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Blonde woman sitting next to a patient with a bandaged head | Source: Midjourney

I Rushed to My Husband after the Accident, but He Only Remembered His Ex – Story of the Day

Mariia Kobzieva
Jun 25, 2024
06:24 P.M.

My heart pounded as I headed to the hospital through the night-shrouded streets of San Francisco, fearing the worst. I found my husband, Nathan, with his head bandaged and his memory lost. The only one he clearly remembered was his ex Cora, who already fluttered around him. I wondered if our love could withstand the test of forgotten pasts.


In the heart of San Francisco, as the golden glow of sunset bathed the city in a warm embrace, I stood by the window of our cozy little apartment, lost in dreams of the day I would direct my first film.

The room around me was a testament to our shared life and passions. The walls were adorned with Nathan's stunning photographs, many of which included candid shots of me caught in moments of laughter or deep in thought.

The aroma of fresh tea filled the space, a comforting ritual Nathan insisted on every evening. It was our time to reconnect after a day's work, to share ideas, or enjoy the silence together.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

He was at his desk, his gaze intense as he edited his latest shots. The soft clicks of his keyboard were a familiar soundtrack in our shared space.


Our apartment, a small but bright space with views of the bustling streets below, was more than just a home; it was a creative haven where our dreams had room to grow.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Just as I turned from the window, Nathan's phone buzzed. His hand paused over the keyboard, and the slight stiffening of his shoulders told me the caller was unexpected.

He glanced at the screen, then at me, “It’s Cora.”

Cora, his ex-girlfriend, whose name hadn’t crossed our doorstep in years, was now displayed brightly on his phone, asking for a favor.

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"Hey, Clara, Cora's in town for a gallery showing, and she's asking me to help with a photoshoot tomorrow," Nathan said casually, not realizing the unease that flickered across my face.

"A photoshoot? With Cora?" I tried to keep my voice steady, but the jealousy was hard to mask.

Nathan walked over, his hands finding mine.

"I know how it sounds, but it’s just professional. Remember, our anniversary's coming up. Let’s not let anything ruin that, okay?"

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I nodded, trying to smile, but my heart felt heavy.

"I just... It's hard, Nathan. You and her... and now this?"


He pulled me close, "Clara, you are my present and my future. Cora is just part of my past. Trust me, okay?"


The next day, I tried to focus on my projects, but images of Nathan and Cora together kept intruding into my thoughts. I visited the photoshoot location late in the evening, unable to contain my curiosity and worry.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

As I approached, I saw them through the large studio window—Nathan with his camera, Cora posing in a short dress, her laughter light and flirty as she flashed Nathan a coy smile.

Suddenly, Nathan's gaze lifted, meeting mine through the glass. Our eyes locked. Panic seized me, and I turned on my heel, fleeing from the scene.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

As I burst out into the street, the chill of the evening air hit me, sharpening my senses. I raced through the cool streets of San Francisco, the urgency of escape propelling me forward.

I didn't stop running until the heel of my favorite sandals snapped, sending me stumbling into a quiet alley. Sitting on the cold ground, I fought back tears.

"This is the worst night of my life," I whispered to the uncaring shadows. Little did I know the dawn would bring even darker hours.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney



Later that evening, I had been waiting at home, the apartment bathed in the warm glow of candlelight and filled with the delicious aroma of Nathan’s favorite meal simmering on the stove.

I had meticulously set the table, planning every detail to perfection to celebrate our first anniversary—a milestone I had eagerly anticipated for months. I put a small, beautifully wrapped gift beside his plate.

The clock ticked loudly in the otherwise silent apartment, each passing minute stretching longer than the last. Nathan was unusually late, and scenarios played out in my restless mind.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Maybe he was planning a surprise? Or could he still be with Cora, lost in old memories?


As the evening slipped away, so did my carefully laid plans.

As the clock struck midnight, marking the exact moment of our anniversary, exhaustion overcame me. My eyes grew heavy, and despite my anxiety, I dozed off right there in the chair beside our festive table, still waiting for Nathan.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The next thing I knew, it was morning, and the sharp ring of the phone jolted me awake. Disoriented, I reached for it, half-expecting Nathan's voice. But it wasn't him—it was a nurse from the local hospital.

Her words rushed out in a blur, a mix of "accident," "emergency," and "come quickly." My heart sank as I hurriedly grabbed my coat and dashed into the dawning day.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


When I arrived breathlessly at the hospital, Cora was already sitting in her short dress on Nathan's bed, soothing him with tales of their past. Nathan lay there, pale and bewildered, his head wrapped in bandages.

I edged closer to Nathan, anxiety tightening my chest as Cora suspiciously looked at me.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Nathan turned to me with a glassy look, "Who are you?"

"Nathan, it's me, Clara," I said, hoping for a flicker of recognition.

A doctor approached me "He has a concussion and is experiencing partial amnesia, which is common in the aftermath of car accidents like this," he informed me quietly. "It's likely a result of the brain injury, and he may be in a state of shock right now. We need to keep him under observation throughout the night to monitor his condition closely."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The doctor paused, ensuring I understood the gravity of the situation. "If his condition stabilizes and all his tests come back normal by morning, he can be discharged. However, it will be crucial to maintain a quiet environment for him at home, strictly bed rest, to support his recovery."


Before I could speak to Nathan again, Cora pulled me aside with a measured tone. "Nathan only remembers me and our happy relationship, which is still alive in his memory. So, there's no place for you in his life now," she whispered sharply.

I met her gaze firmly, "His memory will return soon, and then you'll have to leave."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Cora's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold smile playing on her lips, "That's yet to be seen. But until then, I'll make him fall so deeply in love with me that he'll never want another woman."

Anger surged within me, "Cora, I think you should leave. This is my husband's room."

Just then, the doctor intervened, "Actually, if he recognizes someone, it might be beneficial for his recovery to have them around."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Nathan, looking between Cora and me, finally spoke.

"Cora is my girlfriend. Please stay with me," he said, reaching out to her.

Tears started falling down my cheeks, "I'm your wife, Nathan. And I'll come back for you. You'll remember everything with my help."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


He looked at me and said, "I... I don't remember."

As I tried to hold Nathan's gaze and reassure him, a wave of panic suddenly swept over his features. He pulled his hand back, his eyes widening as he scanned the room, seemingly overwhelmed.

"Nathan, it's okay, I'm here," I tried to soothe him, but it only seemed to increase his distress.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Cora, watching closely, stepped forward. "Maybe it's too much for him right now," she whispered.

Observing the situation, the doctor nodded in agreement, "It might be best if Nathan has some space tonight. He’s showing signs of acute stress, and familiar faces might not always be soothing if he can’t place them."


Breathing rapidly, Nathan looked at me. "I don’t know her! I don’t know you!" he yelled.

Feeling my heart break but recognizing the need to ease his condition, I made a difficult decision. "Okay, I'll go, but I’ll be back first thing in the morning."

I turned to the doctor, "Please, take good care of him."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The doctor reassured me, "Of course. Let him rest tonight, and come back after you’ve also had some rest. Sometimes a little space can help. We’ll try reintroducing you in the morning under less stressful conditions."

Reluctantly, I left the room, my mind racing with worry. But I resolved to return prepared and composed, ready to help Nathan reconnect with our shared life without causing him further distress.


As I left the hospital, Cora caught up to me and looked down on me.

"I won't miss my second chance with him," she declared, her eyes determined.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


I arrived at the hospital early the following day, heart pounding with both hope and fear, only to be met with an empty bed where Nathan should have been.

"Where's Nathan?" I asked the nearest nurse, trying to keep my voice steady.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"He was discharged early this morning. A woman named Cora took him home," the nurse replied softly, her voice full of sympathy as she noticed the distress clouding my face.

As she spoke, my eyes quickly darted to the open journal on the counter, where Nathan’s discharge papers lay. I discreetly noted the address listed under 'Discharge to' while pretending to steady myself against the counter. It was a crucial piece of information, especially since Cora had taken him without my knowledge, and I needed to know where to find him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

My heart sank, and a heavy despair settled as I returned to my car. The drive to work was automatic, my mind replaying the nurse's words and the image of Cora taking Nathan away.


I decided not to cause a scene or attempt to bring Nathan back home forcibly—such actions wouldn’t help his recovery or our marriage.

It was clear that I needed a more thoughtful approach without causing further harm.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

As I entered the office, the chill from the air conditioning was matched only by the frosty reception from my boss. He didn't waste any time, his face stern and unwelcoming.

"Due to your recent absences and missing that important presentation last week, we've decided to fire you," he declared, not a trace of empathy in his tone.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


I stood there, shocked, my mind scrambling for words.

"Please, I just need some time to sort things out. It’s a personal emergency," I managed to say, my voice breaking slightly.

"I understand it’s tough, but we need commitment here. I’m sorry," he replied, his voice firm, signaling no room for negotiation.

Turning away, I felt the tears well up. Once a place of ambition and dreams, the office now felt cold and alien.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I walked out, the weight of the morning’s events pressing down on me, and whispered to myself, "I need to fix this for Nathan and me."

I believed in our love and thought it was worth fighting for. I couldn’t give up on us without trying everything.



Over the next week, I turned our small living room into a makeshift studio. I was determined to channel my creativity and passion into something meaningful that might bridge the widening gap between Nathan and me.

It was a project born of necessity that I had hesitated to begin in the past. But now, compelled by circumstance, I found a newfound strength and worked through the nights, driven by desperation and hope.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


A week after the heartbreak at the hospital and my dismissal, I found myself standing outside Cora’s house as the evening sky deepened into twilight. My hands were shaky, clutching a small projector as I faced the closed door. I rang the bell, hoping for a peaceful encounter.


Cora's face tightened as she saw me.

“What are you doing here, Clara?” she asked coldly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“I need to see Nathan. Please, it’s important,” I pleaded, trying to steady my voice.

“No, you need to leave. Nathan is moving on,” she replied sharply, closing the door.

I stepped back and set up the projector on the lawn, pointing it at the large, white garage wall. I connected the speakers, their wires snaking across the grass.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


The first video flickered to life as I switched on the projector, casting a soft glow in the growing darkness.

The film began with scenes from our travels. A vivid display of Nathan and me exploring a bustling market abroad filled the screen. His contagious laughter rang out from the speakers.

"Look at us! We were so adventurous!" I exclaimed, a smile spreading across my face despite the tension.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Next, the film transitioned to our secret wedding on a secluded beach—the sound of the gentle waves mixed with our laughter and the solemn whispers of our vows.

"I remember this day," I called out softly, my voice laced with nostalgia.


"We promised forever in the sand," I murmured as I watched our silhouettes against the sunset.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Suddenly, the screen flickered to scenes of everyday life in our tiny apartment. A loud sizzle echoed as a film showed Nathan attempting to flip pancakes, only to end up with a messy stove and us bursting into laughter.

"Oh no, not the pancakes!" I chuckled, fondly remembering the morning chaos.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Then came a dance-off in our living room, our goofy moves filling the space with joy.

"And you thought you could dance better than me!" I teased loudly, hoping to spark a familiar joy in him.

As these memories unfolded, Nathan stood outside, transfixed by the flickering images projected onto the garage wall. The sound of our shared laughter and whispered words of love from the film had drawn him out, cutting through Cora's attempts to keep him inside.

His face, illuminated by the flashing scenes, revealed eyes moist with emotion as he delved deeper into each captured moment.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The night around us was holding its breath. After the film ended, Nathan turned to me.


“I... I don’t remember all this, Clara, but it’s beautiful. I want to be with the woman I chose, even if I can’t remember her right now,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

“You really think it’s good?” I asked, a hopeful smile tugging at my lips despite the ache in my heart.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“It’s incredible, your best work,” he affirmed, his praise warming me against the cool night air.

At that moment, under the stars, with our life’s story shining on the wall, I felt a flicker of hope that love might truly remember what the mind forgets.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Jack found a mysterious envelope in his mail. It contained a plane ticket and a note saying, "Emily needs help." Jack was stunned and confused, believing Emily had died in a car accident six months ago. The note, written in child-like handwriting, stirred old pains and faint hope. Jack decided to fly. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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