A father holding a baby boy | Source: Youtube.com/@thismorning
A father holding a baby boy | Source: Youtube.com/@thismorning

Parents Slammed for Their Son's Name Choice: 'Selfish Parents, Poor Child'

Prenesa Naidoo
Jun 24, 2024
03:21 P.M.

When it comes to naming babies, inspiration can come in the strangest of forms. We've seen celebrities name their children after fruit and types of fabric. We've seen Biblical and fictionally inspired names, but what happens when a registrar gets personal with a couple, and tries to ban a name based on its origin?


Let's find out.

Naming a child is one of the first significant decisions new parents make, often imbued with personal, cultural, and sometimes controversial significance. While many parents lean towards names that carry familial or cultural heritage, some opt for unique names that they believe will stand out positively.

Smiling parents with a baby | Source: Midjourney

Smiling parents with a baby | Source: Midjourney

However, this choice can sometimes lead to unexpected opposition, as was the case for Dan and Mandy Sheldon.

The couple from Derbyshire never quite imagined that naming their newborn son would become a battle against societal norms and institutional resistance.

Their choice of the name "Lucifer" sparked a heated debate and attracted national attention when a registrar refused to accept it, citing potential lifelong consequences for the child.

A newborn baby | Source: Midjourney

A newborn baby | Source: Midjourney

The Sheldons' story, (also found in The Sun) filled with determination and unwavering belief in their choice, highlights the complexities of parental decisions in a world that often clings to traditional and religious connotations.

The couple had chosen the name "Lucifer" for their baby, drawn to its Greek meaning, "light-bringer" and "morning star." They felt it was a strong, unique name for their child.

However, the registrar's reaction was anything but welcoming.

Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning


In fact, the registrar took it far enough and tried to ban the name, stating that it was another name for the devil, adding that the four-month-old little boy "wouldn't succeed in life" with such a name.

Dan Sheldon, a 37-year-old plant hire company boss, lodged an official complaint based on how he and his wife, Mandy, 32, were treated by the registrar.

A woman sitting at a desk | Source: Midjourney

A woman sitting at a desk | Source: Midjourney

"We were really excited to go and get him registered, but the woman looked at us in utter disgust. She told us he would never be able to get a job, and that teachers wouldn't want to teach him."

Sheldon did an interview with This Morning, and explained that the woman even suggested that the name was illegal in other countries.


"She even told us that it was illegal to name a child that in New Zealand and that maybe we should name him something else but refer to him as Lucifer at home."

Despite the Sheldons' attempts to explain that the name's association with the devil in religious texts had absolutely no impact on their son, they were faced with more challenges.

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning


The registrar then asked the couple to leave the room, stating that she needed to get approval before registering the little boy's name.

"We were gobsmacked with her behavior," Dan Sheldon said.

But eventually the registrar gave in and registered the little boy, although it was done with a frown and a clenched jaw.

A shocked woman | Source: Midjourney

A shocked woman | Source: Midjourney

"Honestly, we just thought it was a nice name, a unique one. We didn't expect to get so much grief about it."

The couple was determined to secure the name they had chosen, and filed an official complaint with the local council. After a tense wait, they finally received the news they had been hoping for: their complaint was upheld, and they were permitted to name their son Lucifer.

An angry man | Source: Midjourney

An angry man | Source: Midjourney

Of course, following the official complaint, the Derbyshire County Council had no choice but to address the situation:

"We apologize if they were offended but it is the job of our registrars to advise in these matters as sometimes people are not aware of certain meanings or associations around certain names."

But the couple simply wanted more for their son. It wasn't just about a name that would raise eyebrows, it was about the fact that despite the controversial religious contexts of the name, Lucifer also referred to the planet Venus, the Latin name, once again, meaning, "light-bringer" or "morning star."

A smiling baby | Source: Midjourney

A smiling baby | Source: Midjourney


There is a duality to this name choice which reflects the broader cultural and linguistic diversity that can influence name choices.

The Sheldons' struggle is a reminder of the powerful role societal perceptions and religious connotations play in everyday decisions.

Their victory in naming their son Lucifer also speaks to the importance of understanding and sometimes challenging these societal norms.

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

But of course, why would it stop there?

The internet also had its say in the story with comments ranging from nasty to positive.

Nasty commentors on YouTube had the following to say:

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning


This carried onto Facebook:

User comment on Facebook | Source: youtube/uniladmag

User comment on Facebook | Source: youtube/uniladmag

User comment on Facebook | Source: facebook/uniladmag

User comment on Facebook | Source: facebook/uniladmag

But there were some positive comments amongst the nastiness too:

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

User comment on YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

As society progresses, it is essential to embrace diversity and the myriad ways people choose to define themselves and their loved ones.

Baby Lucifer is destined for big things, despite the negativity bestowed on him by the registrar.

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

Dan and Lucifer Sheldon via YouTube | Source: youtube/thismorning

Names hold significant power in society, often shaping first impressions and influencing perceptions. A name associated with negative connotations, such as Lucifer, can attract undue stigma and prejudice.

The stigma surrounding unconventional names can lead to a lifetime of challenges. Children with unique or controversial names may face bullying or discrimination, as their peers and even adults project biases onto the innocent bearers of these names.

In the workplace, unconventional names can sometimes lead to unconscious bias, affecting job prospects and professional relationships.

Children sitting in a classroom | Source: Midjourney

Children sitting in a classroom | Source: Midjourney


But should we let it?

And let's look at it further, names also offer an opportunity for individuality and cultural expression. Parents like Dan and Mandy Sheldon, who choose names that defy conventional norms, are making a statement about personal freedom and the right to self-definition.

Their decision to name their son Lucifer, despite societal pushback, highlights the importance of allowing space for diversity and nonconformity in a world that often favors the familiar and the traditional.

A smiling couple with a baby | Source: Midjourney

A smiling couple with a baby | Source: Midjourney

Dan and Mandy Sheldon's story is more than just about a name. It's about asserting the right to individuality and challenging the status quo that presents itself at any chance it gets.


Their experience serves as a poignant reminder that while names are powerful symbols, they are ultimately the bearers of personal and familial identity.

A close-up of a baby | Source: Unsplash

A close-up of a baby | Source: Unsplash

What would you have done?

If you enjoyed this story, here's another one for you |

Waitress Fired after Posting TikTok of Man's Unusual 'Date' – Viewers Applaud Her for Risking Her Job

When Tara Bjork started her day, she didn't expect to witness an unusual scenario at the upscale Charlotte restaurant where she worked. But she saw something so surprising that she decided to film it and post the clip on TikTok, where it quickly went viral. The video brought her unexpected fame and applause from viewers but also led to her dismissal.


It was a normal day for Tara Bjork, a waitress at RH Rooftop Restaurant at Restoration Hardware in Charlotte, N.C., until she saw something she couldn't ignore. It was a man having an unusual dining experience that immediately caught the waitress's attention.

A photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

A photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

Intrigued and amused, Bjork decided to capture the moment on her phone. She knew she wasn't supposed to film while at work and understood that posting the video online could lead to her dismissal. Yet, her curiosity and desire to share the hilarious incident outweighed her concerns.

A picture of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

A picture of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork


As she recorded the video, she worried about the possible outcome. On one hand, she thought that no one would notice the video at all, but on the other, she dreaded that it might go viral and bring unwanted backlash. What she didn't expect was how quickly the video would spread and the overwhelming response it would receive.

A smiling photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 30 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

A smiling photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated 30 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

When Bjork posted the video to TikTok, it quickly gained traction, amassing over 2.5 million views. The humorous nature of the content captivated viewers, leading to hundreds of thousands of comments.

This overwhelming response was both exciting and nerve-wracking for Bjork. As the views skyrocketed, she knew she might have to face the consequences at work.

A photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated May 30, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

A photo of Tara Bjork as seen in a video dated May 30, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

The video showed a young man dining with a blow-up doll at the upscale restaurant. The surreal scene caught everyone's attention, from fellow diners to Bjork's coworkers. What was more absurd was that the man had ordered a meal for himself and a salad for the doll.

He had hoped people would record him when he first brought the doll to the restaurant, and he saw about six phones immediately recording him as he was sitting down.

A photo of Henry Herrera as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork

A photo of Henry Herrera as seen in a video dated 28 May, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@t_bjork


The man in the video was Henry Herrera, who took the blow-up doll on a "date" as a punishment. His unusual dinner companion was part of a comedic bit that quickly captured everyone's attention in the room.

Henry's thought process behind it was simple yet hilarious. He had lost in his fantasy football league and had to bring the doll as his date. He found the whole experience humiliating. But Henry admitted, "The funny thing is it was my idea."

A photo of the inflated doll as seen in a video dated May 28, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@papichulo2613

A photo of the inflated doll as seen in a video dated May 28, 2024 | Source: TikTok/@papichulo2613

Henry's punishment was different from the previous year's, which involved sitting in a Waffle House for 24 hours, with each waffle consumed subtracting an hour. He explained that the league wanted to do something different from what they had seen online.

"Last year we started punishments for the last-place finisher in our fantasy football league [sic]," he said. "But we kept seeing [the Waffle House challenge] online, so we wanted to do something different."

Read the full story here.

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