A senior couple in a restaurant | Source: Amomama
A senior couple in a restaurant | Source: Amomama

Three Women Mocked an Older Couple's Clothes in the Restaurant, So I Decided to Take Revenge on the Couple's Behalf

Daniella Segell
May 23, 2024
06:05 A.M.

Last weekend, a simple lunch at a diner turned into an opportunity for me to stand up against rudeness. What started with three impatient women became a memorable act of revenge. It was also the start of a heartwarming connection with an elderly couple. Here's how it all unfolded.

The exterior of a diner | Source: Pexels

The exterior of a diner | Source: Pexels

Last Sunday, I was having lunch at a small, bustling diner with a friend. The place was packed, and all the tables were taken. There were people lined up all the way out the door. We were almost done eating when I noticed three women standing near the entrance, looking around for a table.

People standing in line outside a restaurant | Source: Pexels

People standing in line outside a restaurant | Source: Pexels


They seemed pretty annoyed since there were no empty tables. I felt a bit bad for them and thought about offering them our table once we finished. But then things took an unexpected turn.

Annoyed woman with her arms crossed | Source: Pexels

Annoyed woman with her arms crossed | Source: Pexels

I sat at my little table in the corner, just out of sight from where people wait. It was a perfect spot to watch everyone without being noticed. The hostess was running around, trying to manage the crowd. The three women stood there, sighing loudly and rolling their eyes, making it clear they were impatient.

An annoyed woman with her arms crossed | Source: Pexels

An annoyed woman with her arms crossed | Source: Pexels


The hostess, a young woman named Sarah, approached them. "Hi, welcome! It'll be about a 20-minute wait for a table," she said with a polite smile.

One of the women, tall with blonde hair, huffed and said, "Are you kidding me? We don't have all day!"

Sarah looked flustered but kept her composure. "I'm really sorry, we're just very busy right now."

A restaurant hostess arranging tables | Source: Pexels

A restaurant hostess arranging tables | Source: Pexels

Just behind them, I saw an elderly couple standing quietly, waiting for a table too. They looked patient and calm, unlike the three women. Then I heard the women whispering and laughing, sneering at the couple's clothes.

One of them said, "Are you sure you came to the right place in your... outfits, OLDIES?" They all started giggling. Their laughter was harsh and mean. It made my blood boil. This could have been my parents they were mocking.

A senior couple talking | Source: Pexels

A senior couple talking | Source: Pexels

I felt my anger rising. I couldn't believe how rude these women were being. I decided I had to do something. So, I stood up and walked towards them. As soon as they saw me coming, they put on fake sweet smiles, probably thinking I was going to give them my table. But I had a different plan.

A group of three young women smiling sweetly | Source: Pexels

A group of three young women smiling sweetly | Source: Pexels


Instead of talking to the women, I walked right past them and went up to the elderly couple. I leaned in and whispered, "My table's free," and pointed to the corner. The older lady giggled and patted me on the shoulder, clearly understanding what I was doing. They smiled and walked past the three women with their heads held high, not letting the rude comments get to them.

A senior woman smirking | Source: Pexels

A senior woman smirking | Source: Pexels

"Thank you so much, young man," the elderly gentleman said, smiling warmly. "You don't know how much this means to us."

"No problem at all," I replied. "Enjoy your meal."

As they walked to the table, the blonde woman glared at me. "What the hell was that?" she snapped.


I shrugged. "Just helping out some folks who needed it."

Her face turned red with anger, and she muttered something under her breath that I couldn't quite catch.

An annoyed woman pointing | Source: Pexels

An annoyed woman pointing | Source: Pexels

The women's faces twisted in confusion and annoyance as they realized what had happened. They stood there, increasingly irritated as more groups were seated before them. I went back to my table, feeling a bit more satisfied but not quite done. Then I had an idea.

A man sitting at a restaurant | Source: Pexels

A man sitting at a restaurant | Source: Pexels


When the hostess was busy, I walked up to the podium and discreetly adjusted the reservation book. I bumped the women down the list so they'd have to wait even longer. They had no idea what was happening, but their impatience was clear. It was a small act, but it felt good.

My friend, Joe, who had been watching the whole time, chuckled. "You're really going all out, huh?"

I grinned. "They deserve it. Did you hear what they said to that couple?"

He nodded. "Yeah, that was pretty messed up."

Two young men in a restaurant | Source: Pexels

Two young men in a restaurant | Source: Pexels

The women grew more frustrated as they watched other groups get seated before them. Finally, one of them stormed up to the hostess, demanding an explanation. "What is taking so long?" the blonde woman practically yelled. "We've been waiting forever!"


The hostess, flustered and apologetic, tried to calm her down with vague assurances. "I'm really sorry, ma'am. We're doing our best to seat everyone as quickly as possible." "This is ridiculous!" the blonde woman continued. "We were here before all these people!"

A restaurant hostess holding the restaurant booking sheets | Source: Pexels

A restaurant hostess holding the restaurant booking sheets | Source: Pexels

Sarah glanced at the reservation book, confused. "I understand, but it looks like there might have been a mix-up. Can I get you some complimentary drinks while you wait?"

The offer did nothing to soothe their anger. "No, we don't want drinks," another woman, shorter with dark hair, snapped. "We want a table!"

An angry woman yelling | Source: Pexels

An angry woman yelling | Source: Pexels


As the door swung shut behind them, I glanced over at the elderly couple. The older lady caught my eye and raised her glass in a silent toast. I nodded back, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The couple continued their meal in peace, their smiles showing they appreciated the small act of kindness. It wasn't much, but it felt good to stand up to rudeness and help someone out.

A senior woman smiling | Source: Pexels

A senior woman smiling | Source: Pexels

As my friend and I got up to leave, the elderly gentleman waved us over. "Please, let us buy you dessert as a thank you," he said.

"That's very kind of you, but it was nothing," I replied.

"No, really," insisted the older lady. "You made our day. Please, join us."

A senior couple in a restaurant | Source: Pexels

A senior couple in a restaurant | Source: Pexels

We ended up sharing a slice of pie and some pleasant conversation with them. They told us about their grandchildren, and we shared a few laughs. It was a great end to an eventful meal.

If you enjoyed this story of revenge, you might also enjoy this one:

My SIL Ruined My Dress — Is My Revenge Justified?

My pregnant sister-in-law ruined my dress days before my birthday. I know my brother would have wanted me to forgive and forget, but I wasn't going to let it slide. My revenge happened within minutes and left Cindy regretting her actions.

My brother, George, and I have always been close despite our ten-year age gap; he's 27 and I'm 17. Growing up, I would look up to him for advice and he would treat me like a princess. Even when he left for college, George would come home and hang out with me.

Older brother and younger sister | Source: Pexels

Older brother and younger sister | Source: Pexels

While at university, George met Cindy. It was unlike him to open up to our family about someone he was dating, so we knew it was serious. For the past five years, Cindy would join our family for holidays and a few events.

A couple looking at each other | Source: Pexels

A couple looking at each other | Source: Pexels


She had a good relationship with my parents, but somehow, I couldn't connect with her. We had nothing in common, so there was not much to talk about. She's all about the arts and left college early to pursue her career, while I'm gearing up for a more traditional academic path.

Our interactions were polite but distant, like two planets orbiting the same star without ever meeting. One thing I noticed, though, is that she would make a sour face whenever my brother would go the extra mile for me or treat me like the little princess I always was in his life.

An annoyed woman | Source: Pexels

An annoyed woman | Source: Pexels

Four months ago, George announced that Cindy was unexpectedly pregnant. Despite the baby being unplanned, they were both committed to seeing things through together, which now involves staying with us while they sort out their future living arrangements. They also did not want a child to be born out of wedlock, so they tied the knot in court.

A newly wed couple in court | Source: Pexels

A newly wed couple in court | Source: Pexels

My 18th birthday is just around the corner, and I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I saved up and bought myself a lovely new dress, a stylish blazer, and matching shoes because you only turn 18 once. It is a big deal to me.

A girl in a dress with a blazer | Source: Pexels

A girl in a dress with a blazer | Source: Pexels


For my celebration, my parents planned a family lunch at a fancy restaurant, followed by a dinner party with relatives and friends at home. George was on top of things for the house party and even asked some of his friends to DJ and make drinks.

Cindy seemed put off by my plans from the start. She’s been dropping snide comments about how over-the-top she thinks the celebration is. It's weird considering George had a massive bash for his 18th and is helping a lot to plan mine. But I tried to shake off her negativity and focus on the positive.

Find the full story here.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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