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Confused wedding guests | Source: Midjourney
Confused wedding guests | Source: Midjourney

Homeless Man Marries Rich Woman, Guests' Laughter Fades When He Reveals His Wedding Gift — Story of the Day

Mariia Kobzieva
Jun 20, 2024
05:50 A.M.

Viggo once barely made ends meet, living in an abandoned trailer. He unexpectedly married Frida, a rich woman deeply enamored with him. At their wedding, whispers of disappointment quietly spread among the guests. However, when Viggo revealed his wedding gift, everyone fell silent in awe of what they saw.


Viggo's trailer, nestled in a quiet corner on the city's outskirts, starkly contrasted with the bustling urban life. This sanctuary, filled with the scent of oil paints and old books, was organized in a way only Viggo could understand. It was here that he sought refuge from the world's pain.

On a significant evening, Viggo decided to spend his modest earnings from painting street portraits on a visit to a local gallery. His ragged attire and the profound sorrow in his eyes seemed to distance him from the other, more elegantly dressed patrons.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Yet, Viggo was there for the art, seeking connection through canvas rather than conversation.

As he moved through the gallery, Viggo paused before a painting that resonated deeply with his artistic style. Absorbed in thought, he was initially unaware of a woman, Frida, approaching him. Having escaped from the grind of the corporate world, she sought solace in the strokes of paint and color.


"Excuse me," Frida began, her voice gentle, drawing Viggo from his reflections. "I couldn't help but notice how engrossed you are with this piece. It's quite powerful, isn't it?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Surprised yet intrigued, Viggo turned towards her.

"Yes, it's as if the artist has managed to encapsulate their entire soul onto the canvas," he replied, his voice filled with admiration and a sense of kinship with the creator.

"It strikes me deeply. The colors seem to clash, yet they find a unique harmony. It’s mesmerizing. Do you feel that too?" Frida asked, her eyes reflecting the painting's vivid hues.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


"Absolutely," Viggo responded, his gaze returning to the artwork. "It resonates with me, perhaps because it mirrors the chaos and eventual peace I seek in my own creations."

Moved by his insights, Frida leaned closer, "You speak about art as if it's a part of you. Have you always been this connected to it?"

Viggo's eyes momentarily clouded with nostalgia mixed with pain.

"There was a time when art was my life, escape, and expression. But life has its ways of testing your passions," he confessed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Feeling the gallery space increasingly cramped as the crowd thickened, Frida suggested, "Would you like to step outside for some fresh air?"


"I'd appreciate that," Viggo said, grateful for the chance to escape the oppressive atmosphere.

Once outside, the calm of the evening enveloped them, allowing their conversation to delve deeper into personal territories.

"You mentioned life testing your passions," Frida resumed, "What pulled you away from art?"

Viggo looked up at the colorful lights, searching for words. "It’s a long story," he began slowly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I lost everything I owned, leading to a modest life where I mostly face mockery. You are the first in a long time to engage with me on equal terms."


Frida looked at him with profound empathy, "I'm not interested in status," she responded. "I've long missed having a genuine, heartfelt conversation."

After a long silence, Viggo suggested, "Maybe we could meet again?"

"I would like that," Frida replied with a smile in starry night.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"By the way, my name is Viggo," he extended his hand.

"Frida," she responded, shaking his hand.

Their meeting at the gallery, under the stars, marked the beginning of a deep and revealing friendship. At that moment, Viggo was unaware that this encounter would soon transform his life forever.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: pixabay


Time had passed since Viggo and Frida first met at the gallery under the stars, an evening that marked the beginning of a unique and deep bond. They had since moved in together, living in Frida’s spacious home, a world away from Viggo’s humble trailer.

Despite the love and understanding that blossomed between them, their relationship was often ridiculed among Frida’s affluent circle. Many laughed behind their backs, labeling Viggo a gold-digger, a man living off Frida’s wealth, a stark contrast to his true, modest nature.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Can you believe Frida is marrying that man?" whispered one of the guests, a colleague of Frida’s, adjusting his tie as he looked over at Viggo, who was adjusting the modest boutonniere on his simple suit. "What does she see in him?"

Another guest, a distant cousin, scoffed softly, "It’s clearly for her money. What else could it be?"

Yet, none of their mocking could deter Frida and Viggo from their decision to marry.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Bound by social expectations, Frida had reluctantly invited colleagues and acquaintances she would have preferred not to due to their narrow-minded judgment. However, her love for Viggo outweighed these concerns.


As they stood together in the beautifully decorated hall, Viggo felt the weight of the stares and the whispers.

Turning to Frida, he whispered, "Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to be embarrassed because of me."

Frida took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I’ve never been more certain of anything, Viggo. Let them talk. They don’t know the depth of what we share."

The ceremony proceeded. As the moment to present the wedding gift approached, Viggo’s heart pounded.

"What could he possibly offer her?" chuckled a skeptical young woman. "A poor, homeless nobody."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Standing at the front with a calm demeanor, Viggo prepared to present his wedding gift. As he approached the draped square-shaped figures, he addressed the room, his voice resonant and clear.

"I have spent nearly my entire life creating these paintings, which I now wish to gift to my beloved Frida," he announced, his eyes meeting Frida’s warmly.

"The only piece I've kept for myself is 'Woman in the Garden'—a painting already promised to a buyer. This sale will help me open my own art school."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Whispers spread through the crowd as they absorbed Viggo's words. As he lifted the covers from the paintings, the guests were visibly stunned by the skill and emotion captured in each brushstroke.

At that moment, Marcus, a local artist and a former suitor of Frida who had been rejected multiple times, stepped forward, his expression sour.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he interjected, drawing attention. "I regret to disrupt this celebration, but we must examine the truth behind these artworks. The painting 'Woman in the Garden' was supposed to be my creation, stolen by Viggo."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

The wedding's atmosphere shifted dramatically as murmurs became a cacophony of voices.


Frida, stepping forward with a steely gaze, addressed Marcus directly.

"Marcus, please leave. Your envy is unwelcome here. No one will slander my husband without cause. It’s time you accepted that I chose a man worthy of me, not you."

Marcus left the party, but he shot back, "This is only the beginning. I will prove that Viggo is not who he claims to be."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Frida's expression momentarily flickered with doubt, but she quickly composed herself. She took Viggo's hand and led him away from the growing tumult towards the quieter part of the hall.

"We’ll get through this," she whispered to him. "We’ll prove the authenticity of your work, and then they’ll see the truth."


Viggo nodded, his confidence buoyed by her support, "Together."

Their shared glance was a silent pact, strengthened by a bond that transcended the skepticism surrounding them.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Despite the shadows cast by recent accusations, the preparations for the art school opening proceeded with relentless energy. Viggo and Frida worked tirelessly, transforming a once-dull space into a vibrant school for young art lovers.

On the event day, the art space buzzed excitedly, filled with locals, art lovers, and the press.

At the most crucial moment of the art school opening, Marcus made his appearance. Uninvited but unmistakably intent on making his presence felt, he strode into the room.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

With his flamboyant and overbearing mannerisms, Marcus quickly drew the attention of everyone present. He confidently stepped forward, holding a painting similar to Viggo’s ‘Woman in the Garden.’

He confidently declared to the gathered crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, behold the original piece wrongfully attributed to another. This is my creation, backed by undeniable proof."

The crowd’s attention shifted between the two paintings, murmurs filling the air.

Marcus continued, "We cannot let this deception stand," as he distributed materials to the local press, which he had previously convinced to support his claim through bribes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Viggo, seizing a moment of quiet amid the murmurs and shocked expressions, stood firm and addressed the gathering.

"This painting that Marcus claims as his own is a counterfeit," he declared with a clear, resonant voice. "My painting was created from life, with undeniable details that speak to its authenticity. Those who know art will see the truth in the strokes and the nuances that only the original scene could inspire."

Amid the growing whispers and suspicion, Frida, feeling uncertain, pulled Viggo aside.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


In a quiet corner, away from prying eyes and ears, she asked, "Viggo, please tell me the truth. Where did your painting really come from? And who is the woman depicted in it?"

Viggo's expression was pained, his voice low and heavy with unspoken history.

"Frida, this painting and the woman in it are parts of my past I’m not ready to discuss publicly. Trust me, it’s not what it seems."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Frida’s frustration and jealousy emerged as she pressed, "How can I trust a man who hides his past from me, possibly even lying about his art?"

Their conversation was cut short as a prominent buyer, who had shown interest in 'Woman in the Garden,' overheard parts of their exchange. With a skeptical expression, he approached Frida and Viggo.


"Is there some truth to the claims being made here today?" he asked, his voice laden with doubt. "Because if there's even a shadow of dishonesty in the origin of this painting, I must reconsider my decision."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Viggo replied, "I assure you, my work is genuine. The painting was created with integrity and from my personal experiences."

However, the buyer, still unconvinced, turned away from Viggo and approached Marcus, shaking his hand, "I think it's safer to go with your piece," he said decisively. "It seems there's too much controversy surrounding the other."

Marcus, with a smug smile, nodded. "You've made a wise choice. I guarantee there are no doubts about the authenticity of my work."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

This decision echoed through the crowd, deepening the rift of doubt and casting a shadow over Viggo’s credibility and the future of his artwork.

Heartbroken and publicly humiliated, Viggo left the bustling art school, taking only a canvas and some paints. He returned to his trailer, isolated from a world that seemed to reject his truths.

Yet, within him, the flame of resilience flickered. He was not ready to give up—not yet.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"It's time," Viggo murmured, "For years, I've hidden behind my canvases, allowing my past to be a shadow that colors my present. But no more."

He dipped his brush into the paint, the bristles soaking up the vibrant colors.

"This project, this final piece, will be my testament. It will reveal everything—the pain, the love, and the loss that has fueled my art. I've avoided the truth for too long, fearing it would break me. But silence has brought me nothing but sorrow."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


A month after the incident, Viggo turned a new leaf by organizing an open exhibition beside his humble trailer. The soft rustling of the trees and the open skies above framed the day with a promise of new beginnings.


As the locals gathered, intrigued by the flurry of activity near Viggo's trailer, he stood before them. He exhibited only one painting that day.

"I've come a long way from where I started," Viggo began, his voice steady and clear. "Not just in miles, but in experiences. Today, I stand before you, ready to share the deepest part of my soul through my art."

He gestured towards a new version of the painting "Woman in the Garden." This time, the image included a little boy beside the woman—his son.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

"This is the last photograph taken before I lost my beloved family years ago," Viggo continued, holding up an old, faded photograph for all to see.


It showed his wife and son smiling in a sunlit garden, the image he had captured in his painting.

"This isn’t just art; it’s my life, loss, and love. I share this not for sympathy or fame but to honor their memory and reclaim my past's truth from those who wish to tarnish it."

The crowd listened, rapt, as Viggo's words cut through the air. His honesty, raw and unfiltered, touched their hearts deeply.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Frida, standing among the crowd, took a step forward.

Her voice was loud and clear, carrying across the gathering: "Viggo, I am sorry for ever doubting you. Your strength and truthfulness are what drew me to you, and they sustain our love now."


Her apology was heartfelt, and the sincerity in her voice added weight to her words.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The audience, moved by the couple's unity and vulnerability, erupted into applause. Even Marcus, who had lurked at the back, his intentions of discrediting Viggo now seeming petty and hollow, turned and walked away, defeated by the undeniable truth.

Inspired by the community's support, Viggo went on to open an art school for children right inside his trailer. With Frida by his side, they dedicated themselves to nurturing young minds and teaching them to express their emotions and stories through art.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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