Pexels

"I've supported you both through college, and to be honest, I haven't always felt respected in return. Now, you want me to pay for your weddings? Let's talk about why you think that's fair."

Silence hung heavy in the air. Sandra and Amelia exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them.

"Well," Sandra finally started, "you paid for Lily's wedding. It's only fair you do the same for us, right?"

Sandra schools Jack about what's fair | Source: Midjourney

Sandra schools Jack about what's fair | Source: Midjourney


"Fairness has nothing to do with it," I countered. "Lily has always been kind and respectful. She never asked for anything, but when she needed help, I was happy to support her. You two, on the other hand, have only ever criticized me and compared me to your father and your friends' rich dads. You never treated me like family or even called me 'dad' once."

"But we're family!" Amelia interrupted, her voice laced with defiance. "You do things for family, right?"

Amelia snaps at Jack | Source: Midjourney

Amelia snaps at Jack | Source: Midjourney

"Family, huh?" I said, raising an eyebrow. The word felt bitter on my tongue. "Let's be honest, the feeling hasn't exactly been mutual. More like strangers sharing a roof, right? But hey, if you want to play the family card, then let's see what that truly means. Up for a test?"


A mischievous grin tugged at the corner of my lips as I leaned forward. "Alright, here's a deal. I'll contribute to your weddings, but there's a catch," I paused, letting the anticipation build.

Jack has a plan brewing in his mind | Source: Midjourney

Jack has a plan brewing in his mind | Source: Midjourney

"For the next three months, I want you both living here, helping out, and showing me some real respect. No more comparisons, no negativity ... just genuine effort. If, after three months, I see a true change of heart, the money's yours. But if things stay the same, you'll be back to square one with wedding planning and finding another way to fund your big day."

The room fell silent again, the surprise on their faces as clear as day. Three months? Living here? It wasn't what they were expecting.

Sandra and Amelia are pretty upset | Source: Midjourney

Sandra and Amelia are pretty upset | Source: Midjourney

"Three months?" Amelia sputtered. "But we have plans! Jobs, apartments..."

"Those plans can wait," I said firmly. "This is my offer. Take it or leave it."

They exchanged a panicked look. It was clear they weren't thrilled with the prospect, but the thought of a free wedding must have been tempting.

Finally, with a resigned sigh, Sandra spoke. "Alright, fine. Three months. But we're not doing dishes."

Amelia is utterly shocked | Source: Midjourney

Amelia is utterly shocked | Source: Midjourney


I chuckled. "Dishes are definitely part of the deal. But hey, at least you'll have a roof over your head and some decent home-cooked meals!"

The following weeks were an adjustment, to say the least. Sandra and Amelia weren't exactly domestic goddesses. Grumbling about chores became a daily ritual, and the passive-aggressive comments about my taste in furniture were never-ending.

Amelia and Sandra join forces for the next three months | Source: Midjourney

Amelia and Sandra join forces for the next three months | Source: Midjourney

But slowly, things started to change. They saw the effort I put into keeping the house running and the care I took in cooking meals for the family.

They began to participate in chores, albeit reluctantly at first. We started having family dinners again, awkward at first, but the conversation flowed more easily with each passing night.

Table set with dinner | Source: Pexels

Table set with dinner | Source: Pexels

They witnessed firsthand the love and dedication I had for their mother, and for them, even when it wasn't reciprocated. They learned about the sacrifices I made and the extra hours I worked to provide them with a comfortable life. Slowly, the walls of resentment began to crumble.

By the end of the three months, their attitudes had shifted. They no longer saw me as an outsider but as a genuine part of their family. I saw how, from entitled girls, they turned into kind women.

Amelia and Sandra grow to understand their stepdad's love for them | Source: Midjourney

Amelia and Sandra grow to understand their stepdad's love for them | Source: Midjourney


One evening, while we were all gathered around the table, Sandra spoke up.

"Jack," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "These past few months... they've been a real eye-opener. We're so sorry for the way we've treated you. The truth is, our fiancés are helping out with some of the wedding costs, and we'll be chipping in with our savings too."

Sandra apologizes to Jack | Source: Midjourney

Sandra apologizes to Jack | Source: Midjourney

"But that's not all," Amelia chimed in. "We just... we really want you to walk us down the aisle. Our dad, well, he wasn't much of a presence after the divorce. You, on the other hand, you were always there. You paid for our education, for Lily's wedding... you were the one who consistently stepped up."

"Yeah, we're so sorry for not seeing you for who you truly are. We missed out on having a real dad, and it hurts to realize that now," Sandra added.

Amelia asks Jack to walk her and Sandra down the aisle | Source: Midjourney

Amelia asks Jack to walk her and Sandra down the aisle | Source: Midjourney

A wave of emotion washed over me. Here they were, apologizing, acknowledging the role I played in their lives. It was more than I ever expected.

Feeling a lump in my throat, I nodded. “I appreciate that a lot, girls... and never even expected to hear it from you. But I still want to talk about your weddings.”

I kept my word and contributed to their weddings. However, the greatest gift wasn't financial. It was the respect that blossomed between us.

A briefcase stashed with money | Source: Pexels

A briefcase stashed with money | Source: Pexels


As I walked my daughters down the aisle, the pride in my heart wasn't just for their happiness, but for the journey we'd all taken. It was a testament to family, forgiveness, and the unexpected ways love can grow.

Their weddings became a celebration not just of their love stories, but of the stronger, more respectful family we'd become, walking hand-in-hand towards a brighter future.

Sisters Sandra and Amelia are all set to start the new chapter of their lives with their father Jack's blessings and love | Source: Midjourney

Sisters Sandra and Amelia are all set to start the new chapter of their lives with their father Jack's blessings and love | Source: Midjourney

Here's another story: Arnold's world shatters when his stepdaughter gives him a heartbreaking ultimatum to have a Father-Daughter dance with her at her wedding. He teaches her an unforgettable lesson about love and family.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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