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A boy looking at a cave opening | Source: Midjourney
A boy looking at a cave opening | Source: Midjourney

Boy Discovers Mysterious Cave in Forest and Hears a Cry for Help – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Jul 24, 2024
06:45 P.M.

In a sleepy village, young Peter ventured into a creepy forest to seek a cure for his ailing sister, Lily. But the dark woods held more than he could imagine.


Peter sat on the worn living room rug with his back against the faded couch. He fiddled with a frayed thread and tried to ignore the hushed voices coming from the kitchen.

His parents thought he couldn't hear them, but their words drifted clearly through the thin walls of their small house.

"We just can't afford it, Marcus," his mother said in a strained voice. "The specialist in the city... it's too much."

A couple arguing on the kitchen table | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing on the kitchen table | Source: Pexels

"I know, Oona," his father replied, just as worried. "But Lily needs help. She's not getting any better."

Peter's fingers clenched around the thread. He glanced at the bassinet where his baby sister lay, and even from a distance, he saw her tiny face flushed with fever.


She had been sick for weeks, and nothing seemed to help.

A crying baby | Source: Pexels

A crying baby | Source: Pexels

"What about that herbalist?" his mother asked suddenly. "Tom was his name, I think. Lives out in the woods. Maybe he could help?"

"I don't know," his father replied. "Those old remedies... can we trust them?"

Their voices faded as Peter's mind raced. A herbalist in the woods? Maybe this Tom could help Lily where doctors couldn't. He had to try.

A boy thinking | Source: Pexels

A boy thinking | Source: Pexels



The next morning, while his parents were distracted with Lily, Peter slipped out the back door. He clutched a small backpack filled with a water bottle, some sandwiches, and a flashlight.

The forest, which began just a few yards away from his house, loomed before him, but he took a deep breath and plunged in.

At first, the woods seemed almost welcoming. Sunlight dappled the forest floor, and birds chirped cheerfully overhead.

Sunlit forest trail | Source: Pexels

Sunlit forest trail | Source: Pexels

But as Peter ventured deeper, the atmosphere changed. The trees grew taller, with branches that blotted out the sky.

Soon, the sounds of birds were replaced by an eerie silence.


Hours passed, and Peter's initial confidence waned. Everything now looked the same, and he had no idea if he was even heading in the right direction.

A scary forest | Source: Pexels

A scary forest | Source: Pexels

But just as fear began to creep in, Peter heard something that made his blood run cold.

A faint cry echoed through the trees.

He froze and listened intently. There it was again.

It was a weak call for help.

He scrambled towards the sound, pushing through a thick underbrush. Thorny vines scratched at his arms, but he pressed on.

A thorny plant | Source: Pexels

A thorny plant | Source: Pexels


Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath him. He tumbled down a steep slope as leaves and twigs whipped past his face.

Finally, he came to a stop, and he was out of breath. As he struggled to his feet, he found himself facing a dark opening in the hillside.

A cave. The cry came again, clearer now. It was coming from inside.

A cave deep in the forest | Source: Midjourney

A cave deep in the forest | Source: Midjourney

"Hello?" Peter called out hesitantly, his voice shaking. "Is someone there?"

A whimper answered him. His eyes slowly adjusted as he peered inside, and what he saw made him gasp.

A boy, no older than himself, lay crumpled on the cave floor. His leg was bent at an odd angle, and his face was pale in the dim light.


Bruises mottled his arms, and his clothes were torn and dirty.

A disheveled boy in a cave | Source: Midjourney

A disheveled boy in a cave | Source: Midjourney

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, rushing to the boy's side. He fumbled for the flashlight in his backpack, clicking it on to get a better look.

The boy squinted in the sudden light. "I'm Cliff," he said weakly. "I got lost... fell down here. My ankle hurts real bad."

Peter helped Cliff to a sitting position and offered him some water from his bottle. "How did you end up in this cave?" he asked.

A water bottle on the ground | Source: Pexels

A water bottle on the ground | Source: Pexels


Cliff's eyes darted away, looking almost ashamed. "I was... exploring," he said, though his tone was uncertain. "Then I fell and couldn't get back out."

Something about Cliff's story didn't quite add up, but Peter decided to push his doubts aside for now. The priority was getting help.

"I'm Peter," he said with a reassuring smile. "I was looking for the herbalist who lives around here to get some help. But don't worry, I'll get you out of here, and we'll call for help first."

A boy in nature | Source: Unsplash

A boy in nature | Source: Unsplash

Together, they hobbled out of the cave and into the fading daylight. Cliff leaned heavily on Peter, his injured ankle barely able to support any weight.


As they emerged from the cave, Cliff's eyes widened.

"Wait," he said, pointing towards a faint trail barely visible through the undergrowth. "I think that leads to the herbalist's cabin. My mom told me about him once. Let's go there together."

A dark forest trail | Source: Unsplash

A dark forest trail | Source: Unsplash

Peter nodded, although he was worried about Cliff's ankle. But the herbalist could definitely help him out.

As they stumbled along the path, Peter couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Why had Cliff been in that cave?

The forest seemed to thin as they followed the winding path. Dappled sunlight broke through the canopy, illuminating patches of wildflowers and moss-covered logs.


After what felt like hours, a small clearing appeared ahead. A rustic cabin stood in the center, its wooden walls weathered by time.

A rustic cabin in the woods | Source: Midjourney

A rustic cabin in the woods | Source: Midjourney

Smoke curled from a stone chimney and the scent of herbs filled the air. Strings of dried plants hung from the porch eaves and swayed gently in the breeze.

The boys stumbled towards the cabin, both exhausted from their journey. Before they could knock, the front door swung open with a creak.

A tall man with a graying beard and piercing eyes stood before them. He watched them, frowning at Cliff's ankle before speaking.

A man with a long gray beard | Source: Unsplash

A man with a long gray beard | Source: Unsplash


"Well now," he said in a gruff voice. "Looks like you boys could use some help. Come on in."

Inside, the cabin was a marvel of organized chaos, but it felt much brighter than the eerie surroundings outside. Bundles of herbs hung from the rafters, and shelves lined the walls, packed with jars of powders, liquids, and what looked like tiny creatures preserved in amber.

Books of all sizes were stacked haphazardly on every surface, and the titles on their spines confirmed what Peter had suspected: this was definitely Tom, the herbalist's cabin.

Shelves with books and herbs | Source: Midjourney

Shelves with books and herbs | Source: Midjourney

Tom carefully guided Cliff to a worn armchair and knelt to examine the boy's ankle, his fingers probing gently.


"Just a sprain," he declared after a few moments. "You'll be right as rain in no time, young man."

As Tom wrapped Cliff's ankle with practiced ease, Peter explained how they found each other. The older man listened intently, his eyes narrowing at certain parts of the story.

When Peter finished, Tom nodded thoughtfully.

Old man with a beard | Source: Unsplash

Old man with a beard | Source: Unsplash

"Well, you've had quite the adventure," he said, moving to an old radio tucked in the corner of the room. "Let's get a message out to search and rescue. Your folks must be worried sick about you, Cliff."

As Tom fiddled with the radio dials, Peter gathered his courage. This was his chance to ask for help.


"Sir," he began. "My baby sister's real sick. My folks can't afford the fancy doctors in the city. I was hoping... maybe you could help?"

City hospital | Source: Unsplash

City hospital | Source: Unsplash

Tom's hands stilled on the radio. He turned slowly, fixing Peter with an unreadable expression. For a moment, something flashed in his eyes. Was it concern? Or something else entirely?

"I do what I can with nature's remedies," he said carefully. "But there are limits, son. I'd need to see her to know more."

Peter nodded, trying to hide his disappointment.

A boy with a serious face | Source: Unsplash

A boy with a serious face | Source: Unsplash


Before he could say more, a commotion outside caught their attention. The roar of an engine shattered the forest's silence, followed by the crunch of tires on gravel.

A sleek black car had pulled up in front of the cabin. Someone stepped out of the SUV, causing Tom to gasp and turn pale.

Peter looked closely and saw a woman wearing designer sunglasses and a bright dress. Somehow, her presence seemed to lighten the entire scene. She started walking toward the cabin, which no longer felt as dark and ominous.

"Cliff!" she called out. "Cliff, are you in there?"

Glamorous woman with sunglasses | Source: Pexels

Glamorous woman with sunglasses | Source: Pexels

"Here, Mom!" Cliff shouted back.


Tom opened the door, and Tamara came in, rushing to wrap her arms around the injured boy. That's when Peter noticed something odd.

Was that fear in Cliff's eyes?

A scared boy | Source: Midjourney

A scared boy | Source: Midjourney

"Oh, sweetheart," Tamara said, pulling back to examine her son. "I've been so worried! What were you thinking, running off like that?"

Cliff mumbled something inaudible, his gaze fixed on the floor. Tamara turned to Tom, her expression hardening. "And you!" she said angrily. "I thought I made it clear you were to stay away from my family!"

Tom raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Now, Tamara," he said, his tone carefully neutral. "The boy was hurt. I was just helping out."


Peter watched the exchange with growing confusion. But before he could make sense of it all, Tamara's attention shifted to him.

A glamorous woman looking to the side | Source: Pexels

A glamorous woman looking to the side | Source: Pexels

"And who might you be?" she asked, her tone softening as she addressed Peter.

"I'm Peter, ma'am," he replied, suddenly feeling very small under her scrutiny. "I... I found Cliff in the woods. Well, in a cave. He was hurt, so I helped him get here."

Tamara's expression changed as she smiled. "Well, aren't you the little hero," she said warmly. "Thank you. Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?"

Peter hesitated, glancing at Tom. The herbalist gave a small nod.

Old man with a gray beard | Source: Unsplash

Old man with a gray beard | Source: Unsplash

"Actually ma'am," Peter began, his words tumbling out in a rush. "My baby sister's real sick. We can't afford the doctors in the city, and I was hoping to find help out here in the woods. If there's any way you could... I mean, I don't want to ask for money or anything, but..."

Tamara held up a hand, silencing Peter's rambling. "Say no more, sweetheart," she said, reaching into her purse. She pulled out a checkbook and a pen, scribbling quickly. Just like that. "This should cover your sister's medical expenses. Consider it a thank you for looking after my boy."

A woman writing a check | Source: Midjourney

A woman writing a check | Source: Midjourney


Peter's eyes widened as Tamara pressed the check into his hand. The amount written was more money than he'd ever seen in his life.

"I... I don't know what to say," he stammered. "Thank you, ma'am. Thank you so much."

As Tamara and Cliff prepared to leave, Tom pulled Peter aside. "Time we got you home too, young man," he said quietly.

Peter nodded, still stunned that a famous singer had given him money just like that. As he set out with Tom for the trek back to his house, Peter glanced back and saw Cliff looking longingly into the forest.

A boy in front of a rustic cabin | Source: Midjourney

A boy in front of a rustic cabin | Source: Midjourney

What was that about?



Peter's parents were frantic when he and Tom arrived. But their anger melted into curiosity and then cautious hope as Tom explained the situation and offered to examine Lily.

In the nursery, Tom bent over Lily's crib, his weathered hands gentle as he checked her temperature and listened to her breathing. He mixed several herbs from his bag to create a special pouch and showed Peter's mother how to do it. He placed it on the baby's forehead after.

An herb pouch | Source: Unsplash

An herb pouch | Source: Unsplash

"This should help ease her discomfort," Tom explained, his voice low so as not to disturb the now-sleeping Lily. "But I'm afraid she does need medical help. The money you've received should cover the treatments she needs."


As Tom prepared to leave, he paused at the door, fixing Peter with an intense gaze. "You've got a brave boy here," he told Peter's parents. "And a fighter of a little girl. Everything will be okay now."

With a final nod, the herbalist disappeared into the gathering dusk, taking with him several mysteries.

An old man with a long beard | Source: Pexels

An old man with a long beard | Source: Pexels

Peter had no time to dwell on his thoughts as he showed his parents the check and told them what had happened in the woods. They scolded him for going alone but praised him for being brave and helping another boy.

With the money, they were able to get Lily the treatment and medication she needed to get better. Her fever went down, and everything seemed right again in Peter's home.


However, Peter couldn't shake a nagging feeling. There was something about the way Tom had looked at Tamara and the fear in Cliff's eyes when she arrived that piqued his curiosity.

A boy with glasses | Source: Pexels

A boy with glasses | Source: Pexels

After all, she had been kind to him.

What secrets lay hidden in those woods and between those people? Was there something in that cave? And would he ever uncover the truth behind his strange adventure?

Peter knew, deep in his bones, that someday he would return to those woods. And when he did, he'd be ready for whatever awaited him there.

A sunlit forest | Source: Pexels

A sunlit forest | Source: Pexels


Click here to read another story: My son, Michael, surprised me with a cottage in the countryside, but when we got there, I realized it was all a trick. After a while, I discovered the real reason why he did this, and I still can't forgive him. What would you do?

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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