People in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock
People in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

My Fiancé Told Me to Pay For His and His Friends' Meal - I Taught Him a Lesson

Monica Otayza
Jul 11, 2024
05:24 A.M.

A woman's fiancé insisted she paid for his and his friends' meals because she got a salary raise. Having had enough, she snuck out of the restaurant, forcing her fiancé to pay for their food, which he couldn't afford.


A woman's fiancé constantly gaslighted her about her financial capacity. It came to a point where he demanded she pay for their meals whenever they went out with his friends.

On Reddit, the woman narrated the sticky situation she was in. She wanted to see whether or not people thought she was wrong for what she did. The woman explained that she kept her finances separate throughout her relationship with her fiancé. They never shared a joint account because her fiancé didn't want one.

A couple at home | Source: Pexels

A couple at home | Source: Pexels

Around the fifth month of their engagement, the woman got a raise. She and her husband deduced that she earned 30% more than he did. Since getting a raise, the woman noticed her fiancé would constantly request her to pay for him and his friends. "Why should I pay for this?" she'd ask him. "The 30%, that's why," he'd reply.

A working woman | Source: Pexels

A working woman | Source: Pexels

Because of how her fiancé treated her, the woman felt he was implying she didn't deserve the raise. It was like he was taking the salary raise against her and that it was unfair.

Her fiancé enjoyed eating out with his friends. Several times, they'd ask the woman to join them, and he'd trick her into paying for the entire meal by asking her publicly.

Friends sharing a meal together | Source: Pexels

Friends sharing a meal together | Source: Pexels


Admittedly, the woman was always too nice to say no. She hated confrontation, so she'd suck it up, smile, and pay for the bill. One day, she finally had enough. Her fiancé asked again if she could join him and his friends for dinner.

She obliged, but from the moment they left for the restaurant, she had already clarified to him that she wouldn't be footing the bill. He assured her that wasn't the case and said it was on him.

A couple in a car | Source: Pexels

A couple in a car | Source: Pexels

Everything was going well during their dinner until he whispered in her ear that she'd be paying for everything in the middle of the meal. She was furious and whispered back a resounding "no."

Like clockwork, the man knew his fiancée hated causing a scene in public. So, he publicly announced, "You have enough money you could pay for everyone's food, 30% remember?"

A successful woman | Source: Pexels

A successful woman | Source: Pexels

The woman was livid. She waited until the tabs were on the table to make her move. The restaurant already split the bills from the start between the woman and the rest of the party. She paid for her order and excused herself to the restroom.

Someone paying with a credit card | Source: Pexels

Someone paying with a credit card | Source: Pexels


Then, she made the bold move of sneaking out of the restaurant and driving herself home. Soon after, she got phone calls from her fiancé demanding to know where she was.

She told him he didn't appreciate being put in the spot again and being tricked into paying for other people's meals. Hours later, her man caused a scene at home.

A woman driving | Source: Pexels

A woman driving | Source: Pexels

He began yelling at her, calling her different names. He claimed it was childish of her to leave him like that, abandoning him with a bill he could not pay for.

The woman's fiancé called her "selfish, irrational, cheapskate, and childish." He said his friends were disappointed and asked him to think about the type of woman he would marry.

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

People Sided with the Woman

Ultimately, the woman felt she did nothing wrong. However, because of how her fiancé reacted, she felt the need to seek help online. People on the internet made sure to give the woman an awakening. They thought she was putting herself in a bad situation based on the man she chose to marry.

A troubled woman | Source: Pexels

A troubled woman | Source: Pexels


People on Reddit made it clear that the woman was being manipulated by her fiancé. They hoped she was wise enough to dump him and save herself from further torment.


Do you think the woman was right for sneaking out of the restaurant? What would you do if you were in her place? In another story, a man refused to pay for his stepdaughter's meal after she embarrassed a waiter in front of everyone. Click here to find out what happened.

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