HomeReal Life
A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock
A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

My Wife Gave Me a List of Demands in Exchange for Her Future Pregnancy – I Gave Her a Reality Check

Caitlin Farley
Jun 27, 2024
10:05 A.M.

I was floored when my wife handed me a list of demands, including a pricey car and a tattoo, in exchange for getting pregnant. It felt transactional, reducing a life-changing event to a mere exchange. So, I arranged a meeting with a lawyer, turning her demands into a profound reality check.


So, here's the deal. My wife and I have been together for eight years and married for one. We've always been the couple who have each other's backs.

A happy couple | Source: MidJourney

A happy couple | Source: MidJourney

She's super focused on her career, climbing that corporate ladder like a pro, and I totally support her. But lately, baby talk has been creeping in more frequently, especially with her mom constantly nudging about her "biological clock."

It was a typical Saturday morning in our cozy little home, the kind of house you could call middle-class if you're feeling generous. The sun was streaming in through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over our breakfast table.

There we were, enjoying our coffee and planning our weekend when she dropped the bomb.

A couple having breakfast | Source: MidJourney

A couple having breakfast | Source: MidJourney

"Hey, babe," she began, her tone way too casual for what she was about to say. "I've been thinking about starting a family. But, um, there are a few things I need to feel comfortable doing it."

I looked up from my coffee, curious but unsuspecting. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

She took a deep breath and handed me a piece of paper. A freaking list. I started reading, my eyes widening with each demand.

A man reading a list in shock | Source: MidJourney

A man reading a list in shock | Source: MidJourney


Top of the list: a brand-new, expensive car. Her favorite color, fully loaded, and in her name. The cost of which could easily cover a down payment on a house.

"What the heck is this?" I blurted out, half-laughing, thinking it was a joke.

"I'm serious, Jake," she said, her face deadpan. "Pregnancy and childbirth are going to change my body forever. I want to feel appreciated, and these are the things that would make me feel that way."

A couple having a serious conversation | Source: MidJourney

A couple having a serious conversation | Source: MidJourney

I was stunned. "A car? And a tattoo? You want me to tattoo your name and our future kid's name on my abdomen?"

"Yes," she replied, not missing a beat. "Pregnancy is painful and life-altering. I think it's fair to ask for something in return."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So, you're saying this is like... a transaction? I give you a car and a tattoo, and you give me a baby?"

She looked at me with those determined eyes of hers.

A serious woman speaking to her husband | Source: MidJourney

A serious woman speaking to her husband | Source: MidJourney

"No, I'm saying that this is a way for me to feel valued and appreciated for what I'm going to go through."

I felt a mix of shock, disbelief, and a little bit of anger. But deep down, I understood she wasn't being entirely unreasonable. Pregnancy is a big deal, and maybe this was her way of coping with the fear and uncertainty.

Still, I knew we needed to have a deeper conversation about this.

A man staring thoughtfully at a list | Source: MidJourney

A man staring thoughtfully at a list | Source: MidJourney

"Okay," I said slowly, "I get where you're coming from. But we need to talk about this more seriously."

The next day, I set up a meeting in our home office. She walked in, looking a bit confused. When she saw a lawyer sitting at the desk, her eyebrows shot up.

"What's going on, Jake?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I thought if we're going to make this official," I said, "we should do it properly."

A woman giving her husband a skeptical look | Source: MidJourney

A woman giving her husband a skeptical look | Source: MidJourney


I motioned to the lawyer, who pulled out a contract.

"This," I explained, "is a detailed plan of what raising a child involves. The sleepless nights, the doctor's visits, the financial responsibilities, the sacrifices, and the unconditional love."

Her eyes widened as she began to read through the contract. I watched her expression change from excitement to contemplation, and finally to realization.

I could almost see the gears turning in her head, the reality of what we were about to embark on sinking in.

A woman studying a contract | Source: MidJourney

A woman studying a contract | Source: MidJourney

"Jake," she whispered, looking up from the document, "I didn't realize how detailed and demanding this journey would be. I thought I was prepared, but seeing it all laid out like this... it's overwhelming."


I could see the mix of emotions in her eyes—fear, uncertainty, and maybe a hint of regret. She'd always been the strong one, the one who had everything under control. Seeing her vulnerable like this tugged at my heartstrings.

I reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

A couple holding hands | Source: MidJourney

A couple holding hands | Source: MidJourney

"Hey, it's okay. I know it's a lot to take in, but we're in this together. This journey isn't about material rewards. It's about the life and love we'll create together."

She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I just... I wanted to feel appreciated, you know? Like, I wanted something tangible to hold on to, to remind me of what I'm doing this for."


I wiped the tear away with my thumb, feeling a surge of love for this woman who was willing to go through so much for our future family.

A man hugging his wife | Source: MidJourney

A man hugging his wife | Source: MidJourney

"I get that. And you will be appreciated, every single day. Not because of a car or a tattoo, but because of who you are and what you'll mean to our child. You're going to be an amazing mother."

We sat there in silence for a moment, just holding hands, the weight of the future settling around us. It wasn't the flashy, dramatic moment you see in movies. It was quiet, intimate, and real.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, breaking the silence. "I didn't mean to make it seem like a transaction. I just... I guess I panicked. The idea of my body changing, of everything changing, scared me."

A tearful woman speaking to her husband | Source: MidJourney

A tearful woman speaking to her husband | Source: MidJourney

"I know," I said, squeezing her hand again. "It's a huge deal. But we'll face it together. We'll figure it out, one step at a time."

She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and determination. "You're right. We can do this. Together."

The lawyer, sensing the shift in the room, quietly gathered his things and left, leaving us to our moment. I didn't even notice him leave; I was too focused on my wife, on the woman who was ready to take this leap with me.

A couple having an intense conversation | Source: MidJourney

A couple having an intense conversation | Source: MidJourney


We talked for hours after that, about our fears, our hopes, and our plans. It felt like we were reconnecting on a deeper level, understanding each other in ways we hadn't before.

By the time the conversation wound down, it was clear that our love and commitment were stronger than ever.

"We don't need a contract to remind us of what we're doing," I said, as we finally stood up to leave the office. "We just need each other."

A loving couple | Source: MidJourney

A loving couple | Source: MidJourney

She smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that made my heart swell.

"And maybe a little help from time to time," she added with a laugh. "We can't do it all alone."


"Deal," I said, pulling her into a hug. "We'll take all the help we can get."

As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, I realized that this was the beginning of a new chapter for us. We were stepping into the unknown, but we were doing it together, with love and mutual respect guiding us.

A couple sharing a tender moment | Source: MidJourney

A couple sharing a tender moment | Source: MidJourney

The demands on that list seemed so trivial now. The true reward, the real gift, would be the family we were about to start. The child we would bring into the world and raise together. That was what mattered.

In the weeks that followed, we started making plans. We talked about how we would manage our finances, the changes we would need to make in our lives, and the kind of parents we wanted to be.


We visited doctors, started reading up on pregnancy and childbirth, and even began brainstorming baby names.

A couple in a doctor's waiting room | Source: MidJourney

A couple in a doctor's waiting room | Source: MidJourney

Through it all, we kept coming back to one thing: our love for each other and our commitment to facing whatever came our way together.

It wasn't always easy, and there were moments of doubt and fear, but we knew we had each other to lean on.

And that made all the difference.

A couple laughing together | Source: MidJourney

A couple laughing together | Source: MidJourney


Looking back now, I can see that moment in our home office for what it truly was—a turning point. It wasn't about a car or a tattoo. It was about us, our relationship, and the family we were about to create.

It was about understanding the true meaning of love and commitment, and the incredible journey we were about to embark on together.

We realized that the greatest reward wouldn't be something material.

A couple decorating a nursery | Source: Pexels

A couple decorating a nursery | Source: Pexels

It would be the life we would bring into the world, the family we would build, and the love that would only grow stronger with each passing day. And that was more than enough.

Click here to read how Zoe stumbled upon a secret folder with her name on it on her husband's laptop. After Zoe's laptop crashed, she was forced to use her husband's device to print important papers. She could never have expected to find secret information that would redefine their marriage and her health.


This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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