A couple getting married | Source: Shutterstock
A couple getting married | Source: Shutterstock

Poor Homeless Man Appears at Luxury Wedding to See Bride Who Betrayed Him a Few Years Ago — Story of the Day

Sep 01, 2024
06:13 P.M.

A poor homeless man decides to put in an appearance at the wedding of the woman who betrayed him some years back — "She is not who you think she is."


"You're fired dummy!" the yell was followed by two rapid slaps that left the poor waiter, who spilled iced tea on Samantha Jones when he collided with her, holding his cheek and staring open-mouthed at the vexed woman before him.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of here! I can't have an oaf like you helping out at my wedding! You'll just go around spilling drinks on my guests, ruining their exotic clothes!"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Samantha, who was popularly referred to as Sam by her friends, paused her ranting to dab at the few specks of iced tea that had splashed on her.

Of course, she had been quick-witted enough to push the juice tray towards him, so it all spilled over him — then she fired him. "You know Sam, you could have just gotten out of his way," a voice said from behind her.


It belonged to her husband-to-be, Cody Banks, the number one business tycoon in the tri-state area. He was very wealthy but had also been very alone before he met Sam.

Their first meeting happened during a private wine tasting event held by a famous connoisseur. Cody had been invited specially, but Sam was there because her friend, who was on the organizing committee, pulled some strings.

When Cody saw her, he got that suckered punched feeling every male of the human species gets when he sees a lady who could potentially become his mate.

He watched her from a distance during the event then approached her after. "I see the weather is not the only thing hot today," he said to break the ice, and that was how things started for them.

Seven months down the line, and Cody popped the big question, to which she said yes — after making him promise to let her plan it, which is why she had all the authority to fire someone she deemed incompetent.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pixabay


"I can't have mediocrity at our wedding baby," she said, her voice, which had been harsh before, immediately softening.

"Mmm–hm," Cody said as he hugged her from behind. "Just be a bit more lenient with them okay? That's all I ask."

"Anything for you baby," she said with a smile, even though she did not mean it.

On the day of the wedding, everything was going perfectly; the live band she hired were doing wonders with their instruments, the flowers she ordered turned out great, and so did the other exotic decorations.

They weren't that many guests; exactly 50 invitation cards were printed, and they all went out to the couple's closest friends. Cody had wanted a slightly larger crowd to witness him finally saying I do, but Sam managed to convince him otherwise.

"Less is always more baby," she'd told him.

The wedding ceremony proceeded without a hitch up until it was time for the couple to exchange vows. As is customary, the priest officiating the ceremony asked if anyone present was against the union.

Nobody expected anyone to speak up, least of all Cody and Sam, who were so caught in each other, they didn't hear the murmuring of the guests.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It was not until the priest cleared his throat that they both looked towards the crowd and noticed the shabby-looking man walking towards the aisle.

The man, who looked to be in his 30s, was dressed in tattered clothes and had a look that revealed his malnourishment. His drab clothing looked like a speck of mud on the otherwise pristine ceremony, and it offended the guests.

"Who is that?" one man asked.

"Who let a hobo in here?" another woman wanted to know.

As the man got closer to the couple, Sam's eyes widened, and she immediately started yelling for security. Cody noticed her reaction and was instantly concerned.


"Do you know this man?" he asked her.

"No, of course not," she said. "But he looks like a crook, I would advise you not to believe a word that comes out of his mouth."

The man reached them just as security grabbed him and started to drag him away. "That woman!" He yelled as he struggled. "She is not who you think she is!"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Let him go," Cody told the guards. "You should have done a better job of preventing him from coming here in the first place. But now that he's here, we shall listen to him."

With that, the man was freed, and he began his story. His name was Justin, and he had been a rich tycoon once upon a time.


"Love was all I lacked," he said. "Then I met her."

"Don't believe him!" Sam shouted.

"Be quiet Sam!" Cody exclaimed, effectively shutting her up.

"Sam? That's what you go by now?" he asked, then chuckled. "When I met her she was Linda."

Justin revealed that he fell in love with Linda but that she had been nursing an ulterior motive all along. Eventually, she got him to sign over 50% of his company shares and then kicked him out by bribing other stakeholders to dismiss him as the CEO of his own company.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

After that, she divorced him and kicked him out of their home. He kept returning there until one day, he found out she had sold it, and that was the last he heard from her. Then he happened upon the wedding by pure chance and vowed to make sure no other man would fall victim to her as well.


"Is this true?" Cody asked her.

"It is all you deserved!" Sam yelled at Justin. "I just wanted to make money and that was all it was about." To Cody, she said; "Baby I truly love you, it was all love right from the start."

But it was too late; Cody was done. "This wedding is over," he said before walking away with Justin.

Away from people, Cody thanked Justin for revealing things to him before it was too late. He also felt terrible for Justin, so he asked him to visit him at his office at a later date.

When they met again, Cody gave the man a job in appreciation, and he also set him up in a nice apartment on company expenses. It was tough for Justin to adjust, but he eventually did.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Samantha was shunned by all the rich friends she had made, and she also lost her shares in the company she stole. Eventually, she ended up alone and poor, right back where she started.

What did we learn from this story?

  • Whatever goes around comes back around. Samantha conned Justin out of his money to escape poverty. She succeeded, but karma got back at her when she lost everything to him after he surfaced on her wedding day.
  • Bad things happen, especially when good people do nothing. Cody was saved because Justin decided to expose Samantha for the scam she was. He could have tried to blackmail her, but he did not do that and, in the end, was rewarded for making the right decision.

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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a man who secretly faked his own death to take care of his ailing mother.

This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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