A woman at a massage spa | Source: Pexels
A woman at a massage spa | Source: Pexels

Masseuse Finds Out Female Client is Sleeping With Her Boyfriend and Decides to Take Revenge – Story of the Day

Salwa Nadeem
Oct 03, 2024
07:10 P.M.

When Anna discovers her boyfriend Henry is cheating on her, she decides to befriend his mistress as part of a carefully planned revenge. What unfolds is something neither Henry nor his lover could have predicted.


Anna's hands moved in smooth circles over her client's back, the familiar motions usually bringing her a sense of calm. The soft music and lavender scent in her spa typically soothed her nerves, but today something felt off.

Clients came and went, their faces blurring together as Anna's mind wandered. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

That's when the bell above the door chimed, and Anna looked up to see her best friend Sarah walk in. But Sarah didn't look as happy as she always did. Her usual bright smile was absent.

"Sarah? What's going on?" Anna asked, quickly finishing up with her client and guiding her friend to a quiet corner of the spa.


"Anna, we need to talk," Sarah said. "It's about Henry."

Anna's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her boyfriend's name.

"What about Henry? Is he okay?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"I saw him yesterday, Anna," Sarah began. "He was with another woman."

Anna felt her world spin. She couldn't believe what her friend just said.

"Wh-What do you mean? Another woman?" she asked.

"They were holding hands," Sarah said softly. "It looked... intimate. I'm so sorry, Anna. I know you and Henry just got engaged, and you've been together for four years. I didn't want to believe it myself, but I couldn't keep this from you."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"No, there must be some mistake," Anna shook her head. "Henry wouldn't do that to me. We have plans, dreams. We're getting married, for God's sake!"

"I know, sweetie. That's why I had to tell you. The woman's name is Layla. I overheard them talking."

Anna felt like the ground was shifting under her feet. She wanted to believe Sarah was wrong, that there was some innocent explanation. But the pain in her friend's eyes told her otherwise. Sarah wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Anna whispered.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Sarah nodded. "I'm so sorry, Anna. I wish I was wrong. I really do."

Anna's mind raced, memories of her four years with Henry flashing before her eyes. The laughter, the shared dreams, the recent proposal - had it all been a lie?

She tried to recall if there had been any signs, any clues she might have missed. But everything had seemed so perfect.

"I don't know what to do, Sarah," Anna admitted, her voice shaking. "How am I supposed to face him? What if you're mistaken?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"I think you need to talk to him, Anna. Confront him with what I saw," Sarah suggested. "If there's an innocent explanation, he'll have a chance to give it. And if not... well, you deserve the truth."


"You're right. I need to know for sure. I can't just accuse him based on what you saw, no offense. I need proof."

"Of course," Sarah agreed. "Just... be careful, okay? And remember, I'm here for you, no matter what happens."

"Thanks, Sarah. I don't know what I'd do without you," Anna smiled.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

That night, Anna paced her living room, unable to sit still. Henry had texted earlier, saying he was working late again.

With each passing minute, Sarah's words echoed louder in Anna's mind, gnawing at her confidence.

Finally, unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Anna found herself standing in front of Henry's study door.


She'd never snooped before, and had always respected his privacy. But now, with doubt clouding her judgment, she reached for the doorknob with shaking hands.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

At first, the study looked normal. There were neat stacks of papers and family photos on the desk. Then, Anna's gaze landed on a piece of white paper tucked beneath a stack of documents. Something told her she needed to pull that paper out.

It was a bank statement, and it looked fine until Anna noticed a series of large transfers to someone named Layla.

"Oh God," Anna whispered, sinking into Henry's chair. The room spun around her as the reality of Sarah's words began to sink in.


But Anna wasn't done yet.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

She opened drawer after drawer and finally found something that broke her heart into a million pieces. There were two plane tickets hidden in the bottom drawer. Two plane tickets for an upcoming trip to Bali.

One for Henry, and the other one for… Layla.

Tears stung Anna's eyes as the full weight of Henry's betrayal crashed down on her. It was true. All of it.

Henry had been living a double life right under her nose.

How dare he? Anna thought. How dare he cheat on me with another woman?

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

As Anna carefully replaced everything exactly as she'd found it, a plan began to form in her mind. She'd need more information, and she knew just how to get it.

Henry and Layla had no idea what was coming their way.

A week later, Anna scrolled through Layla's social media profiles. The private investigator she'd hired had done his job well, providing Anna with a wealth of information about her rival.

Layla's online presence was a carefully curated image of wealth and status. Designer clothes, exotic vacations, and high-end restaurants. Every post oozed luxury and privilege.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


So, this is where Henry's hard-earned money is going, Anna thought.

But there was more to Layla than just her expensive tastes. The PI's report had been thorough, detailing Layla's daily routines, her favorite haunts, and most importantly, her insecurities.

Despite her glossy online persona, Layla was deeply insecure about her status and constantly sought validation from her followers and the men she dated.

Anna's smile widened. She could use this.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

At precisely 7:15 AM the next morning, Anna walked into Layla's gym.

She'd timed it perfectly, knowing from the PI's report that this was when Layla always finished her morning workout.


Anna made her move as soon as she saw Layla stepping off the treadmill.

"Oh my gosh," Anna gushed, approaching Layla with a look of star-struck awe. "Aren't you SpaQueen89? I absolutely love your posts!"

"That's me!" Layla smiled. "Always nice to meet a fan."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Anna leaned in conspiratorially, playing her role to perfection.

"I actually own a spa myself. Nothing as fancy as the places you go to, I'm sure, but I was wondering... would you be interested in a complimentary massage? I'd love to get your opinion on our services. Someone like you could really help boost our profile."


Layla's eyes widened at the prospect of free pampering and a chance to flex her influencer muscles.

"Really? That sounds amazing! I'm always on the lookout for new spa experiences to share with my followers."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"Great!" Anna beamed, pulling out a business card she'd had specially made for this purpose. "Here's my card. Just call to set up an appointment whenever you're free. I'll make sure to give you our VIP treatment."


The spa glowed with soft candlelight as Layla arrived for her appointment.

Anna had gone all out, transforming her modest spa into a haven of luxury that would appeal to Layla's expensive tastes. Soft music played in the background, and the air was heavy with the scent of exotic oils.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Welcome," Anna greeted warmly. "I'm so glad you could make it. Let me show you to our VIP suite."

Layla's eyes widened as she took in the opulent surroundings.

"This is gorgeous," she sighed, settling onto the massage table. "I can't wait to tell my followers about this hidden gem."

Anna's hands moved expertly over Layla's back, easing her into a state of deep relaxation. As she worked, she carefully steered their conversation, building rapport and trust.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"So, Layla," Anna said casually after about twenty minutes. "I couldn't help but notice some of the amazing trips you've been on lately. That getaway to Bali looked incredible."

"Oh yes, it was divine," Layla replied. "I'm actually planning another trip there soon."

"Really?" Anna's hands never faltered as she pressed on. "With someone special, I hope? A gorgeous woman like you must have men falling at your feet."

"Well, there is someone," she giggled. "He's taking me to Bali next month. It's all very hush-hush though. He's kind of a big deal in the business world."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"How exciting!" Anna feigned excitement. "And how long have you two been together?"


"About six months now," Layla said dreamily. "He's just the best. So generous, you know? Always spoiling me."

Anna took a deep breath.

"That's wonderful, Layla," she said. "And how long have you been seeing Henry?"

The atmosphere in the room changed instantly. Layla's body tensed under Anna's hands. "W-what?"

"Henry," Anna repeated. "My fiancé. The one you've been sleeping with for the past six months."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"I don't know what you're talking about," Layla stammered.

"No? So, you haven't been taking his money? Going on fancy trips together? Planning a romantic getaway to Bali?"


"Please, I can explain—"

"Save it," Anna cut her off. "I know everything, Layla. Every lie, every secret rendezvous, every penny he's spent on you. The only question now is, what am I going to do about it?"

Tears streamed down Layla's face as the full impact of the situation hit her.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"I'm so sorry! It just happened," she began. "He told me he was unhappy, that he was going to leave his wife. I had no idea YOU were his wife. Please, please don't tell this to anyone. Please don't ruin my image."

"And the money? All those expensive posts, the luxury lifestyle?"


"It's in a safe at my apartment," Layla confessed. "I needed it for my image, my lifestyle. It's all fake, Anna. I'm not rich. I just... I take money from men like Henry to keep up appearances. Without it, I'm nothing."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Thank you, Layla. That's all I needed to know," Anna smiled. "And don't worry, I won't expose your fake lifestyle."


That evening, Anna watched Henry sprawled on the couch, completely engrossed in his video game. She'd never understood his obsession with those games, but tonight it worked in her favor.

He was so focused on the screen that he didn't even notice as Anna slipped quietly into his study.


Her heart pounded as she logged into his computer.

How do I get into his bank account? she thought.

That's when she stumbled across a file in his email named "Important Docs."

"Yes!" she whispered as she scrolled through the doc and found all his passwords. "I thought you could do better than this, Henry."

Her fingers flew over the keyboard, accessing account after account, transferring funds with practiced ease.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

By the time she was done, Henry's business accounts were empty, and her own secret account was very, very full.


She could hear Henry cursing at his game in the next room, completely oblivious to the fact that his entire world was about to come crashing down.

Serves him right, she thought. He won't even think about spending money on his mistress again.

Quietly, Anna packed a small bag with essentials. She took one last look around the home they'd shared, memories of happier times flashing through her mind. But those days were gone now, shattered by Henry's betrayal.

No regrets, she told herself firmly. Only new beginnings.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

With one last glance at Henry, Anna walked out the door and into her new life.



One year later, Anna wiggled her toes in the warm sand, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon in a blaze of orange and pink.

"More champagne, darling?" a deep voice asked.

Anna looked up to see Charles, her new love, refilling her glass.

"Always," she replied, clinking her glass against his.

As the last rays of sunlight faded, Anna thought about the path that had led her here. The betrayal, the pain, the sweet taste of revenge, it had all brought her to this moment.

She'd lost a cheating fiancé but gained a fortune and a fresh start.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed reading this story, here's another one you might like: Seeing my husband with a young blonde at the pool, I was ready to confront him and demand answers. Little did I know, the unfolding drama would not only reveal his betrayal but also lead to a series of events that would shatter our seemingly perfect life.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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