Top 20 Witty Mother-in-law Jokes According To Our Editors
Our MILs are often lovely, cool, and kind, but that’s not always the case. Everyone has heard a story about a MIL who turns their in-laws’ lives into a nightmare. So, without further ado, here are some jokes about those kinds of MILs.
1. The Thoughtful Request
A brave employee decides to approach his boss with an unusual day-off request.

Two men conversing in an office environment | Source: Pexels
Employee: “Can I have tomorrow off to go and visit my mother-in-law?”
Boss: “No chance!”
Employee: “Thanks, I knew you’d understand!”
2. Family Ties
A man reflects on his complicated relationship with a certain relative.

A man considering something with a smile on his face | Source: Pexels
I don’t know what I’d do without my mother-in-law… but it’s nice to think about!
3. Cross Over
A particular pedestrian catches everyone's attention.

Some unusual road users | Source: Pexels
Why did the mother-in-law cross the road?
She thought it was a boundary.
4. Roadside Assistance
A married couple encounters an unexpected and alarming situation.
A man and his wife are driving along and the man sees his mother-in-law being attacked by seven guys.

A couple driving through the countryside | Source: Pexels
“Aren’t you going to help?” his wife asks.
“No,” says the man, “seven of them should be enough.”
5. Brief Encounter
An unexpected knock at the door heralds the arrival of an often-challenging houseguest.
My mother-in-law stopped by for a visit.
“Staying long?” I asked.
“Just until I start getting on your nerves,” she replied.
“Oh, so you won’t even be staying for tea then,” I replied.

A teapot obscuring a couple in the background | Source: Pexels
6. Culinary Tardiness
One brave soul finds themselves running behind schedule.

An elderly woman serving dinner at a table | Source: Pexels
What do you call it if you’re late for dinner at your mother-in-law’s?
Delaying the inedible.
7. Name Dropping
One father's choice raises eyebrows at the school gates.

A young girl posing in a school classroom | Source: Pexels
I named my daughter after my mother-in-law.
Passive-Aggressive Nutcase just started secondary school.
8. Garden of Bliss
An amusing insight into the true nature of paradise.

A lush, primordial garden | Source: Pexels
In the story of Adam and Eve, Adam didn’t have a mother-in-law.
He really did live in paradise, didn’t he?
9. Heavenly Creature
Jon comments on his mother-in-law's status as a celestial being.

Two men sharing a laugh at a bar | Source: Pexels
Jon said, “My mother-in-law is an angel.”
“You’re a lucky fella,” Andy replied, “mine’s still alive!”
10. Into the West
The Wild West, where outlaws roamed free.

A cowboy riding in the sunset | Source: Pexels
What’s the difference between outlaws and in-laws?
Outlaws are wanted.
11. The Art of Conversation
One man attempts to find common ground in family banter.

An elderly woman "holding forth" in conversation | Source: Pexels
I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law in six months.
I don’t like to interrupt her.
12. Feathered Faceoff
Talking parrots are known for their witty remarks.

A parrot with wing raised | Source: Pexels
My mother-in-law bought a parrot recently but had to return it.
“This talking parrot you sold me doesn’t speak!” she told the pet store owner.
“I haven’t had the chance!” replied the parrot.
13. A Rooftop Dilemma
Home maintenance can be a challenge, especially when dealing with unexpected guests.

The rooftop of a house, slick with rain | Source: Pexels
My wife asked if my mother could come down for the weekend.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because she’s been on the roof for two weeks now and it’s starting to rain.”
14. Final Arrangements
One man's careful planning reveals just how far he'll go to see his mother-in-law off.

A man ice fishing on a frozen lake | Source: Pexels
I’m trying to get my mother-in-law to go ice fishing before the ice gets too thick.
17. Holiday Traditions
The festive season brings many things: decorations, gifts, and turkey dinners.

A Christmas turkey roasted and ready for eating | Source: Pexels
What do turkeys and mothers-in-law have in common?
Seeing them once a year at Christmas is enough!
18. Illuminating Personalities
This twist on the classic joke sheds light on a common stereotype.

A hand hovering below a lit light bulb | Source: Pexels
How many mothers-in-law does it take to change a light bulb?
One. She just holds it whilst the world revolves around her.
19. Nature's Embrace
When comparing animals to human relationships, some unexpected parallels emerge.

A snake coiled menacingly on the ground | Source: Pexels
What’s the difference between a mother-in-law and a boa constrictor?
A boa constrictor eventually lets go.
20. Forces of Nature
Weather phenomena can be unpredictable and overwhelming, much like certain family relationships.

A "twister" touching down in the distance | Source: Pexels
What’s the difference between a mother-in-law and a tornado?
Nothing, both come into your life bringing devastation.
Bonus Jokes!
We know you just can't get enough of these mother-in-law jokes, so here are two more to keep you in stitches...
1. Staying On-script
Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when delivering personal anecdotes.

A man making a speech | Source: Pexels
I always cringe when I hear jokes about how difficult mothers-in-law are because my own experience has been far from that.
She’s beautiful, smart, funny [turns to mother-in-law]… sorry, am I reading this right?
2. Wedding Day Blues
One particular reaction from the mother of the bride caught everyone's attention.

A bride in tears at the altar | Source: Pexels
Many people believe that women marry men like their fathers, which is why the [bride]’s mother was crying her eyes out during the ceremony.
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