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Woman surprised as she opens a gift | Source: Shutterstock
Woman surprised as she opens a gift | Source: Shutterstock

My Husband Spent $3150 on Gifts for His Family but I Was Shocked to See His Gifts for Me & My Family

Claudine Varela
Jun 28, 2024
08:32 A.M.

Mia always knew that Family Day came with its fair share of surprises, but this year's gift-giving had more twists than a daytime soap opera. As the presents piled up, little did everyone know that Mia had a lesson wrapped up that would make even the savviest shoppers think twice. Grab your gift receipts and settle in—this is one family gathering you won’t want to miss.

A gift wrapped in gold | Source: Midjourney

A gift wrapped in gold | Source: Midjourney

Hi, Mia here. Grab your popcorn because I've got a doozy of a tale about Family Day, gifts, and a not-so-little lesson in appreciation.

So, I’m 38, been married to what I thought was a fairly decent guy, and we've rocked this thing where once a year, both our families come together to celebrate and swap presents. It's like Christmas, but without the tree and twice the drama.

Here's the kicker: we handle our finances like two teenagers who can't share a milkshake—totally separately. Which means gift shopping is a solo mission.

Man and woman standing back to back, each holding a piece of paper | Source: Midjourney

Man and woman standing back to back, each holding a piece of paper | Source: Midjourney


Every year, we pick out our own gifts for everyone; keeps the peace and surprise alive, supposedly. I'm all for surprises, but last week, I stumbled upon a surprise that turned my 'fairly decent guy' meter way down.

While I was on a cleaning spree—because who doesn’t love to deep dive into the wardrobe abyss from time to time—I found the list. Oh, and it wasn't just any list. It was like finding the cheat sheet to how much your partner really values you—or doesn’t.

Woman looking at a piece of paper | Source: Midjourney

Woman looking at a piece of paper | Source: Midjourney

His side of the list read like Santa went on a Wall Street bonus spree: "My parents - Grill - $1500, Bro - Fishing Equipment - $700, SIL - Bag - $800." Pretty generous, right? But here’s where it gets good.


For my folks? A $75 utensil set. I mean, sure, who doesn’t want to stir soup with the spoon of disappointment? And for me, the grand prize—a scribbled “Smth from Target” capped at $55. Seriously, a mystery gift from Target? I’m half expecting it to be a pack of socks at this point.

Stay tuned, because this Family Day was about to get a reality check courtesy of yours truly, armed with nothing but a gift receipt and a whole lot of sarcasm.

Woman with her arms across her chest, looking serious | Source: Midjourney

Woman with her arms across her chest, looking serious | Source: Midjourney

Now, finding that list was like stumbling into a comedy show where the joke’s on you. My first thought? Maybe he’s playing a twisted game of ‘Let’s see if Mia can guess her own present!’

But nope, this was real life, not an episode of some quirky sitcom. The disparity hit me harder than a caffeine crash on a Monday morning.

Woman screaming inside the bedroom | Source: Midjourney

Woman screaming inside the bedroom | Source: Midjourney

So there I am, standing in our closet, holding this piece of paper that basically summed up my worth in Target dollars.

I mean, I’ve always appreciated a good bargain, but this? This was next-level thriftiness, especially when you compare it to the almost two grand he dropped on outdoor cooking gear for his dad. I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry, so I did a bit of both—call it a snortle.

Woman standing in the closet looking worried | Source: Midjourney

Woman standing in the closet looking worried | Source: Midjourney


As I wiped away my laugh-tears, a wicked little plan started brewing in my head. Oh, I’d get him his fancy watch alright—I’d been saving up for months to surprise him with it. But now? Now it was going to be the centerpiece in my masterclass on ‘How to Value Your Wife 101.’

The days leading up to Family Day were a mix of Oscar-worthy acting and secret scheming. I smiled through dinners, kissed him goodnight, and all the while, I was plotting the kind of teachable moment that would make reality TV producers weep with envy.

And trust me, I’m no Shakespeare, but the drama that was about to unfold could probably win me an Emmy—or at least a nod in the passive-aggressive Olympics.

Woman smiling during dinner with a man smiling in the background | Source: Midjourney

Woman smiling during dinner with a man smiling in the background | Source: Midjourney


So I went on, business as usual, wrapping gifts with extra glitter and a dash of spite. Every ribbon I curled was a reminder that this Family Day wasn’t just going to be unforgettable—it was going to be a lesson in fairness, wrapped up in shiny paper and served with a side of cold, hard truth.

Family Day dawned bright and early, and there I was, acting like it was just another festive get-together. If you could win an award for acting normal when you’re secretly fuming, I’d have a shelf full. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, chattering away, blissfully unaware of the drama I had neatly packaged.

Woman carrying a pile of gifts | Source: Midjourney

Woman carrying a pile of gifts | Source: Midjourney

The gift exchange started off innocently enough. I handed out my meticulously chosen presents, watching faces light up—one thoughtful gift at a time. From artisan coffee blends for the caffeine addicts to first-edition books for the family bookworm, my gifts were hitting all the right notes.


It felt like conducting an orchestra of happiness—quite the contrast to the uninspired shopping spree my dear husband had embarked on.

Then came the grand finale. My husband, bless his clueless heart, was practically vibrating with anticipation for his turn. I saved his gift for last, building up the suspense like the climax of a horror movie.

Man and woman holding a package while smiling at each other | Source: Midjourney

Man and woman holding a package while smiling at each other | Source: Midjourney

The whole room hushed as I handed him a small, elegantly wrapped box. You could practically hear a pin drop—or in this case, the crushing of his expectations.

He tore into the wrapping with the eagerness of a kid who’s been told there’s candy inside, only to find broccoli. Inside, not the luxe watch he was expecting, but a simple, unassuming mirror.


Attached was my note, written in my best calligraphy (thanks, YouTube tutorials): “Reflect on the value you place on those who love and cherish you. This mirror reflects the effort you put into my gift. May it inspire you to see the true worth of those around you.”

Man holding a mirror | Source: Midjourney

Man holding a mirror | Source: Midjourney

The silence that followed was profound. You could see the gears turning in his head as he read the note, his face a masterpiece of confusion and realization. Meanwhile, the room was so quiet you could hear everyone’s diet resolutions breaking.

But I wasn’t done yet. I turned to my family with a flourish, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and presented my parents with a set of keys.

A set of car keys inside a gift box | Source: Midjourney

A set of car keys inside a gift box | Source: Midjourney


“I may not have spent thousands, but I saved every month for a few years (plus the watch money) to give you this car, something you desperately need,” I told them. The cheer that erupted from my side of the family could have powered a small village.

The contrast was as stark as a black-and-white movie. My thoughtful, meaningful gifts versus my husband's last-minute "whatever works" approach. It was like comparing a gourmet meal to fast food—both fill you up, but only one leaves you satisfied.

Woman admiring a plate of gourmet food | Source: Midjourney

Woman admiring a plate of gourmet food | Source: Midjourney

Post-mirror-gate, the atmosphere was thicker than my Aunt Mabel’s fruitcake. My husband, red-faced and stuttering, looked like he was trying to dig himself out of a hole with a spoon.


Meanwhile, our families were whispering among themselves like they were at a golf tournament, not wanting to disturb the intense moment but dying to comment on every swing.

“Uh, I didn’t know what you wanted... you never told me exactly,” he managed to squeak out, which was about as effective as using a leaky bucket to bail water out of a sinking ship.

Seriously, after nine years of marriage, if you still need me to spell out ‘don’t buy your wife last-minute bargain bin gifts,’ we might have bigger problems than I thought.

Man, looking guilty while listening to woman | Source: Midjourney

Man, looking guilty while listening to woman | Source: Midjourney

The murmurings around us grew as people began to take sides, and let me tell you, there weren’t many team members on ‘Team Cheap Gift.’ Even his own mother gave him that look. You know, the one that says, ‘I raised you better than this, and I’m not mad, just disappointed.’ Yep, that’s the one. Deadly.


But hey, Family Day wasn’t all awkward turtle moments. My side of the family was buzzing from the car surprise, and the vibes were like we’d just won the community bingo night jackpot. Cheers, hugs, happy tears—it was a Hallmark movie ending, just on one side of the room.

Two women happily hugging while another woman watches them | Sourcce: Midjourney

Two women happily hugging while another woman watches them | Sourcce: Midjourney

As the day wound down, and the last of the pie was being fought over, my husband pulled me aside. “I really messed up, didn’t I?” he asked, looking like a kid who’s just been caught drawing on the walls. Understatement of the year, but it was a start.

“Yes, you did. But it’s more than just the gifts, you know? It’s about understanding and appreciating each other,” I said, trying to keep the conversation as light as a feather, but honestly, it felt more like handling a bowling ball.


We agreed to have a more in-depth discussion about expectations and values because, let’s face it, a mirror can only reflect so much before you need to actually talk things through.

Man and woman having a serious talk | Source: Midjourney

Man and woman having a serious talk | Source: Midjourney

That night, the house was eerily quiet, like everyone was holding their breath. As I lay in bed, replaying the day's drama in my head, I had to admit that maybe I went a bit overboard with the mirror stunt. You know, like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Sometimes, though, you've gotta crank up the volume to make sure you’re heard.

Divorce had flashed through my mind, not gonna lie. It felt like maybe it was the only option left after feeling like a clearance item in his life’s shopping cart. But then, something small yet hopeful happened the next morning.

Woman sitting in bed at night, contemplating | Source: Midjourney

Woman sitting in bed at night, contemplating | Source: Midjourney

I caught him googling ‘thoughtful gift ideas.’ It wasn’t much, but it was like a little green shoot popping up after a wildfire—maybe there was a chance for something new to grow here.

So, did he really learn his lesson? The jury’s still munching on that one. But catching him making that tiny effort? It put a pin in the divorce button, at least for now. It showed me there might be a little more to us than just missed signals and last-minute Target runs.

Woman smiling as a man works on his computer in the background | Source: Midjourney

Woman smiling as a man works on his computer in the background | Source: Midjourney


But hey, I'm not holding my breath just yet. Next Family Day, I bet he’ll think twice before scribbling ‘Smth from Target’ on his list. And who knows? Maybe he'll upgrade from those panic-induced shopping sprints to actually planning something with a bit more heart. A girl can dream, right? And this time, maybe—just maybe—that dream might just stick around.

If you enjoyed this story, here's another involving a husband and a gift that reveals more than he expected.

My Husband's Gift Unveiled His Dark Secret without Him Even Realizing It

Working from home has been the biggest blessing for me, especially recently, when my mother was admitted to the hospital for surgery after finding out that she had fibroids.

Of course, there was no choice about it.

A person with an IV in hospital | Source: Unsplash

A person with an IV in hospital | Source: Unsplash


"Deb, you have to go," Nick, my husband, said when we were making breakfast together the morning after my mom had phoned.

"You'll be okay here, by yourself?" I asked him, pouring milk into a cup of coffee.

A person pouring milk into coffee | Source: Unsplash

A person pouring milk into coffee | Source: Unsplash

"Yes, of course," Nick said. "Your mother needs you, and I'll have to be here for Pippy anyway. I do need to go away for two days next week, but I'm sure Camila will come over and stock up his food."

Nick was constantly going off on work trips, and because we weren't looking into having children yet, Nick had gotten me a talking parrot to keep me company while he was away.

A green parrot on a person's arm | Source: Pexels

A green parrot on a person's arm | Source: Pexels


Camila was my best friend, and she often came over to visit—cooking with us, having movie nights, and so on.

So, I knew that in my absence, Camila would watch over Nick and make sure that he was eating and all of that.

Two women holding each other | Source: Unsplash

Two women holding each other | Source: Unsplash

I began to pack my bags while Nick got ready for work. I was nervous about going to my mother—I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't used to my mother being unwell; for as long as I could remember, she was always the strong one.

But now, I knew she needed me. And my only option was to be there for her.

An open suitcase on a bed | Source: Unsplash

An open suitcase on a bed | Source: Unsplash


"Oh, honey," my mother said when I showed up at her door with my suitcase. "You didn't have to come!"

"Of course, I did," I told her, and I meant it.

The next few days were all about getting my mother ready for her surgery and making sure that her house was fully stocked for when she got out.

A daughter with her arms around her mother | Source: Pexels

A daughter with her arms around her mother | Source: Pexels

On the evening after her surgery, I visited her in the hospital; the medication made her emotional and soppy.

"Thank you for coming, Deb," my mother said, wiping her tears. "I was so scared about doing this alone."

When I showed my mother the bouquet of flowers that I had brought her, she wept even more.

A woman in a hospital bed | Source: Unsplash

A woman in a hospital bed | Source: Unsplash

"It's time for something to eat," I told her, giving her some custard.

When my mom was discharged, we settled into a routine at home—I would sort out her breakfast and bath, and then settle myself down to work for a few hours.

I would cook for us, and she would try to get back on her feet and move around the house.

A woman in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A woman in the kitchen | Source: Pexels


And before I knew it, two weeks had passed, and I was ready to go back home.

The night before I left, I sat in the guest room at my mother's house and scrolled through my socials. I saw a photo of Camila with Pippy the Parrot, and I felt incredibly homesick.

A person scrolling through social media | Source: Pexels

A person scrolling through social media | Source: Pexels

As much as I wouldn't have changed being with my mother for the world, I was ready to head home again.

Driving home, I thought of having a dinner party with our closest friends—the more I drove, the more I craved the comfort of being around my friends.

I just wanted to sit around a dinner table and have everyone talk about whatever news they had.

A woman driving | Source: Pexels

A woman driving | Source: Pexels

Two days later, I was stuck in the kitchen, cooking up a storm for the dinner that evening. My husband was away on his trip but would make it in time for dinner.

As I began the dessert, ready to bake a cheesecake, Camila walked in.

"I wanted to come in and help you set up," she said. "What can I do? Put me to work!"

A woman wearing an apron and holding a bowl | Source: Pexels

A woman wearing an apron and holding a bowl | Source: Pexels


She put on an apron and tied it tightly, while greeting Pippy.

"Honey, honey, honey!" Pippy's voice was strangely affectionate, a tone that I had never heard before.

"That's new," I said. "I've never heard Pippy say that!"

Camila chuckled and smiled at my parrot.

A person tying an apron | Source: Pexels

A person tying an apron | Source: Pexels

Later, when we were done with the food preparation, Camila went upstairs and took a shower—ready for us to get ready to greet our guests.

As I poured the glasses of champagne, Nick walked in and enveloped me in a big hug.

"Welcome home," he said.


He held onto me for a moment before letting go when Camila walked in, looking fantastic.

A couple embracing | Source: Pexels

A couple embracing | Source: Pexels

Our friends started coming in, and Pippy continued with his "Honey, honey, honey!" whenever Camila walked past.

The rest of our friends chuckled, amused by the bird's sudden verbosity.

"It looks like someone missed you a lot!" Camila laughed, unaware of the storm brewing inside me.

People sitting at a table | Source: Unsplash

People sitting at a table | Source: Unsplash


I had spent a lot of time with Pippy, but he didn't ever call me 'honey' or anything of the sort.

The seed of suspicion was planted. I didn't like the way I felt about Camila getting all the attention from my bird. Later, when I was washing the dishes as our friends relaxed around the house, I began to feel uneasy.

Something just felt incredibly wrong to me. But I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

Find out what happens next. Click here for the full version,

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