Crying young woman | Source: Getty Images
Crying young woman | Source: Getty Images

My SIL Ruined My Dress — Is My Revenge Justified?

Bettina Dizon
May 16, 2024
03:45 A.M.

My pregnant sister-in-law ruined my dress days before my birthday. I know my brother would have wanted me to forgive and forget, but I wasn't going to let it slide. My revenge happened within minutes and left Cindy regretting her actions.


My brother, George, and I have always been close despite our ten-year age gap; he's 27 and I'm 17. Growing up, I would look up to him for advice and he would treat me like a princess. Even when he left for college, George would come home and hang out with me.

Older brother and younger sister | Source: Pexels

Older brother and younger sister | Source: Pexels

While at university, George met Cindy. It was unlike him to open up to our family about someone he was dating, so we knew it was serious. For the past five years, Cindy would join our family for holidays and a few events.

A couple looking at each other | Source: Pexels

A couple looking at each other | Source: Pexels


She had a good relationship with my parents, but somehow, I couldn't connect with her. We had nothing in common, so there was not much to talk about. She's all about the arts and left college early to pursue her career, while I'm gearing up for a more traditional academic path.

Our interactions were polite but distant, like two planets orbiting the same star without ever meeting. One thing I noticed, though, is that she would make a sour face whenever my brother would go the extra mile for me or treat me like the little princess I always was in his life.

An annoyed woman | Source: Pexels

An annoyed woman | Source: Pexels

Four months ago, George announced that Cindy was unexpectedly pregnant. Despite the baby being unplanned, they were both committed to seeing things through together, which now involves staying with us while they sort out their future living arrangements. They also did not want a child to be born out of wedlock, so they tied the knot in court.

A newly wed couple in court | Source: Pexels

A newly wed couple in court | Source: Pexels

My 18th birthday is just around the corner, and I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I saved up and bought myself a lovely new dress, a stylish blazer, and matching shoes because you only turn 18 once. It is a big deal to me.

A girl in a dress with a blazer | Source: Pexels

A girl in a dress with a blazer | Source: Pexels


For my celebration, my parents planned a family lunch at a fancy restaurant, followed by a dinner party with relatives and friends at home. George was on top of things for the house party and even asked some of his friends to DJ and make drinks.

Cindy seemed put off by my plans from the start. She’s been dropping snide comments about how over-the-top she thinks the celebration is. It's weird considering George had a massive bash for his 18th and is helping a lot to plan mine. But I tried to shake off her negativity and focus on the positive.

A woman rolling her eyes | Source: Getty Images

A woman rolling her eyes | Source: Getty Images

That was until yesterday when I caught her ripping out the soles of my new shoes and cutting my dress with the kitchen scissors. It was surreal watching someone deliberately destroy something meant for a joyful celebration.

Someone holding a pair of scissors | Source: Getty Images

Someone holding a pair of scissors | Source: Getty Images

"No, no, no, no! What are you doing?" I said, almost in tears. "Cindy, What did you do?"

She was stunned to see me and gave me a look that was hard to read. Crying, I asked, "Why would you do this? This dress is for my party!" Without a word, she angrily left the room.

A shocked woman | Source: Pexels

A shocked woman | Source: Pexels


My parents heard me crying from the other room and immediately went to me. The next few moments were a blur as I was too overwhelmed. The next I recall, George got home to my parents questioning Cindy in the living room.

A girl crying on the floor | Source: Getty Images

A girl crying on the floor | Source: Getty Images

"Hey, hey! Guys! What are you doing to Cindy?" George asked, rushing to her side.

"Cindy cut Lily's birthday dress!" my mom exclaimed. "She saved up for that!"

A mom scolding a girl | Source: Shutterstock

A mom scolding a girl | Source: Shutterstock


George tried to defuse the situation, suggesting that Cindy's bizarre actions were just a result of her pregnancy hormones. But deep down, I knew it wasn’t just that. There was something more deliberate in her actions, something more resentful.

My mom demanded that Cindy pay for the dress and shoes she destroyed, adding that Cindy's actions were unacceptable. However, she refused to pay. Furious, my parents asked Cindy to get out of their house. "We will not tolerate such behavior from someone who just joined this family," my dad angrily said.

An angry dad | Source: Pexels

An angry dad | Source: Pexels

Suddenly, I realized I did not want to let go of Cindy's actions. I recalled that I had a baby cam installed in my room so I could watch my dog, Bruno, when I wasn't home. I was ready to use my savings to take things to court.


"No. Either you pay me now, or I will take this to court, where you might end up paying even more," I suddenly said. "You may not have noticed, but I have a baby camera in my room for Bruno. It records everything in the cloud, and I am prepared to use this evidence to demand payment from you."

An angry girl with her arms crossed | Source: Shutterstock

An angry girl with her arms crossed | Source: Shutterstock

Cindy protested vehemently when confronted with the need to reimburse me. The argument spiraled quickly, and tensions ran high, with my parents insisting on accountability and restitution.

I threatened legal action again, but Cindy was firm on not paying. Little did she know I had a better form of revenge. Before they could even leave the living room, I posted the video of her ruining my birthday outfit on all social media platforms, tagging all my friends. As views increased, Cindy reluctantly reached for her wallet to pay for my outfit.

Someone holding a phone | Source: Pexels

Someone holding a phone | Source: Pexels

She begged me to take it down as her employer might see it and fire her. The payment was only $80 for the dress and shoes, but she claimed she had to take it out of their tightly budgeted "baby fund." It felt like a hollow victory. Still, George and Cindy packed some bags and left, upset that my parents had sided with me so firmly.

A person handing someone bills | Source: Pexels

A person handing someone bills | Source: Pexels


I suppose, on reflection, pregnancy might explain Cindy's irrational behavior to some extent. But it doesn't excuse her refusal to address her actions immediately. Accountability matters and it's important that she understands this isn't just about a dress or shoes; it's about respecting other people's property and feelings.

Despite understanding that hormones could have played a role, it was the initial refusal to rectify her wrongs that really bothered me. It showed a lack of responsibility and respect, which are crucial in any relationship, familial or otherwise.

A woman in deep thought | Source: Getty Images

A woman in deep thought | Source: Getty Images

Was I too harsh? Was it too much that I asked for my money back even if it was from my future niece/ nephew's funds? Maybe. But in life, we're often faced with tough choices where the right path isn't always clear. This might just be one of those times where I had to stand firm, even if it meant facing tough consequences.


Another woman had to stay firm with her decision after discovering what her husband did with their wedding fund.

My Fiancé Secretly Spent Our Entire Wedding Fund — I Fainted When I Found Out What He Did with the Money

I’ve known my fiancé Jack for eight years now, and never did I think he would break my trust. However, he easily did so by using our savings without telling me. It was a discovery that shook me to my core.

Dollar bills wrapped in a red ribbon | Source: Getty Images

Dollar bills wrapped in a red ribbon | Source: Getty Images

I'm Francine, a 29-year-old self-proclaimed hopeless romantic. However, meeting my soulmate made me believe in romance and that it was meant for me.

A couple by the beach | Source: Pexels

A couple by the beach | Source: Pexels


My fiancé Jack proposed to me nine months ago. We've been together since university, so I was over the moon to be finally marrying him. Shortly after the proposal, we started this wedding fund, both of us tossing in $1,000 each month.

A couple newly engaged | Source: Getty Images

A couple newly engaged | Source: Getty Images

I was cutting back like crazy—no restaurants, no trips, barely any new clothes—just to save up for our big day. We both had the same wedding vision in mind and boy was it expensive. Jack knew I wanted my wedding to be like the movies, and as months passed, I knew it would materialize.

A woman dreaming of her wedding | Source: Pexels

A woman dreaming of her wedding | Source: Pexels


I was so happy that we saved up more than what we originally planned. Much thanks to the big bonus I recently received. So, a couple of days back, I decided to look at our safe. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing that made me want to check and be happy.

A safe with money | Source: Getty Images

A safe with money | Source: Getty Images

I thought I'd just peek at our stash to check how much we saved and feel giddy. But what I found just shattered me. I open it, and my heart just stops—nothing, the safe is totally empty!

An empty safe | Source: Getty Images

An empty safe | Source: Getty Images


When Jack got home from the store, I was right there waiting. I asked him about the money, and you won't believe what he said.

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman | Source: Getty Images

He made my jaw drop as he arrogantly told me that he had used the entire wedding fund—not for an emergency, not for a family crisis, but to fund an extravagant bachelor party in Las Vegas.

Want to know what happens next? Read the full story here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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