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Food on the table | Source: Getty Images
Food on the table | Source: Getty Images

My Husband Asked Me on Thanksgiving Why I Don’t Dance for Him after Work

Gaone Pule
Oct 09, 2024
03:50 P.M.

The holidays are meant to be joyful and full of family warmth, but one unexpected comment from my husband last Thanksgiving turned a normal dinner into an uncomfortable, silent moment for everyone. His sudden question brought tension that changed the mood entirely.


Our relationship has always been a bit of a balancing act, especially in social settings. Jack and I both have demanding careers and on top of that, we're raising two little kids.

Healthcare workers having a discussion | Source: Pexels

Healthcare workers having a discussion | Source: Pexels

It's exhausting—there's barely time to breathe between work, school runs, and managing the chaos at home. Yet, despite how busy we both are, it often feels like I'm the one doing everything. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, making sure everyone's needs are met—except for my own.

Jack, on the other hand, comes home from work and seems to expect things from me without much consideration for how tired or stretched thin I am. It's not that he doesn't love me, but he's always been a bit self-centered when it comes to his needs, expecting me to put in extra effort while not giving much in return.

A woman looking distant while lying down next to her partner | Source: Pexels

A woman looking distant while lying down next to her partner | Source: Pexels

Our relationship has always been marked by moments where Jack's behavior left me feeling unappreciated. He had a habit of making snarky remarks when we were around family or friends, often disguising his jabs as jokes.

For the most part, I would brush them off or laugh along to keep the peace. Over the years, I had gotten used to the comments that would sting for a moment but fade as the conversation moved on.

A couple having dinner | Source: Pexels

A couple having dinner | Source: Pexels


It was his way of showing off, I suppose, a way to get a reaction out of me or the room. And even though it annoyed me, I usually let it slide, not wanting to create any tension in front of others.

But underneath it all, resentment had been building up inside me. There were countless nights when I would try to talk to Jack about how his remarks made me feel—how belittling it was when he treated me like that in front of others.

A distant couple sitting on a sofa | Source: Pexels

A distant couple sitting on a sofa | Source: Pexels

"Jack," I'd say after yet another family gathering, "You embarrass me every time you make those comments. It's like you're trying to put me down, and I can't take it anymore."

He would always wave me off with a dismissive chuckle. "Jess, you're overreacting," he'd say, brushing off my feelings like they were nothing more than an annoyance. "It's just a joke. You need to lighten up."

A couple arguing at a dinner table | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing at a dinner table | Source: Pexels

I tried explaining that it wasn't funny to me, that it hurt, but my words never seemed to register. The more I pressed, the more defensive he became, turning the conversation around to make it seem like I was being too sensitive or dramatic.

So eventually, I stopped trying. I would sit through the comments and the laughs, swallowing my frustration, and telling myself it wasn't worth a fight.

A woman sitting at the table | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting at the table | Source: Pexels


It didn't go unnoticed, though. One afternoon, after a particularly tense dinner with the family, Jack's mom pulled me aside. Her voice was soft but filled with concern.

"Jessica," she said gently, "I've been noticing that you don't seem very happy with some of the things Jack says. Is everything alright between the two of you?"

Two women at the beach | Source: Pexels

Two women at the beach | Source: Pexels

I hesitated, not wanting to cause any trouble or make things awkward. But her kind eyes urged me to speak. "Honestly, I'm not sure what to do anymore," I confessed. "He makes these comments—always in front of people—and it feels like he's mocking me. I've tried talking to him, but he doesn't seem to care."

She frowned, shaking her head slightly. "I know Jack can be... a little thoughtless sometimes," she said carefully. "But you shouldn't have to put up with that. Have you told him how much it's hurting you?"

Two women talking | Source: Pexels

Two women talking | Source: Pexels

"I have," I said, feeling the frustration rise in my chest. "But he just brushes it off. Says I'm overreacting, that it's all just a joke."

Her expression softened with sympathy. "Men don't always see the impact of their words, especially when they think they're being funny. But that doesn't mean you have to accept it. You deserve respect, Jess. If he doesn't listen, you have every right to stand your ground."

Two women decorating a Christmas tree | Source: Pexels

Two women decorating a Christmas tree | Source: Pexels


Her words comforted me, but they also lingered, echoing in my mind long after the conversation ended. I realized I couldn't keep pretending everything was fine.

One Thanksgiving night, we were gathered at my in-laws' house, a place already buzzing with the usual holiday noise. Between the turkey being passed around and the hum of conversation, I caught bits of chatter between my brother-in-law and his girlfriend.

A person slicing meat on the table | Source: Pexels

A person slicing meat on the table | Source: Pexels

They were in their own world, laughing and sharing stories. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until dessert rolled around. My brother-in-law, with his usual charm, mentioned how much his girlfriend loved dancing. "She dances for me every night after work," he said, a wide grin plastered on his face as he looked at her.


The room chuckled lightly, mostly brushing it off as typical flirty banter. But then, out of nowhere, my husband's face shifted. I glanced at him, thinking maybe he was just tired from the long day.

Then it happened.

People having dinner | Source: Pexels

People having dinner | Source: Pexels

He threw down his fork, the clatter startling everyone around the table. With a sharp, almost incredulous tone, he turned to me and asked, "HEY, Jess! Why don't you dance for me when you come home from work like she does?"

The silence at the table was deafening. You could hear a pin drop. My in-laws exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. My brother-in-law shifted uncomfortably in his seat, eyes darting around the room, as if searching for an escape.

Two women looking down while sitting at a dinner table | Source: Pexels

Two women looking down while sitting at a dinner table | Source: Pexels

I stared at my husband, feeling the heat of everyone's eyes on me. He was waiting, expecting some sort of answer. But I wasn't about to let this moment play out the way he thought it would. So, I held his gaze, letting the tension build just a little longer.

Finally, I leaned in and, without missing a beat, replied, "I could dance for you... but you've got to be someone worth dancing for."

A woman yelling at a man. | Source: Getty Images

A woman yelling at a man. | Source: Getty Images


His face went pale.

For a moment, the entire room seemed frozen in place. Jack opened his mouth, then shut it, as if struggling to find the right words. But instead of letting it go or apologizing, his face twisted with irritation.

"Well, maybe if you weren't always too tired or too busy complaining, you'd have the energy to do something for me," he snapped, his voice low but laced with anger.

The atmosphere at the table instantly shifted. My in-laws shifted uncomfortably in their seats, eyes darting between Jack and me, unsure of how to react.

A man looking shocked. | Source: Getty Images

A man looking shocked. | Source: Getty Images

My brother-in-law cleared his throat awkwardly, while his girlfriend stared down at her plate, trying to pretend she hadn't heard anything. What had been a festive family gathering had now turned into a tense and uncomfortable situation.


Feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment and frustration, I quietly stood up, trying to keep my composure. "I think we should go," I said, not bothering to look at Jack as I grabbed my coat.

A woman wearing a coat | Source: Getty Images

A woman wearing a coat | Source: Getty Images

Without saying another word to anyone else, we left the table. Jack followed me out, his jaw clenched. The silence between us in the car was thick with tension, but as soon as we pulled out of the driveway, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Are you kidding me, Jess? You embarrassed me in front of my entire family!" Jack spat, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "All I did was ask a simple question, and you had to turn it into a scene!"

A man and a woman in a car | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman in a car | Source: Pexels


I turned toward him, incredulous. "You're blaming me for embarrassing you? You're the one who asked why I don't dance for you like I'm some kind of performer after working all day, taking care of the kids, and doing everything else at home!"

"Oh, here we go again," Jack scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You always act like a martyr. You're not the only one who works, you know. But I don't see you doing anything to make our relationship fun anymore. Maybe if you stopped acting like a bitter housewife—"

A man and a woman traveling together | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman traveling together | Source: Pexels

"Excuse me?" I interrupted, my voice shaking with anger. "I'm the one keeping everything together while you sit there, expecting me to cater to you like a servant! You don't help with the kids, you don't help around the house, and now you expect me to entertain you? I'm exhausted, Jack. And all you do is belittle me in front of people!"


We pulled up to our house, the car screeching to a halt in the driveway. Jack slammed the car door as he got out, storming toward the front door. "I'm done with this conversation," he muttered.

A couple entering a room | Source: Pexels

A couple entering a room | Source: Pexels

But I wasn't. The moment we walked inside, the floodgates opened. "No, Jack, you're not done," I said, following him into the living room. "This has been building for a long time, and I'm not going to just ignore it anymore. I'm tired of being the only one putting in the effort. You don't respect me, you don't listen to me, and I can't live like this."

Jack turned to face me, his expression a mix of frustration and defensiveness. "What do you want from me, Jess? I work hard too. I'm tired when I come home, and I just want to relax. Is that so much to ask?"

A man and a woman arguing | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman arguing | Source: Pexels

"It's not about relaxing, Jack!" I shouted, my voice finally cracking with emotion. "It's about how you treat me. You don't see me as your partner. You see me as someone who's supposed to make your life easier, but you don't do the same for me. I'm your wife, not your employee. And I deserve better than this."

For the first time, Jack seemed to hesitate. His anger wavered, replaced by something else—maybe guilt, maybe confusion. But instead of apologizing, he just stood there, speechless. The silence between us was louder than anything we had said.

A couple arguing. | Source: Getty Images

A couple arguing. | Source: Getty Images


I couldn't take it anymore. The tears I had been holding back finally fell, and I turned away from him, heading upstairs. "I can't keep doing this," I whispered, more to myself than to him, as I walked to our bedroom and closed the door behind me.

After the argument that night, the silence between Jack and me was unbearable. For days, we barely spoke, the tension hanging over us like a heavy cloud. But something in my words must have finally reached him because, for the first time, Jack seemed to realize that I had reached my limit.

A woman in deep thought. | Source: Shutterstock

A woman in deep thought. | Source: Shutterstock

This wasn't just another disagreement; this was the last straw. He knew if things didn't change, our marriage wouldn't survive. Slowly, Jack began to make an effort—helping more around the house, spending more time with the kids, and most importantly, listening to me without dismissing my feelings.


It wasn't an overnight fix, but it was a start. We began to talk more openly, addressing the issues we had both been ignoring for far too long. Jack apologized sincerely, admitting that he had taken me for granted.

A woman reading documents while a man washes the dishes | Source: Pexels

A woman reading documents while a man washes the dishes | Source: Pexels

With time and patience, we worked on rebuilding the trust and respect that had been lost. It wasn't easy, but together, we began to mend the cracks in our relationship, determined to move forward as equal partners.

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